King Of 2 Miles....

Even thinking about trying to make a shot that far away makes my head hurt.
But then again I've only shot past 300y a handful of times.. there just aren't many ranges setup for longer then that.. I wonder where they trained?
I shoot 600 yds weekly, and I've shot 1K a few times, quite challenging, I can't fathom a 1.7 mi. shot.... someday on my bucket list is to head out west with a 338LM and try !!
Here's comparison of 416 target cases, 1st 416 HE, have whole bunch.
Second is model of what I'd have made on medium machine, if I could,
the 416 HE Long. It has capacity of 230gr..
Third is our 416 HSM which we are working on making by wildcatting bmg
cases, And if had big run long cases made, we'd make longer 375 HE
by necking down 416 . Ed..


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The 12ga FH case now is in the new COTW book on
last page in the wildcat section, I think page 324.
They gave good credit to Rob for the idea of that case....

The model 416 HE long case in middle, hydro formed one,

has case capacity of 240 gr, and the 416 HSM in picture,

on the right, we fired a case twice, capacity is 320gr.. Ed..


Shooters talking more now; short, fat cases sticking, pockets not lasting as expected.
Trying to get best speeds the things raising pressures are bad case proportions, too fast of
powders, and the debth of the bullet into the powder space, as shown in the picture below..
My 375, 416, etc testing, bullets loaded like bottom one, in longer freebore....Ed.

Do you think cases that large and with that much capacity would benefit from a tube from primer to front and 2 or three different powders for progressive burn?
I'm brain dead this morning and can't think of the term for this.
It should give nice increase in velocity and cooler longer barrel life.
Elmer Keith experimented with tube primers and the results were good, but apparently not favorable enough to prompt any ammo company to pick the idea up and run with it.

Using two powders in a cartridge (usually with a faster burning powder over a slower burning powder) is called a duplex load. I suppose a triplex load would be the same thing with three powders.
I messed with it in my Weaatherby .270. A lot of trouble but above 4400fps with 90 grain Speer which vaporized and the cases normal or redone only, three times to four times with annealing.
Military artillery rounds, some of them use or used this. Holes on the sides of tube also changed burning powder characteristics. Real slow powders , I think, necessary over .50 BMG could possible leave unburned powder from such massive charges, which that might solve, was my thought. I paid over 280.00 I think for 8lbs of powder for 223 CF I think. I can't imagine you cost for powder with near 300 grains loadings.
Is anyone using a 20mm rifle for the competition?

It would definitely have the power to reach out that far and then some. There are a couple companies that are making them, any info?
Never heard of one lighter...

Here is case measurements for our 416 HE target case
made from our 585 HE big belted case. Ed


Here is picture of 375 HE left, 416 HE next, 416 HSM right..


Here, tentative specs, 416 HSM case we are doing from bmg brass,


A 375 HE, with Lawton action, bunch being done with those .....

Here is recap simple setup to get faster loads with 12ga sabots & slugs, Example using break actions....,

reaming chamber in a 12ga break action to 3.5" with a 3.5" 12ga reamer, that isn't something needing special order, and use 3.5" plastic cases , or get 3.5" brass cases made. With mag shotgun primers and our slower powder loads you can get a quarter more speed, which gives 50% more energy...

585 Hubel Express video, 190ft/lbs recoil, heavy load, gun little light.....

Another view of Asteroid Precision's.... 375 HE target gun,


Here is our 416 HSM we are developing next to 416 Barrett, Ed

We might have a company that is doing a bolt gun with an action between BMG size and longer rifle actions used for 375 HE, 375 Lethal, and Cheytacs..

To use for our 416 HSM without having to do extreme rebating of the rim...Ed
Here is picture of 620 hsm cases half done. Done on cnc ,

that slimmed them down, cut new rim and extractor groove.

There are over 500 more at cnc getting done now, plus we have

1000s more bmg cases we make them from when needed...Ed

For big long cases our testing is showing that the 416 is

easier to get powders to work with, with less problems ..

So if you got to buy new barrel, build a target gun,

don't have 375 barrel all ready, maybe go 416....

We got cases, 416 HE and 416 HSM, as well as 375...

CEB and others will have bullets...

CEB LAZER in .408Cal and .416Cal!

.408 in 425gr, 450gr and 475gr

.416 will be 450gr, 475gr, 500gr, 525gr and 550gr

They will be testing around mid-February..

My bigger diameter, 34" long 416 test barrel, was 250 bucks,

1-10 twist, 1- 5/8 inch diameter, work for bullets,

up to 425-450gr or so..;Ed..
I don't know of any now, we are working with

a com to make bolt actions, that you'd put a

barrel in, and set in regular stock. Ed
For big long cases our testing is showing that the 416 easier to get powders to work with, less problems ..
Maybe building a target gun,don't have 375 barrel all ready, maybe go 416....

Got sent 5 thick sided sample cases, same OD base as 585/375.416 cases, same belt, just .180" longer,
did a 416 HE, chambered extra barrel , cases stick over 50k. They have about .042" total taper, .021" per
side, when I necked couple to 416. That is a lot of taper , twice the taper of my 416HE...hanging up at 50k..

I could maybe go to 65k with these if we made taper with ..012" - .016" more taper to each side, but that is
no way to build target cases. I'd have to crunch down case shoulder diameter. And would look like 30-30.

And crazy part is, the case has enough brass material to thin up sides and stretch them way out to 4 or
more inches,, They weigh 150 gr more than our 585/375/416,, but with real thick sides they actually
hold less than our 416 HE with thin sides, that is .180" shorter...Our case does 65k ok without sticking..

And we can make super long 4" cases work if we had means to get them built, as we have
15 powders slower than HBMG.Here is pic of thin and thick sided cases, sectioned for comparison.Ed..
