King Klinton blames NRA for mass shootings!!

What race has to do with gun control is simple. The democrats try to use race as an issue to divide Americans. They want minorities in their party because it gets them in power so they can further their agenda and world view (a destructive one I might add). Gun control is one of those issues. If race were not used and exploited by the democrats then they would have less minority support. They may even cease to exist as a viable party. Thus they need to exploint racial tensions to keep themselves in power. Are you a minority? If so, why do you think the republicans are against minorities? Did you know the republican party started or came into being in part because of racial issues and their desire to create equality? I doubt it because minorities knowing that would not bode well for the democrats. It works best for them to keep minorities ignorant, upset, and against republicans and dependent on state support.

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited September 21, 1999).]
The Klinton logic is that every time someone commits a crime with a gun, he wants to disarm ALL Americans.

Only in America can a Vietnam Veteran sleep in a cardboard box while a draft dodger sleeps in the White House.

Wouldnt you really rather have a President whom you could be proud of?

Better days to be,

If we all share responsibility for this shooting - do we share responsibility for WACO too?

If so - I want an appointment with Janet Reno so I can slap her in the back of the head.

I was watching the news early this mornig- Waco was in the news and so was the FBI's claim they NEVER FIRED A SHOT. That was a pisser! On VIDEO - in the news clips they show many agents shooting - including one guy who emptied to mags out of his pistol. And they never fired a shot...
Hmmm - reminds me of
"I never had sex with that woman..."

I guess its a definition of the word SHOT that is the problem there.

Anyways - Whats this thread about?

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Why don't we have a caucus? Because we represent a politically incorrect special interest. Congressional Caucuses were funded by taxpayer money, courtesy of the Democratic party, until 1994 or so. Only those "special interests" which the DemoCRAPs hold dear would get funding for a caucus. Thus, we could have had a "vegetarian's" caucus, but if normal omnivorous humans asked for a caucus, they'd be laughed off the Hill.

As for Klinkton and his "shared responsibility" #$%^&$*&%$^%*$%#@#^@#%^&@!@#$@$#^%$% mumbo jumbo- more of the same, more collectivist notions that when someone commits atrocity, it is because "society" failed him. Ho-hum. The only responsibility I'm willing to share in regard to the recent shootings is the one to fry those sub-protozoans who perpetrated them.

I am so tired of every PERCEIVED (yes, you read that right) slight against this or that race being magnified to unbelievable proportions and used to cloud debate.

"THAT was not the tenor of the comment which provoked my question. The comment I responded to suggested that "our" second amendment rights (whoever the "our" is supposed to be) were in conflict with rights asserted by black citizens. "

Nowhere in Ed's comment do I see any such assertion. Abruzzi, this IS a firearms discussion board. Please try to not be so thin-skinned in future.

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

Post edited for formatting purposes only. Content unchanged.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 21, 1999).]
Jedi Oomodo,

That song is one of Metallica's best. In fact, for anyone wanting to hear the truth about Justice and the lack thereof, you must listen to ...And Justice For All by Metallica, truly one of their best albums. I think we all can relate to this album.
abruzzi, you are sounding rather pompous, and as if you are demanding a retraction or apology from Ed. To be frank, you are the one sounding overly focused on racism. This is tantamount to the old concept of 'red-baiting'.

*** abruzzi, check that - I just reread your remarks. "Please proceed."? "If thinking makes one a minority, I am a minority."? I was dead wrong. You don't sound pompous. You are pompous. And, I nominate you for the TFL Pompous Ass Award for 1999. ***

But, to address your query directly, why don't you ask the NAACP what race has to do with the 2nd Amendment. Perhaps you can spend time disabusing them of that notion ... seems to be a preoccupation with them currently. But of course, we're not allowed to mention race on TFL, are we? Should I also terminate my membership in JPFO because I'm a gentile?

While your remarks were not directed to me, your tone on TFL offends me. I have never seen any sign this board has even the potential of a racism problem. Methinks it is possible you wish to create that impression because you personally think that of gun owners? Hmmmmmm?

And, if we haven't had enough of this, I happened to meet and hear a very sharp black speaker at the GRPC in St. Louis. Believe it or not, he is coming up with a black-focused RKBA site at . Nothing substantial there yet, but he said it will be up in 2 or 3 weeks. He's probably a racist too. They're everywhere these days.

So abruzzi ... have a nice day.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited September 22, 1999).]
"Methinks it is possible you wish to create that impression because you personally think that of gun owners? Hmmmmmm?"

As an owner of 2 1911's, 2 hi-powers, 1 Spanish star, 1 sigpro, 1 over/under 12 ga., 1 270 win deer rifle, a Colt 1903 automatic, an Inver Johnson 32 S&W pistol, a S&W 686, a Dan Wesson 44 mag and two air guns (rifle and pistol), I have some investment in persuading people that advocates of the second amendment are NOT racist.

At the suggestion of the administrator I have addressed a number of comments to people directly by email. I think I am entitled to reply to your comment here.

The truth is that this thread becomes more amusing as it goes on. Every time I get a comment or an email saying race has nothing to do with the second amendment or the comments that have been placed here, it is followed by another comment that insists that race, properly understood of course, has lots to do with the second amendment.

I have commented to others that I believe that there are probably racists in equal numbers on either side of the second amendment issue, which may be impossible to prove, but is nonetheless my view.

I have also stated to others that I value the first and fourteenth amendments equally with the second. I don't feel like I have to check those rights at the door when entering here.

But, hey, the pompous part is a laugh. Who is responding defensively here? Me? Or others? And why???? WHY???????

P.S. I also have had the honor of defending in court a man, awakened from asleep after midnight, who shot and killed a drunk that kicked his door in. The homeowner was charged, believe it or not, with first degree murder, primarily because the LEO's knew and liked the victim. The jury convicted the homeowner of negligent homicide(12 mos max vs. life with no possibility of parole) because he ended up killing the intruder with his seventh shot and the intruder's body was 44 feet from the front door.

P.P.S. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I also have an FFL for curios and relics.

[This message has been edited by abruzzi (edited September 22, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by abruzzi (edited September 22, 1999).]