Kimber eclipse custom 2 question?

Thanks. So (I think) you are (for one thing) checking that the bullet doesn't hit the beginnings of the rifling before the front of the case hits its stop ... if it did, the cartridge would slightly protrude aft of the chamber (or else set-back the bullet in the case).
There could be a number of reasons for a plunk-test failure.
It could be excessive OAL, insufficient crimp on a handload, a too-tight chamber?
Mike, what Rick said. Mine was hard to shoot with 230 gr RN. I had the rifling relieved a tad, now it shoots everthing well.

Sorry I didn't respond earlier, been tied up.
Bought a trip mag and will take that to the range this weekend. I did a cycling test by hand with this mag. Not sure how accurate that is but I was able to re peat the same failure on a fully loaded mag. If I do not fully load it it loaded every single round without failure. I guess we will see this weekend.
Cant figure out how to reply with quote on here but I would reply to Rick B. You can say what you want about your analogy but I traded my G20 in on a 680 dollar ruger sr1911 this weekend and guess what...not a single failure and shot nothing but white box federal through it. Out of the 5 handguns I have I am pretty sure only the 1200 dollar kimber has had a FTF. Not a single FTF on the others.
It ran 50 rnds of ppu perfect then had ftf on lax ammo. The lax was loaded stout I was impressed. I will not be getting it fixed. I keep it and it will remain what it is, I will sell it really cheap and never buy another kimber. I havent really decided yet. I sure havent heard much good about kimber from many people I have talked too. Will not own another and I am not giving kimber a second of my time or shipping money. Damn I wish ruger would make a 10 mm.
70 rnds without a single hiccup. Maybr there is hope yet. Cleaned and lubed with ballistol this time?? Maybe that made a difference?? I dont know if I can handle the smell of that crap to use it again

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