Knoxville Paper Publishes Map of CCW!

Knoxville is 3% CCW holder. Man, that's awesome. Can you imagine how much better off we'd all be if LA/NYC/Chi town etc. were all 3% CCW holder or more?
Attention everyone who is ready to take up the torches and pitchforks.

Jake Jost said:
--Absolutely no names or addresses published.

This was a demographics study. You will not see who has what on your block or any other, only how many in total are present in each region.
The Roanoke Times published a list in an on-line database, obtained under Virginia's FOIA, that contained the names and street addresses of every individual in the Commonwealth who has a CCW.

Included in their database were the names of a number of individuals with active protection from abuse orders against abusive former partners, several lower court judges, a number of legislators, and IIRC a state Supreme Court justice.

The columnist who published the list did so as a means of highlighting Virginia's FOIA law.

The reaction was immediate and as can be imagined very hostile. There are plans to introduce a bill in Virginia that would make CCW records off-limits under the FOIA.

In his zeal to prove just how wonderful the FOIA is, the columnist likely helped limit its scope.

Unintended consequences. :)

Oh, and I don't really think it's all that surprising that the major cities have lower rates of CCW than the 'burbs.

Think about why that might be the case. It's not really that difficult to figure out. Cities = liberal & crook havens.
Off topic, but I wonder why my posts have disappeared the last couple of days, including several I made in this thread.

SB - Please see the announcement at the top of the forum - we had a database glitch. -TBM

Ah, ok.
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Yes folks, it's true, the liberal media in Knoxville, TN has posted an interactive map showing the addresses of those in my state who have a handgun carry permit.

RBK, it appears this is not true. In fact, it appears it was discovered in less than an hour that the names were not shown as you why post this? Do you have additional information that we do not know about?
I find it interesting that some of those rural counties have almost 10% of the population as Concealed permit holders. Lets see more of that
If the inflammatory original post was not at all true, maybe "we" owe an apology to Mr. Jost and WBIR? I thank Mr. Jost for bothering to take the time to register here and post his thoughts. Well done, sir, and good points about village idiots and parades and all!

The Roanoke Times hatchet job was justified as an exploration of "sunshine" (i.e., open records) laws in the Commonwealth. But the narrative accompanying the database likened permit holders to child sexual predators and said the public would have a similarly-justifiable desire to know who CHL holders were, and where they lived.

In other words, it was not at all about open records laws. I would hope "Trejballed" would enter the lexicon much as "Zumboed" has.

The WBIR effort seems entirely different both in execution and intention.
It's interesting to note that "Alarmed" gave an apology to Mr. Jost, as reported by HSO over at the High Road. As yet, RBK has been back to this thread, nor (BainX on) its counterpart on THR, to offer the same apology for the rabble rousing he has caused.

note: After the apology by "Alarmed," Mr. Jost evidently deleted all of his comments but one, though there are still several references to these comments by others.

My compliments to Jake Jost, for the way he has handled the negativity that was being posted on his stations comment section. It is a shame that some of us "gunnies" aren't as civil or level-headed.
This Thread should be Renamed

This Trhead should be Renamed or Locked, it really is misleading. No names and address released.
In other words, it was not at all about open records laws. I would hope "Trejballed" would enter the lexicon much as "Zumboed" has.

Yeah, but Mr. James, "Trejballed" doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as "Zumboed". :D

Has anyone else written to Mr. Jost?

I have been having an interesting conversation with him. He's actually looking at the socio-economic demographics versus the permits issued and wondering why permits are much lower in some areas than others.

A question he has is does the cost of the permit discourage some people from getting a CCW permit? And if that is so, does this form some kind of racial discrimination?

The TN permit fee is $115 for a four-year permit with a $50 renewal fee. I think it's likely that the cost of the permit, plus the cost of the mandated 4-hour training class probably runs close to $200. That probably puts it out of reach for some seniors, single-parent households and maybe even single-income households.

He was looking into digging up the arrests of people charged with carrying without a permit and mapping their addresses to see if those who forego the permit are from low-income areas. I did caution him that he'd have to filter the data to weed out those arrested for criminal activities while armed versus those merely without a permit.