King, NC declares state of emergency due to weather -- restricts gun rights

Well put Ranting. As a former North Carolinian, I can agree with every single point you make. I still have politically active friends in NC, and they don't see things improving anytime soon.
While I don't agree with the law at all, I haven't seen where a little digging has been done. I have been told by family that lives in that area was because THERE IS NO POWER. Therefore, no NICS can be done.

Now if the stores had generators or power then that is a different issue.

Again, I don't agree with the law, but I see why it was done if there was no power. I know some will interpret my post to be anti-gun.

I'm putting my flame suit on. :D
^^^ That is a great representation of the gun owning community.

I would think the law could be abused if there are no checks and balances in place. What is an actual emergency? Flood? Snow? Who decides? That needs to be more defined IMO. If there is no power and nobody can get to the gunshop, or the NICS office, then you would be hosed by nature.
It's one thing to ban sales if there is a regional power outage and NICS is unavailable. I get that.

What isn't as reasonable is saying that you cannot leave your property with a firearm during a state of emergency. What if my house is underwater? Will they arrest me for salvaging my firearms (some of which are family heirlooms) from my property before I head for higher ground?

Under the law as it appears to stand they could.
^^^ That is a great representation of the gun owning community.
I agree! It is good to see that gun owners will speak up in defense of their Second Amendment rights even when others think/claim their objections are silly.

There was mention made that a power outage would prevent an NICS check. Is this really needed for ammunition sales? I suppose a power outage would be a decent excuse not to sell firearms that require such a check, but why should that affect the sale of ammunition or the lawful carrying of firearms?
Telling someone that you will give up your guns bullets first does not make you an ambassador for gun owners and it does not mean you are standing up for your rights. Working to change the law would be standing up for your rights, offering some comments other than internet tough talking would be standing up for your rights. Foolish threats made from behind a keyboard does nothing.
What does power have to do with NCIC checks?The phone system uses a different power setup and rarely goes out since it is mostly underground cables.As for the restrictions under emergency....has the NRA been notified of this?Remember how they were all over Nola like a ****** off hen protecting her chicks.Also,Fox news might be interested in this too.These idiots need to back off cause this country is about ready to show them what the 2nd was written for!
It is just frustrating that we try so hard to keep what we know, what was passed on from your fathers, fathers, father... just for someone who sees anti-gun legislation as a meal ticket into office. Raping our family heritage. Taking away the right of survival. Then playing the double standard and hiring armed bodyguards/officers to protect them and leave the people that matter out to dry.

It's just disgusting.
Celticwolf, what he's referring to is your blatantly violent reaction to the idea of having your guns taken away. That violent representation of a gun owner is what most leftist gun grabbers picture when they think "gun owner." And by saying things like that, you just perpetuate that stereotype that frightens people.
^^^ What he said ^^^^

I do think this law has the possibility to be abused. I would think that who exactly can declare the emergency and what makes a legitimate emergency should be well defined.

Most phones use electricity to operate today. Plus, if the weather is that bad what office worker can make it to work to man the NICS office? Loosen the tinfoil, not a giant conspiracy to take away your rights.
My post wasn't directed towards the lawful carrying of firearms. It was directed towards the power loss of stores that no longer have the ability to perform checks. I also never mentioned ammo.

Like I said, the banning of gun sales makes sense in a state of emergency as far as that is concerned. That is the only thing that I think as employees of both the shop and NICS employees can't get to the office. That is just what was told to me by family that lives up there. They don't agree with it either, but they said it does make sense.

Ammo, and the carrying of firearms is another reason to worry about the law entirely.
I dont really get the ammo ban either, is there always a check of some kind for ammo in NC? Here you can walk into the store and buy it off the shelf. How would they ban it if there is no check anyway? Odd.
Conn. Trooper,

Only check to buy ammo around here is a look at a person's driver's license if they look to be under 18 (or 21 for handgun ammo).
Like I said, the banning of gun sales makes sense in a state of emergency as far as that is concerned.

No it doesn't!

Good grief, guys. Let's picture a true state of emergency (not the light dusting of snow that has NC in such a dither), such as a severe earthquake that collapsed your home, or a flood or forest fire that forced you to evacuate your home. In a true emergency, your neighbors' homes are similarly affected: everyone in the area has a collapsed house, or had to evacuate their home because it is about to collapse or be destroyed in some way.

Under North Carolina's existing law, when you flee your home, you must go unarmed. Leave the firearms behind to get destroyed along with the property. That's wrong and bad.

Under North Carolina's existing law, if your home is destroyed and your firearms along with it, you cannot go into a store and purchase the necessary tools to protect yourself from looters, bandits, and predatory criminals while the state of emergency continues. Aggressive criminals prowling your neighborhood, raping women and killing men? Too bad: under law, you cannot replace your destroyed firearms nor can you carry your existing ones to protect yourself or your family.

It's a bad law.

It's a stupid law.

It is -- above all else -- an immoral law.

And let's not even get into the foolishness of declaring a "state of emergency" when none really exists, simply in order to shake loose a few federal dollars and give the appearance that the politicians are "doing something" about a "crisis."

A few inches of snow is not an emergency. It's weather. It happens. When houses start collapsing in a widespread area, that's an emergency. Politicians needing a little money to throw at the voters, that's just business as usual.


You think it's bad when it snows a few inches here, just wait 'til summer. When we get a little rain and winds above 30 mph at the beach, well, its SOE time again. :rolleyes:

By the same logic, if houses are being washed out to sea, yes it's a state of emergency. If the trees are bending in the wind and the road signs are shaking, no it's not an SOE.
Telling someone that you will give up your guns bullets first does not make you an ambassador for gun owners and it does not mean you are standing up for your rights. Working to change the law would be standing up for your rights, offering some comments other than internet tough talking would be standing up for your rights. Foolish threats made from behind a keyboard does nothing.
I disagree. I didn't sign up to be anybody's ambassador. I will do whatever is needed to keep my property and my rights. I will defend those rights as needed as should any supporter of the U.S. Constitution. If others don't value their rights & choose not to defend them, that is certainly their option. I certainly will not speak out against anyone who speaks up in defense of their legitimate Constitutional rights, even if their speech happens to reflect a great deal of frustration with unjust limitations imposed on those rights, as their speech/opinions are allowed by the 1st amendment.

That said, i would certainly hope that i never have to defend my rights with force, especially deadly force, and especially agains a fellow American. That would be a very sad day.
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But there is the problem, rights are not absolute, never have been. If the powers that be ( I believe in this case, the city council ) have declared a state of emergency and state law says it is legal for them to do so, then they have that power legally. Same as rights going away when you join the military or go to prison. No right is absolute, it can be taken away with due process, such as happened here. Posting ( to the whole world by the way, this is a public forum) that they can have your guns bullets first is not standing up for anything. Taking steps to change the law would be standing up for rights, threats made anonymously behind a keyboard do nothing.