Knowing the Opposition - look before you leap

Situational awareness is about more than just one's access to a firearm.

I agree, and I covered that.

What I see are people pointing that out, not saying to treat it like "quiet time".

Someone else said:

The gun in my pocket would not have even come to mind.

I don't think that wise. Again, if something is developing, assessing options is wise. Just because you have a pistol in your pocket doesn't mean it is your only option, but it is certainly one option among many, and I wouldn't completely rule out the possibility of it being needed. I am anything but trigger-happy, but carrying a pistol and then figuratively forgetting it is there when assessing my options in a situation like that is not the way I would play it.
You can start to debate what "come to mind" means for each person. The way I read it was someone being asked to leave a restaurant didn't warrant the pre-planning for the imminent drawing of a firearm. That's not the same as "figuratively forgetting it's there", in my book.

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When we travel, more than a couple of hundred miles, we always eat at the just off the HiWay Waffle houses. Take the seats so I can see the door. Carry on a belt, under shirt. Been in some not so nice areas too.

The described escort out routine. Documented stories of those kinds of thrown out stories have ended not so nice, the person returning with a weapon!

No need to panic, just be aware. Each time a customer arrives, they are greeted. A heads up.
Good food, excellent coffee! Always close to Gas stations. Clean Wash Rooms.
Again, I don't see anyone recommending you not be prepared. If you didn't get the point made or don't agree, fine, but let's move forward.

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The Bad Waffle House! Going to a shoot, before my Buddy retired from a Police Force. Late on a Friday night, off the I-95. Florida, past Titusville.

Packed, all young Black teens, a lone White Cop on Pay Duty. White heavy set. We 2 older white chaps, stood out. Only table empty, covered in paper cups, overflowing printed tin ashtray. I grabbed the whole bunch, dumped it in a bin.

The Officer leaned in, picked the ashtray out, said. "These cost money you know" I looked at him, said nothing, he went outside, used his Radio.
"He is calling for back up," Said my Buddy. We left, tried again, 20 minutes later going north. Spotless Waffle house. Mixed crowd. Eat, tipped, and left.
On the website, there is a bodycam of a very calm truck driver who suddenly lunges at the Officer over a traffic citation, stabbing the Officer in the neck with a screwdriver. The Officer is luckily able to draw and shoot, stopping the vicious and unprovoked attack. And people wonder why so few want to become LEO's?? LOL!!!
The above is the cross that the Police must carry. Their job requires sometimes giving the hard word! You did this or that! And "I require to see your driving license, and proof of insurance!"

You have given permission for body, hands and feet to move, to fulfil your request, commands. Those movements can mask the producing of weapons or hostile actions.

We have all seen bodycam footage of actions erupting with that simple request.
Case in point. NOT erupting.
Working for my Son, Security Co. With a young partner, old car, surveillance, downtown Orlando. Quitting time at 6 pm. Marked Police Car, singled us out, lights and one beep of a siren.

I pulled to the curb, informed my young partner, open your window, sit quite, speak if spoken too. Place both hands on the dash.

When the female Officer arrived at my open window, the engine was off the car in park, key on dashboard hands at ten to two, on the wheel.

A little tension arrived with this Officer! She was drop dead gorgeous! Her uniform fit like it was melted on her! I looked her in the eyes "Good evening Officer" said I. "You have done this before Sir?" I use to teach it, I said.

Tension floated away, short conversation, on our way.

The name and number of the Company, plus the fact that we were armed, not passed on at roll call!