Kimber--Automatic (almost)


New member
Greetings all,

Kimbers have been taking a beating here so I thought I might post a few heartening words for those Kimber owners who are now scratching their heads, wondering if their 1911 is truly Y2K compliant :)

I just got and shot my new Custom Classic last night and wow!--can this puppy can shred paper At 10 yards I was getting tiny, ragged holes where ostensibly 14 rounds had passed (which is amazing accuracy, especially for me).

The pistol is a fine testimony to the machinist's art, and I was especially pleased with the gun's fit considering that it is Kimber's "bottom of the line" model. Slide-to-frame fit is scary tight (perhaps too tight?) and the beavertail is mated to the frame with extremely close tolerances. Trigger might have been in the 4.5 lb range and it was very crisp with zero creep-like breaking glass.

In all, I ran 200 rounds of 230 grain ball through the gun, and experienced only two hiccups.

1) Bullet nose in the magazine nudged the slide stop up in the middle of a string-will wait and see if this is a recurring problem, and will consider replacing/milling slide stop.

2) Failure to eject-almost a stovepipe, but the casing got caught parallel to the barrel which really chewed up the casing mouth. This is a problem that I will have to address now, and I blame the extractor, since the gun was throwing casings almost straight back-the rear bevel of the ejection port was dotted with brass specks where the cases would bounce off and it's concievable that this one casing just didn't clear the slide. Extractors have always been an Achilles heel of the 1911 design so I'm not discouraged-might try an aftek adjustable extractor.

So am I happy? Need I say "very?" (at least for now, and I'll keep you all posted should further problems develop)

BTW, I mean no disrespect here, toward anyone who has posted with Kimber woes-I am sure that they are totally justified in their dissatisfaction, and I truly wish them the best of luck in getting their problems resolved. I just wanted to let prospective Kimber owners know that Kimber CAN turn out an exceptional product, one that is quite a bargain for the money.

RANGE HUMOR: Last night the guy next to me was shooting a Lorcin (sp?). This is what I heard: BANG...BANG..."click"... "rack"...BANG..."click"..."rack"..."click".."God-d*mn-it, piece o'sh*it"..."click" :)
What is the deal with Kimber? Some swear by 'em and some swear at 'em. Is their QC that spotty?
I love the 1911 design, but have only owned older Colts which have all been totally reliable. Yes, I'm well aware that the newer Colts stink. Kimber is supposed to be a better quality gun, could it be that they are behind in production and trying to rush them out too soon?

BTW: nice range humor. Lorcins are for people who shouldn't carry guns. ;)

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited November 18, 1999).]
In all, I ran 200 rounds of 230 grain ball through the (Kimber), and experienced only two hiccups.

Erm, last Saturday I ran 200 rounds of ball and 50 HP through my Glock 20, and experienced NO hiccups.

"Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel-plated sissy pistol." - TLJ, "US Marshalls" ;)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
ME: In all, I ran 200 rounds of 230 grain ball through the (Kimber), and experienced only two hiccups.

Coinneach: Erm, last Saturday I ran 200 rounds of ball and 50 HP through my Glock 20, and experienced NO hiccups.

ME: Erhummm <cough> :) ...last night I ran 150 rounds through my Glock 19 and experienced no hiccups either. Furthermore, I will argue with anyone who holds that a Glock is anything other than a first-class, all round defensive weapon capible of good accuracy and phenomenal reliability. Out of the box, it is probably the best bang you can get for the bucks. That said, I can't keep my groups nearly as tight with the Glock as I can with a 1911.

Glocks are great defensive arms and the 19 is my personal "anywhere anytime" gun. However, sometimes I enjoy bustin' caps into tiny targets at long ranges, and for me a nicely tuned 1911 can't be beat in terms of bullet-placement precision.

I guess I bought the Kimber knowing full and well that the 1911 design can be sensitive in some respects (and downright indestructable in others). I fully expected to be fiddling around with springs and parts until I'd tweaked it just right for whatever ammo I chose-if it's reliability ever will rival that of my Glock will be a "wait and see" thing, but I'm very confident that I haven't invested in a firearm akin to a very sour, very yellow, citrus fruit :)

[This message has been edited by ShooterDave (edited November 18, 1999).]
I think the correct analogy is that they have a demand that exceeds their production and quality control capabilities. I have a Kimber Stainless Target, purchased it over 2 years ago, that is great. Been shooting IDPA with it since day one. Over 2000 rounds, no problems.

Bought another Stainless Kimber, a Classic, this summer. It had problems. Slide stop piece of junk. Sent pistol to Brian Bilby to fix. It did not take a lot to put in proper shape, but the things that needed correction should have been addressed before it left the factory.

Things are slipping by inspection that should not. One cause may be they are hiring new people to help meet demand and there is just not enough experience to do a proper job.

Whatever the problem is, they better solve it and solve it fast.

ShooterDave, you're right on in both respects. I have a 1911 that's scary accurate (I'm talking ORH groups at 50'), but it won't run without major coaxing. My Glock isn't *quite* that accurate, but I'd trust my life to it anytime.

