Klinton about to announce new "crime bill"...

Rob Pincus

New member
Our Glorious president is about to announce his anti-gun proposals in a crime bill. His handlers are saying that he "does not want to debate gun control in the context of the Littleton Shooting," but he wants to act now, while the "nations attention is focused". Focused on what they did not say.

The First Lady started the press conference off, stating that the recent shooting has reminded us that we must keep our children safe...

Quite disappointingly, Sen. Fiengold was on the stage, counting himself among the anti's... He is a special disappointment, becuase I heard him speak last fall about how the 2nd Amend. most assuredly applies to individuals.

In a predictable, and tacky, PR move, they timed the Conference to overlap the moment f silence in Denver, so they of course, joined them in a moment of silence.... grrrrrrrrr.

Fienstien all of sudden has become an expert on Bomb making, not just gun violence.
She wants to restrict the posting of information of information on the internet if "it is known that it could be used in an illegal way."
Oh.. now I get it.. She just explained how assualt weapons make it unecessary to "aim precisely".. apparently you can aim from the hip and "spray" an area with large clips full of bullets.

Sen. Chaffee made everyone laugh with confused merriment when he quipped that "otherwise rational citizens" seem too interpret the Constitution as allowing them to be "armed to the teeth."

Rep. Conyers lamented that handguns are the leading cause of death for young blacks. He named the NRA as the number one obstacle to getting guns from criminals. He recieved scattered applause when he asked other congressmen to join him in trying to pass new gun control legislation "Tomorrow." He repeatedly invoked the emotional call of honoring the dead in Littleton, apparently he aims to do so by depriving their survivors of a means of defense.

Rep. McCarthy took her turn at the podium with a tear in her eye. She lamented the killing and wounding of her family members on the train in LY.. but never mentioned that if they'd've been armed and trained they would likely have been able to save themselves.
She made an impassioned call to American Citizens to contact their congressmen and let them now how they feel.. ( I second that !!)

The President rambeled around for a few minutes taking about all the people who are working sooooo hard (like Al Gore...), and he blamed "cultural differences" as the source for conflict. He then talked about the "hunting and sport shooting culture".. he mentioned that he grew up in it and that he shot a can witha .22 when he was a kid. He said that some people are afraid that "they'll get my shotgun and I'll have to miss duck season".. he tried to characterize people afraid of losing their guns as paranoid.. he said "Nobody is going to take their guns away.".... (gee, I've said that ;))...

He said that gun rights proponents are caught up in "a web of distorted logic."

He says that we should put up with a "little hassle and a littel wait" in order to "save several thousands kids a year.

Here is the list:

1. Strengthen Brady. (he quoted the 250,000 stopped processes again) He called for the 3 day wait to come back.
Apply Brady provisions to Explosives.

2. Keep violent juveniles to ever be allowed to buy guns.

3. Apply background checks to all transfers at Gun Shows.
He then characterized gunshows as convenient for gunowners and he said "I'm sorry, it's worth the hassle".. to end them.
He says that gunshows are "a gaping loophole for criminals and deranged persons."

4. Close loopholes that allow the sale of "older" (ie- Pre-Ban) high capacity magazines. He demonized someone who said that high capacity magazines were used in some competitions.

5. Raise legal age of handgun POSSESION from 18 to 21. it is already 21 to purchase, but this would make it illegal for a parent to give a 18-20 year old a handgun.

6. counsleing for students caugth with guns.

7. Holding parents responsible (criminally) for transfering guns to minors, or "recklessly" making them available.

8. Double the number of cities tracking every gun siezed by the police.. that means Dealers ahve to reports all guns they transfer to the police.. new and used.

9. Mandate that safety locks are included with every gun.

Anybody got a spare $50k so we can run the FOUP ad next week???


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited April 27, 1999).]
60 minutes did a large segment on this incident...

Amazingly Andy Roony was the most logical about it.

I listening to all the anti's on c-span. I can barely keep from vomiting. Rep. Conyers (D-Michigan) said England and Austrailia have the only meaningful gun control. Washington is full of a-holes. Makes me sick. The only people that shouldn't have guns are the idiots that vote for these morons.
Weiser09: Your comment brings to mind an old saying: "Democracy is a system under which we all get what the majority deserves." Don't worry, they probably WILL be disarmed... Along with the rest of us!
"Next train to the camps, leaving on track 7. Bring nothing with you. We will take care of your property. Everything you will need will be provided. Women and children in these cars, men in those. Heil Clinton."

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 27, 1999).]

Does this mean that I can't even let my 13 year old son shoot a handgun at the local range under my supervision? About the Hi-Caps, does this mean that it would be illegal to have one if this thing of Klinton's passes? Sorry if I have posted a dumb question.

what were most afraid of has happened in
Canada and Australia, if anyone thinks that
it can't happen in U.S.A.their sadly mistaken
all hi cap mags will be taken off market first.no more cheap AK mags from exotic lands
some time before Clinton gets out there will
be an attempt to confiscate all mags over 10 rds,an amnesty period to turn in mags or face criminal charges when the cops find them in your possesion,some weird things are
happening and I can't see how pipe bombs
or probably stolen guns have the ability to
start another government gun grab, 65 million gun owners and are the rest of our population DUMBASS drones???

