L E O carrying a revolver

IF I was to get back into LE, I'd carry my Model 28, it worked for 20 years and still works today. I trust it over any glock I've fired.

Thanks Stag.
That's NOT been a part of qualification or routine training for decades. :)
That's a speed dump, reload, and dump.

It's not the standard timed fire with a specific number of shots on the whistle.
Thanks Stag.
That's NOT been a part of qualification or routine training for decades.
That's a speed dump, reload, and dump.

It's not the standard timed fire with a specific number of shots on the whistle.
Cool--I stand corrected--though the guy doing the shooting looked kinda "apprehensive" and the "administrator" had a clipboard and seemed to be taking notes. His target looked kinda like a shotgun target by the time he was done. ;)
Didn't I just see a murder conviction in the news involving an officer who shot somebody 17 times, with one of the reasons the jury convicted being exactly that?
I just watched the video. have you seen it? he hit with all of those rounds, even pausing while the kid was laying nearly in the fetal position.

There was something seriously wrong with that. But this isn't something to talk about here, unless it's a point to be made about not allowing cops to carry more than six rounds in their duty guns.
No, it's a point about the mentality of "I got 'em, I'm gonna use 'em all."
That conviction was merely a side note in the discussion.
During the transition period, when I was carrying my 25-5 & qualifying next to autos, I outshot at least half of the guys with autos.

In the early 90's when I was in El Paso, TX with the Border Patrol I out shot most of the guys shooting Sig's and Glocks with my 4" 686 and magnum ammo at quals all the time.

No, it's a point about the mentality of "I got 'em, I'm gonna use 'em all."
That conviction was merely a side note in the discussion.

That rears its head frequently in shoot outs.
Confucius say: Pistol man with many misses never win contest against revolver man with solid hits. :)
I don’t really care what cops carry. I carry what I choose, they should carry what they choose.

A good cop isn’t defined by the kind of firepower they carry. An effective cop isn’t either.

If a cop had a neat .357 or .44 on his hip, I’d think it cool.

I carry a Glock 23 though. I’m not cool.
I guess the moral of this story is...
"It's not the one who carries the most ammunition in his firearm... it's the one who puts the solid hits on his assailant first." ;)
"You can't miss fast enough to win."
Some people should listen to Evan Marshall talk about his experiences with both revolver and auto. I've carried both, and I am better with a semi auto pistol. I can reload a Model 10 faster than most can, and hit well with it, so loaded with good ammo I wouldn't feel undergunned with a 38 Spl. revolver, but for on duty use it's a semi auto with two spare mags. Off duty it's a CZ P-10C with two or three mags, depending on circumstances. ;) But, again, I've carried a six shot 38 Special as recently as two years agio, with two speedloaders, a sidearm I was proficient with and could reload relatively quickly, and didn't feel undergunned at all.