Knife vs. D cell Mag-lite - Which would you choose?

I doubt I will be able to get enough force into my swing to get him to let go of me.


Long ago while a student in martial arts I remember being taught to advance in the face of a bat, stick, 5cell mag lite, etc. For the above reason. In addition an overhead strike can easily be block without severe damage by merely angling your arm causing the force to glance down your blocking arm distributing or cushioning it. Slight movement on the part of the hit-tee can cause your strike to miss the mark also. Once you have missed then you are extremely vulnerable.

Capt Charlie, If I knew in advance that I would be able to get in a head blow to each bad guy then I would agree with the maglite. If direct hits are achieved with both weapons the 5cell will stop the fight faster. It is just harder to get that "direct" hit with the maglite.

One thing is certain, they don't want to get into cutting distance of me with a knife.
? in reverse

if i was doing the attack, i rather intended victim to have the light. :rolleyes:
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Agreed LC, but the problem is that death or disablement comes from loss of blood.

I disagree with this, only because a well trained person can target areas that lead to disablement or even death not entirely due to blood loss. For example cutting the tendons in a person's arm/wrist, if they are carrying a weapon in that hand in disabling and a deep wound into the lungs can interfere with breathing and disable an attacker.

I have mentioned in other threads that I carry a well made folding tactical knife in addition to my CCW weapon, and in fact there are instances where I would attempt to deploy it even before my pistol. The situation mentioned is close to one of them, that is multiple attackers at contact distance, with the CCW/Duty weapon still in it's holster. It is also possible to deploy a knife covertly so an attacker(s) would not even know you are/were armed until you used the weapon.

I cannot think of many situations where I would perfer to be carrying a maglight over a pistol, or even my knife, except that it allows for "less than lethal" force, which may be perferable.
I like a nice impact device as much as the next guy, but I'll be reaching for the knife in this scenario.
If the comfrontation happens during the day, I will use a knife. If in the dark I will use one of my converted Maglites (The MAG 951 II with 1050 lumens) this will take care of blinding the opponent, then I can strike him at leisure with the flashlight hitting a joint (knee, elbow, clavicula).

The job is accomplished better if I use my heavy stainless steel Crenellated bezel.


The MAG 951 II is made on the Maglite 3 D host (so it is 12 1/2 inches long) and weights with the crenellated bezel one pound 16 oz.
The 1050 lumens that the lights put outs is more than double of what the Surefire M-6 does.
Here are some pictures

Beamshots from 43 yards away, camera at 15 yards.

Surefire M-6 (500 lumens)


MAG 951 II with the Rolls Royce battery carrier (1050 lumens)


The advantage of the mega light (when is dark) is that you can blind as many opponents as you have, and make your choice of engage them or retreat.
black bear
Either is good,

For my family each car has a two cell mag-lite from them to grab and use.
In mine, its either the CPL carry or the Buck 110. Third is the vehicle it self.
Been there, made the choice, but it wasn't really a choice

OK, first of all, I want to point out that I cannot go into too many details, but I had an incident a numbr of years ago where I had to make exactly the choice posed by the thread starter. I am not kidding, this is no internet BS. I did not choose the Mag Light. I just naturally went for it. Thinking was not involved, only doing. It was very zen. One point of difference, the knife option I had was not 6" it was only 3", but I did not even think about the knife. I went for the Mag instantaneously, and it worked out very well. I respect all the posts and the opinions, and I do not disagree, but I found the Mag Light surprisingly effective in self defence aginst multiple attackers. I should point out that I do have defensive training and did then, and physical fitness training has been a part of my daily life for 25 years.
Knife, absolutely. If the fight becomes a prolonged one for survival, then making them bleed out is the key. They can pretty easily block your flashlight blows enough to stay conscious, and the adrenaline will keep them going despite blunt trauma blows, even with broken bones.
I'll take the knife, and slit their throats open. and stab them in the eyes


I'll take the mag light and crush their windpipe. and bust open their eyeballs.
What about that wonderful contraption that was the D-Cell Maglite w/ the one shot .410 shot gun? That'd beat a knife any day of the week. -BamaXD
Once Again:

If a knife is just a tool, then a 6" fighting knife is a tool with a purpose. It would also be a CCW in most states. Now since either the knife or club is a deadly weapon, and the heavily favored knife is a CCW, WHY ARE WE NOT GUNNED UP HERE?

If you think you may need to defend your life, WHY HALF @$$ IT?

Is anyone with me on this?
Over here a knife with a fixed or locking blade of more than three inches is illegal for street carry, period. A pointed article can get you into equal trouble with the law. A 4 cell maglite is not illegal , and lets face it, a maglite is not really a torch (Flash light), it's a cudgel that can be used as a torch.
By the way, in my view if you are facing two or more opponents and have to use a cudgel or edged weapon, and have the opportunity to be elsewhere, that is not cowardice, it's prudence. Put those running shoes on and Golf Lima Foxtrot.

As a side note, due to the edged weapon laws, our home grown junkies have taken to robbing people with large drill bits. Sufficiently threatening to intimidate, easy to explain or discard if stopped by Police, cheap and easy to acquire.
Against 2 people Maglite Hands down ant the resons why
1) Stuck knife- If you manage to stab someone deep enough with a knife you will play hell getting it out again , even if the Knife has blood grooves the suction makes you twist and yank to get it back out. thats if it doesent hit cartilage or bone.
2) Pain is what stops most people A good sharp knife cut IE slicing cut doesn't hurt.
3)don't use the maglight as a club think of it as a fencing style sword jab it into the Solar plexus or the trachea.
4) to be proficient with a knife you need to train with one, just like a firearm.
I have been traing in Judo for twice a week for three years and against two people attacking together I would still try the old heal toe exspress first
the knife would be a better choice by far.

the only close combat use I could see the maglite coming in handy for is joint locks, but you would have to be doing some pretty impressive judo to incapacitate one guy with a maglite and still fend off the other.

with the knife, however, you pretty much just swing it real fast and you can keep them both at bay
knife or maglite

Knife is the better choice:
1) even a glancing strike can disable via injury to muscle, tendons
2) large knife (7" or more) can amputate fingers, hands, etc. - I have seen this often enough in emergency rooms.
3) very few strikes with a baton will be disabling - you would have to hit bone or nerve trunks or the head; these are pretty limited targets - a hit on deltoid, biceps, etc may cause some pain but will not prevent use of that extremity
4) blood loss can be surprisiningly rapid from a large deep cut - this can end the fight much faster than you might believe
5) knife can be used to slash or thrust - the club for is most effective effective with a swinging blow, not a thrust, unless one is very skilled
6) if you are going to swing and not thrust a tomahawk or hatchet is quite deadly and a much better choice than a flashlight
mag lite, less chacnce of "killing" them with the lite but better chance of getting out of the situation ( mag lite is longer) and can break a nose or a knee cap a sure fight ender.. if it is night you can also temp,. blind them with the light