Klinton about to announce new "crime bill"...

Rob, I get your drift. He has not encouraged me to purchase anything. He's trying to get parts for my AR-15, but the suppliers are not shipping. Evidently they are holding out for the fall-out of this legislative feeding frenzy.

Are the pigs hungry, yet? :D


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

I went to www.cnn.com and could not find an email address, but the page *is* huge so I may have missed it.

Let me know the email address and I will politely and concisely correct them.

Ps- California has a more unbelievable bill going that tell us that we can't even have more than ten rounds ON OUR PERSON, IN OUR OWN HOME. Clinton ain't got nothin on us. Not only that, but we have to sell all our hi-cap mags out of State. No Grannie clause here. That's easy for me...I am just going to go along with my mags to Arizona.
I don't mean to sound like a doomsayer or a "far right whacko", but it wouldn't surprise me if a small civil war started in Kalifornia, sooner or later. I mean, the California State Government has done almost all it can do to its gun-owning citizens, except explicably demand for an armed conflict with these same citizens. How much intrusion is to much? When do people stand up and say "We've been pushed to far" and "enough is enough". I fear the citizens of California may be very close to that point. Who knows, Stockton and Sacremento may ultimately become synonomous with Lexington and Concord. I hope I'm wrong, but the backs of law-abiding gunowners are already up against the wall. There isn't very much room left to manuever or negotiate. Fighting and dying for your rights is better than not fighting at all and becoming a slave. Defeat is not a certainty, either. Winning is a definite possibility.

[This message has been edited by ElevenO (edited April 28, 1999).]
To be honest, Eleven-o, I am already hearing discusions of "Where should I send my guns.." , "Will my stuff be grandfathered..."... and "I'd rather give it up than register..."

I don't think California will be the place where we'll see a real stand being made.
RE 10 rounds possession.

What bill is that? I follow them and never heard of it. There is the 10 round capacity mag limit, but I'm not aware of just loose ammo. Interesting considering most ammo is sold in lots larger than 10 rounds.

After the retroactive tobacco tax (Rob Reiner's big screw) I wouldn't be surprised at anything these swine try to pull off

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC -

I wish I could tell you the Bill but I am not certain of it. I have seen the number and the Bill, but never memorized it. I have talked with numerous gun shop owners and one of them has a binder on his shelf of all the pending laws. The 10-round limit is said to very likely pass because of the people "we" have voted in. (Davis, Boxer, Feinstein).
It will outlaw the mere possession of "hi-cap" mags in California, even in your home, and even limit the number of rounds you can have on your person. In other words you can only have ONE ten round mag on your person, or two five round mags etc. Even in your own home, if you are wearing your gun, you can only have a total of ten rounds on your person. As you can see, if someone comes in your home and you shoot them, you better only have ten rounds on your person. All hi-cap mags must be turned in or sold out of State.
If I get down to the gun shop, I will look up the Bill number, but the gun shop owners here have told me that they are assuming it will pass. There may be other things tacked on about assault weaposn, but I am unsure. The gun shop owners have nothing to benefit by telling me this, because they are telling me NOT to buy their hi-cap mags, so I don't think it is an exaggeration.
It is a very shocking trampling of our rights, and apparently it is going to go through. I don't think that Californians are going to do a damn thing. Most are weak and brainwashed. Most people that have a spine and want their rights are simply moving out.

[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited April 28, 1999).]
How is this for brilliant investigating:
The ATF says that they tracked the guns back to a gun show (two of them) that were bought by the mutant's girlfriend. The news program reports this right after they report about how gun shows are "huge loopholes where no one has to register and no questions are asked".

Excuse me...I think I see a slight tip they could have picked up: how did the ATF track the guns back to the gun show if no one registered them? The ATF says that they requested all registration files from the gun dealers at the gun show. The media failed to put 2 and 2 together.

These people are clueless, and I doubt that many listeners in America were bright enough to pick up that paradox.

Not only that, but have you heard about how many bombs they have found at schools in the last few days? Not bomb threats...real BOMBS! I counted at least five different States that say that Police have found bombs at High Schools in the last week. Some of them were multiple bombs planted in one school, and one student who threatened to bomb had bomb-making supplies at his house.
Attacking guns is obviously not going to help...whackos have discovered a better way already. Who needs guns when you can blow people up?

The california law that you were talking about considers anything that has a detachable magazine to be considered an assault weapon (you think your 22 rimfire certainly couldnt be an assault weapon WELL THINK AGAIN). Also the new law forces all magazines over 10 rounds to be converted to only accept 10 rounds and that it will be illegal to have more than 10 rounds loaded at one time. You can have 1 round loaded in 10 of your 10 round magazines but its illegal to have any more rounds loaded. Now it really pisses me off that they hide all this gun legislation that is aimed to ban guns completely in one bill that is advertised as a bill to just close a loopole in the existing assault weapon ban.
And I thought Connecticut was bad. You Kalifornia boys are getting hit pretty hard. Right up there with Taxachusetts and New Jersey. So when does Kalifornia break away from the Union and delare itself independent?