Honest answer: I don't have a clue what any of it really means.. and if an y of it comes to apss, it is still well off.

BUT: I would guess that they would suspend the TRANSFER of any high capacity mags.

Furthermore, I doubt they would outlaw kids using guns under adult supervision, but it could well be made illegal for a fatehr to give his son a .22 rifle and sending him out into the woods looking for squirrels during hunting season. The difference being the adult supervision.

Back to the actual proposed legislation, The NEws Channele continue to report the following two items, though they were not mentioned by Clinton in his speech:

1. "assualt Rifle" ownership age changed to 21, from 18.

2. Limit of 1 handgun purchase per month per indivdual.

If there is such a thing as a written version of the president's proposal.. if a bill even has been drafted, I'd love to see it.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited April 27, 1999).]
I am just ranting here, but the handgun law is the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time. What the heck good does it do to only allow people to purchase one hadgun a month? I fail to see the logic, or where they came up with that one. Not many people are any more dangerous with multiple handguns (you only have so many hands), so what is that going to stop? Whatever it "stops", if anyone wants a stockpile of handguns, they just buy one a month for a year. Of all the laws, that one has to be the most assinine, followed by the "ten round mag" ban, which has no basis either and makes no sense.

They are limiting our rights to degree. That is like saying "we won't force you to stop having kids, but we will only let you have one a decade", or "we won't keep you from printing your anti-government newsletter, but we will limit it to one page". Rights are rights, period, and limiting them goes against the point.
Sorry for the rant. Don't worry, I rant at everyone, especially (and politely) to anti-gunners. I don't always waste my time "preaching to the choir", but this time I had to point out how dumb that law is.

Ps- I would be surprised if they would "confiscate" all high cap mags for the simple reason that it is really going over the line. All federal laws before have been "grandfather claused". Only cities and perhaps States so far, to my knowledge, have ever passed a law requiring you to turn in that which you already own. Example: San Franciso ordering that downtown residents turn in guns.

On the bright side Sen. Trent Lott (MS) said that this is overkill. "This is the kind of knee-jerk reaction you get in Washington. Oh, goodness, we've had a crime so we need more gun control." The quote may not be exact, but it's real close.
Also the NBC reporter said there was opposition from both parties.
I was at my gun dealer's today, and he said that there would be no "grandfathering". I'm not sure of his source.

Also he expressed to me the frustration that he has experienced when he can not get parts and magazines for guns that "might" be included in this new legislation.

Evidently they are holding out for the fall-out so that they can sell at an inflated price, should some be legislated on.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

John/az.. I don't know your dealer, but I bought a couple guns back in '93/'94 that I didn't need because I listened to dealers, if you get my drift. I paid a lot more than those guns are worth today....

There has been no mention by anyone in govt about confiscation of anything.
Well one thing was obvious today-and I watched it all-I have been wrong calling him Slick Willie.From now on it is SICK Willie.
The man is sick!The whole charade was sick!

Better days to be,

The law is for protection of the people.
Rules are rules don't never mind the cost.
Just remember who those laws were protecting,
When they nailed our Savior to the cross.

Kris sure had as away of putting things.
Rob:According to the transcript of the Fur,,,I mean, that man's speech: http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1999/04/27/clinton.crime/
He is quoted as saying "Raise the limit to 21 to purchase a handgun.
If this isn't a misquote by CNN, then this piece of $hit is even more revolting than I ever thought possible. That is a blantant attempt to cash in on a tragedy. I would hope that some one would point out publicly that he is some 31 years behind the times at best, and at worst, grandstanding in his distortion of the law for personal fame.
What a slime. Course with Reno as his legal source, I can see how he could be misinformed.

ABC made the grevious mistake of reporting the Presidential drivel on the Nightly News and they, yet again, have incurred my rath. We have an e-mail relationship, you see, where I let them know it, in no uncertain terms, each and every time they report lies and misinformation corcerning firearms.

Therefore, this very evening, while still watching the news (I have a TV beside my computer), I have composed another in a long list of e-mails informing them of the following:

1) There is no gun show loophole - the same laws that apply to gun purchases away from the gun show apply equally at the gun show.

2) There is no Internet loophole - see argument above. I reminded them the Internet was just the advertisement medium not the seller.

3) If they doubt anything I said they should contact th BATF and check for themselves.

4) Once the error in their report was confirmed I would personally appreciate it if they would report the truth to their listeners. I said that I felt they owed us the truth.

I failed to mention the handgun purchase by juviniles bull*hit. I heard one report saying "sale" and one saying "possesion". One is a lie and the other is misleading. One of you guys should help me out and e-mail them. Perhaps multiple people reporting multiple errors in their report will arrouse the inate reporter suspicion in them and they will expose this crap for what it is!!

Mikey (when pissed)
The part that has me baffled is the explosives crap. Last time I checked you needed a license to buy explosives, The news here said it was for "Dynamite" & blasting caps. I'm thinking we're talking Primers & Powder. Can you imagine dealing with a background check to buy a $2.00 pack of primers?