Knife vs. D cell Mag-lite - Which would you choose?


New member
Let's say you have two assailants closing the distance to attack you and hurt you real bad. You can't run and you are in reasonable fear for your life. You can pick a 6" fighting knife or a 4D cell Mag-lite. You can't pick both.

Which would you choose and why?

(Let's assume you are trained in both knife fighting and how to use a club)
Obviously in the particular situation given, I'd take whichever comes to hand quicker.

IRL, though, I'd take the Mag-Lite. I wouldn't prefer edged weapons for self-defense; with a blunt tool there's a wider piece available on the use-of-force scale.

BTW, what is the logic in so many here carrying knives? Is it not important to be able to make a clear distinction between stopping an attack and deliberately killing or maiming the attacker?
With which does the individual have the best chance of stopping the attack the quickest.

Death of attacker is secondary. Attacker already made the choice.

A knife is foremost a tool, and a weapon second.
There are things I need a knife for every day, but I doubt I'd need a BIG flashlight.
If someone ever says something to the extent that only criminals carry knifes, make sure you point out all the positive things a knife can be used for. E.g. opening boxes, cutting rope etc... Daily tasks.

I carry a knife daily. I do not carry a flashlight, a big honking one or otherwise. I see just fine in the dark, thanks. I agree with Sam; he's made his choice. If he has a club and I have a blade, I may end up with a broken arm, but I'll also be the one who leaves the encounter outside of a bag.

Regards to Mas Ayoob, who gave me this.

First of all as posed this is a lethal encounter (you are out numbered two to one in a disparity of force) so either could be used with lethal techniquies. The knife the prefered choice
1. Faster / more manuverable with multiple opponents.
2. Something I will have on me all the time (as mentioned)
3. Knive has more options available for stopping the fight without my having to commit my weight / balance to a specific attack line (i have more freedom of movement)
4. Better intimidation value.
5. If I was going to use flashlight as impact weapon I would want either my 4 or 6 cell "C" maglite ( better grip more concentrated impact.

Note: I am a Jujitsu instructor and have trained in both knife and stick.
The mag light is a better defensive weapon. The knife is a better offensive weapon. If two people are coming at me and I beleive that this IS a life threatening situation; as soon as they close distance on me I will be on the offensive.

So I have to go with the knife.

Ideally I'd like both.
Why can't I use the

24" sword I bought ar thecrenonsance fair a couple of years ago? The man called it a poinard I think. I practice with it on occosion(ok every once in a while I hold it up and say "there can be only one" but who does'nt?) She swings good has a nice but not razor sharp edge. point works well too. if I can't have my 38 or 45 I want my sword! (not to mention the 120lb Saint & 50lb pit.

I'd like to try this one out.

I've had some (key word some ) training in the use of a knife in self defense. I am by no stretch of the imagination a professional. However, I think my knife is better suited for this purpose.

If you will get a piece of PVC pipe that is the length of your sword; I'll get one that is the length of my knife and lets have some training practice.

cut it!

I would choose the knife because a knife will still cause damage if the strike is badly aimed, where a flashlight will only smart. There is also a physcological advantage with the knife, Drawing blood,even if its not disabling may cause the assailants to break off the attack. The knife is also harder for the attackers to disarm from you. A big enough knife will disarm,dishand, or dishead your attacker, effectively ending it, while a flashlight might.
I'd pick the MagLite. Knives require closer proximity than impact weapons and the MagLite would allow me to damage from a greater distance.

Not that the fight wouldn't go close or that a knife is useless in such a situation. But engaging with a knife means that I'm in range of their personal tools (fists, knees, elbows, etc.) and I can use the MagLite from a greater distance or close in.

The tool doesn't really matter if you know how it works. A knife can certainly be used to back off or deal with an assailant. So can the MagLite (read: impact weapon). The specific tactics you would use in this situation would differ with what weapon you had available to you. Also, you could lose either one and then you need to have empty-hand skills to rely on.

Kind of depends on what they are armed with(or unarmed with?)

For keeping them at bay and also at arms reach, I'd pick the flashlight, but since I have small hands and the D cell is a little on the large size giving me not a perfect grip, I'd go with the knife....

Depends on your training, you don't necessarily have to maim or kill with a knife....submission holds, wounds in the right places, can change people's minds quickly. Tends to make them want to be elesewhere.

Was threatened by a bully once at a park. He had about a 12 inch piece of pipe, I had my Cub Scout knife. I placed the dull edge of the blade against his throat and asked him to prepare to meet his Maker...or drop the pipe. This after I feigned submission and got close enough to put the non-cutting edge in the appropriate location....kept the knife hidden against my pant leg.

He chose option #2. See? No maiming or killing.
while I am sure training has a large part to do with it

when it comes to edged weapons I beleave the longer ones [upmto a point of course] have better reach thius are supior to shorter.[in other words a 6' knife vs a 20 inch sword both in the hands of properly equally trained people the sword will win the day. as always training makes a big difference.
Knife. Just came home from a Systema knife class. The knife has its own power and never runs out of ammunition, it is superior in reach to empty hands and may be used to effectively disarm. If there are two guys closing distance they must think they are superior in force and maybe have you cornered. RMA teaches exactly this kind of stuff. All you are interested in is calmly going to the exit. The BGs trying to stop you are just in the way - too bad for them.
Court issues aside and provided the knife was good quality, I would take the knife. The Maglite is alright but I would much rather be able to bulldog the assailant with a blade.
This is easy---the knife.

The knife is a designed weapon. The flashlight is an improvised weapon.

Advantages of knife-

easy to hold
easy to retain
quick to manuver

What happens when a person pulls a knife on a cop? They pull there guns and shoot him, and or pepper spray while being covered with a gun.