Knife People

I've seen that knife...actually alot of them.
They were all over the gun show that I went to last...I passed it up...but I even remember one with a Smith and Wesson logo on it.
That 35 dollar auto you are talking about is a copy of the Benchmade spike.
Swamprat- dont sob- that BM 3500bt has real steel-ats-34 and is an all around terrific knife-one of my favorite autos.
The spike knockoff feels good and is decent-but you probably would not be able to get a lot of real use out of it (other than opening mail) before the blade went dull and the edge chipped. I could be wrong.
That being said, I do have one - silver like Robs that I will sell for $35 plus shipping. If interested let me know.
BTW-I am enjoying all the posts-thanks.
The Smith Autos com ei ntwo styles that I noticed, one had a very big handle and large handgaurd thingies (what are they called??!!??). These blade lokoed very similar to teh gray ones that Benchmae puts out. The others were bright silver and had rubber pads on the handles, the button on these was flush with the surface of the handle and I found it hard to operate, seems like someone said that these were made by Boker.
I really liked the Paragon X-O mini-lite (or something like that) but the dude wanted $140 and the clip was on the wrong end, so I walked.
Yeah, I'm interested...
If the blade itself is a bit flaky, can you switch out the blade with a better one with a little modifying?

Yeah, I want one.
yes, you cna switch the blade. Make sue the guy who does it knows what he is doing. Not only the size, but the wieght must also me similar to the original, to get the right AUTO action.
I have a custom blade being built for my Benchmade "thin" Auto, the one that originally came with a Mel Purdue blade.
If I have cloths on I'm carrying a Spyderco.
My favorite is my stainless Police, other wise it's my stainless Endura or Harpy.
Never Really figured myself for a knife person, but while I was at this hunting ranch down in Texas this past weekend (Krooked River Outfitters) I saw a picture that converted me. It was a guy kneeling over a dead Wild Hog witha bloody knofe in his hand, I said "I need to do THAT!"

If any of you have ever hunted with a knife, then you know what I learned: It is the most thrilling way to hunt. Wrestling an animal down and putting the knife through the heart is pretty damn exhilirating. I highly recommend this for someone who wants to see what their knife can do. (Make sure you have a good "catch dog" distracting the business end of the hog when you grab it though!)

I even got to use my New 6Z Surefire and it's lanyard on these hunts!

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 11-12-98).]
I would like to start carrying a folder clipped to my front strong side pocket. They seem very obvious, i.e. not concealed. Are there any systems for legally carrying a knife so that it is totally concealed? I don't want to make co-workers, clients, etc. nervous. Thanks.
Basics of California law: requires open carry...and no fixed blades.

Has it really gone so far left out there that you have to be concerned about coworkers opinions of your pocket/jack/folding knife?
Uh, Rich, is that a rhetorical question? Many people are disturbed by firearms and serious knives. I don't think a pen-knife would bother anyone, but a 4" blade is not a pen-knife, and would be commented on when worn with a suit and tie. I have pretty strong feelings on the right to keep and bear arms, but like religous and political affiliations, it's difficult to change anyone's mind about these things. I try to keep to discussing them with like minded folks or close friends. dk
DK, my experience with carrying knives may help you overcome your concern about the way others may react to you. I wear a suit most days, travel frequently on business and often give lectures. There is always one of several Benchmades clipped to my pants pocket. It has become a part of my "expected" attire, there are often comments made about the knife, but I assure you that not only is it accepted (with the exception of the occasional airport security person), but has helped to encourage others to carry also.