Knife People


I am new to the forum. I recently saw a post on another forum asking the question of whether knife enthusiasts were generally gun enthusiasts as well. There was not much of a response. I was interested in finding if many people interested in firearms were also interested in knives, whether more as tools for hunting and fishing, as backup weapons, or general collecting. Thanks in advance for any response.
By all means, you can mention the name of that other Forum. It's called . Run by Mike Turber and Spark. They've lent us technical and other support and we consider them our "Sister Forum" for the knife industry.

Good guys. Great Forum.
Rich Lucibella
I've always had guns AND knives around. I carry a gun AND a knife, if not several of each, every day. I consider knowledge of and use of one and not the other to be limiting one's utility and defensive applications.
I carry both a gun and a fixed blade knife. I feel that both are vitally important. I consider my knife my back up weapon but In certain situations it becomes my primary weapon. I also aggree with Hilton on the importance of training and I also train in the use of both weapons.
Guns and knive seem to be like peanut butter and jelly, they just GO TOGETHER... but not every one is a gun person.
Personaly, I love knives... I dont know why either. I am not big on the idea of cutting someone open after seeing so many stab victims. But I still pack a knife with me. Columbia River Knife And Tools make VERY GOOD knives and sell them cheap as heck - only to gain popularity then they will go up I'm sure. There new KISS knives are the most thought out knives I have seen. And the new Apache is just about become a part of me. I am looking for things to cut! Got a box to open - give me a call I am on my way... I'll cut it open for you with my new Apache, and wont charge a thing.... Kidding. But I do look forward to opening the mail now.
There are a number of things a gentleman (or lady) shouldn't be without, namely their wits, dignity, coin of the realm, a way home, and a knife. Mostly, I just see knives as a tool that's very useful day to day. I have representatives from Gerber, Syderco, Victonix, Tekna, K-bar, Benchmade, and most recently, a CRKT Mirage (Kodiac is right on, great knives at a reasonable price, & the KISS is just way cool, they will be in many friends' Xmas stockings this season). Stay sharp, M2
Ooooo! I fergot, if you haven't already found it, the Knife Center of the Internet is a great place to browse and shop, Offering the KISS for 29.99, By all means support your local dealer, but if they don't have the variety, check it out:[] M2
the Knife Center is where I got my STIFF KISS knife. Loved the folder and just had to check out the fixed blade. It makes an excelent Neck knife, or belt knife due to its wonderfully clever kydex sheath that lets you position the blade in more ways you can think of. They are worth spending your money on CRKT knive that is - not just the KISS knives... I'll make this offer... If you buy a CRKT knife, and you dont like it - send it to me and I'll pay the shipping for it!
Glad to here the interest in knives. Knifecenter is a good dealer with good service. I also like Discount Knives who sells the KISS for 19.95, I believe. I also do some knife sales from time to time, very limited to high end stuff. If you need something quickly or paid with a credit card, use Knifecenter or Discount Knives or one of the other numerous dealers with good service. If you want something that is difficult to find, springy, or you just want the cheapest possible price and dont mind waiting a few days, email me. This was not meant to be self promotion, for this is more of a hobby than a business, Anyway. Thanks a lot for all the responses. I am glad to have found this new forum.
Ian Sharp
I have always viewed firearms and knives as complimentary companions. Having a knife handy is a natural thing. The benefit/curse is that knives are more socially acceptable than firearms. At work I can't carry my gun(s) I can however carry knives, and thusly carry 2.

Though I collected knives as a teenager I never could afford good ones but now I'm older and know better. As I only recently got back into knives my collection is just beginning: Spyderco Delica (60/40 serr.), and Gerber Applegate-Fairbairn Covert Folder (Double-Bevel)

But I've got my eye on: Benchmade Sentinel (M875), STIFF K.I.S.S., A-F Combat Folder, and, and, and... (Sorry just lost it there for a little bit. Need some coffee...)
Knives are GREAT stuff!
I carry two blades every day.
Feels strange if I don't have them always ready at hand.
Even carry them aboard airplanes.
I sometimes get stares at the metal detectors, but I haven't been stopped yet.
BTW, anybody know what a TEKNA Microknife is worth these days? I got it about ten years ago. I thought it was cute, but tempermental.
Also, since we have a 'Knife Channel' here, how about a 'Gun Channel' there? Potentially, it'll bring in more participants.
Thanks alot! You people cost me money last night! Had to go out and get my Benchmade Sentinel w/ black straight-edged blade and blue Titanium liners. Beautiful!!!
If you guys are ever passing through East Tennessee stop by the Smoky Mountain Knife Works, My wife was doing somework in nearby Pigeon Forge last year and I spent a couple happy hours walking through the store it is like a Bass Pro Shop or LL Bean for Knife lovers. (Of course, I had to buy a couple things while I was there...)
knife knife knife gun gun knife knife knife gun gun

In a pefect world, all guns would come with coupons for free knives.
And all knives would come with coupons for free guns.

And everyone lives happily ever after!
Most folks who fancy themselves "tactical" have a folder, probably most often clipped to their dominant-side front pockets. I know I do, and I feel naked without it. I actually have a keychain knife that I prefer to use for most chores I encounter.
My benchmade fits perfectly in that extra little 5th pocket on my jeans. That is my prefered carry, leaves plenty showing to grab when/if it needs to be drawn.
I usually lean towards brands I can trust, but today I saw a knife on a table that I thought was Benchmade auto with a finish I had never seen. (I've owned four of them. So I picked it up, pushed the button and the goo d strong benchmade design flung the blade out quickly and solidly, there was that familiar Spike blade, half serated, but with no butterfly. I flipped the knife over and there was a good metal clip screwed into the folder. I closed it and opened it again, then I asked the guy at the table, how much? $150? no. $125? no. $100? no. $40.00 yes.
I couldn't belive it, I mean this is an exact copy, but no markings, so I figure it is not a "fake" benchmade, like some fake Rolex watch or something. Of course, I talked the guy down to $35.00,
. It was his last one, or I'd've bought some for christmas presents.

Anyone familiar with a NP3 colored Benchmade auto copy?
You bought an AUTO knife for only $35.00?
=8-O <- shocked surprize!
Can I get you to be a shopping "agent" for me? I would love to have one too - but the ones I find are always over a hundred.

If you find any more - let me know. I am all over that!
We passed it around yesterdaya nd all tried to find soemthing wrong with it. So far, "ugly silvery finish" is our best complaint.
That really doesn't stand up to the cost vs. cool lookingness test.

I bought the last one of those particualr knives, but there were AUTOs all over that place for less thana hundred. The Smith &Wesson Tactical Ops knives were there for around $65-85 depeding on the size, they are made by a big company, I forget which one. Some of the Paragons were under a hundred.

I know I have seen discontinued benchmade models under $100, too.
Darn,,, I just got a new Benchmade auto 3500BT and payed over a $100. Oh well,it,s only money. (sob sob) Next time i will come to Rob and ask first...