Tradeoffs and compromises...

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
"In all, I ran 200 rounds of 230 grain ball through the gun, and experienced only two hiccups"

And you accept this ? This makes you a happy kimber owner?

Seems kimber owners have lowered their standards.

No offense to anyone. but if i paid the price for one of these things i'd want ZERO Malf's !

I see these guns as "almost perfect" right out of the box. if you are a gunsmith and can do the work to make them perfect, then i can see buying one. But for a high quality gun like kimber to malf right out of the box? Thanks but NO THANKS. Ill stick with the ones that work when i take em off the UPS truck.

TIM : )
Am I a happy kimber owner?

Look, if bullets were pencils I could write the freakin' Constitution AND the Bill of Rights with the Kimber, and not miss dotting an "i"...AND do it at 20 yards! ;)

Signed: ShooterDave, aspiring "gun-writer"
ShooterDave - why would you aspire to be a gunwriter? That would require you to give up your morals, your paycheck and your product loyalties in exchange for long hours spent pouring over the latest incarnation of hardware looking for the good things to point out while glossing over the bad.

Has anyone read a BAD gunwriters review of the NEW, IMPROVED model K in 9mm Stupendous with the ambidextrous grip safety, 50 round magazine, and tritium holographic night-vision sights? No way - they wouldn't be able to find a job after one article...

Stick to ShooterDave, not WriterDave, you'll shoot more.
LongDuck, I think ShooterDave was referring to writing *with* guns, not writing *about* them. :)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
So what do you all think about my Kimber throwing the brass almost straight back? Is it my extractor, ejector, recoil spring? I don't think I'm "limp writsting" so I'd be willing to wager on the hardware being to blame.

Could my thumb on top of the safety be retarding the slide enough to get a less-than-positive ejection--shucks, I should've tested this yesterday.
Am I a happy kimber owner?
Look, if bullets were pencils I could write the freakin' Constitution AND the Bill of Rights with the Kimber, and not miss dotting an "i"...AND do it at 20 yards

Sure, but it would take you 1/2 the time to do it if u had a sig or glock because you wouldnt have to stop for jams.Plus you wouldnt have to pick the brass out of your teeth.

TIM : )
Listen, ShooterDave is happy with his Kimber. I am happy with mine. I was very fustrated with the second one, but my Stainless Target can not be beat.

Like Colts, early ones are great, the newer ones are bullstuff.

Get the flame throwers out on Kimber all you want, but why flame him?

ShooterDave, it is probably your extractor. May not be sprung enough.

I'll second Johnboy on the extractor. Mine did the same thing. Startled the hell out of me the first time I fired it, when hot brass bounced off my forehead :). Replaced the extractor, and it started throwing to 4 o'clock.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Gosh, the way people talk, no other brand of gun ever jammed or sent brass back. Guess that means my Glock 21 didn't REALLY choke on Gold Sabers. And my Smith 4506-1 didn't REALLY choke on +P ammo, and my ParaOrdance P12 didn't REALLY bounce brass off my head, and hell, I guess I really DIDN'T see the magazine off a cop's Glock 21 pop its baseplate and send 45 rounds skating all around the floor of a local gunshop...
Naw, all those other brands NEVER put out clunkers...
I am absolutely happy with my two Kimbers...Just passed 4000 rounds on the elder one. I wouldn't trade my Classic Customs for anything short of Rock River or Les Baer.

They are incredibly acccurate and totally reliable...and Gawd, do they FEEL good!
I kind of feel responsible for all the Kimber bashing that has been going on lately. I didn’t mean to start multiple threads on Kimber vs. this or that, I just wanted to share my experiences with my new Kimber stainless Gold Match.

I love 1911 style pistols and regret selling my Clark Long Heavy Slide and early Baer. I wish I had my Gold Cup back and I was stoopid for selling my Lwt. Commander, Colt. Govt., and standard Commander.

All I can say is my new Kimber is riddled with problems. As far as I am concerned, my particular Kimber is a lemon and I will not own another. I am sure there are thousands of satisfied Kimber owners and I am glad they got great guns, just wish I was one of them.
I know every one here loves their Kimber, or glock orwhatever, but I personally have a colt 1991a1 Stainless. Y'all can knock it all you want to, but I'll tell you, I bought the gun at a range, took it out of the box, and fired 300rds of the cheaps sh@t the range had. I have only just begun to improve it now, after well over 1000 round of various ammo. Not one time has the gun jammed, misfed, or failed to fire. The only problem I had was with the factory mag. It would not catch the slide stop. I bought a couple of wilsons and have not ever had a single prob. (And my groups are on par with my Glock 19, which I also love dearly :) and has not ever jammed either)
Maybe I only got lucky with my gun, but now that it has a new trgger and a few other goodies added, it is by far my favorite gun.

I for one am GLAD that you have been keeping us up to date with your Kimber's always good to know what to expect in terms of customer support as well as quality control.

You can never have too much good information.