
Yes, skin and boil them, then sautee and serve with boiled potatoes. Excellent!
If you want to live like a king, dress like a jew, and eat like a peasant.
As a general rule, I avoid eating internal organs. More particualrly, I avoid kidneys and livers. Seeing as how they act as filters for all of a body's garbage, I just can't bring myself to eat them unless I really, really have to.
More particularly, I avoid kidneys and livers. Seeing as how they act as filters for all of a body's garbage,......

What your dog doesn't know won't hurt him. Cut in strips, fry plain or breaded, make man's best friend happy.
Soak them in milk for 1/2 hour or more. discard the milk.

You can do the same thing for liver.

Lots of different names for internal organs. Not one of them hasn't been cooked in one way or another.

Sweetbreads are my favorite. Don't care for tongue or brains, but that's more of a texture and icky factor thing than how they taste.
Try soaking them in buttermilk. The acidity will help with the urine smell/flavor. Eating offal from young animals makes the organ less "strong" tasting as well.
I am game to try most parts of animals, but the body's "filters" I have no desire to eat. MOST of a animals body is ok to eat even If I find it icky but kidneys and livers I will pass on. Thats just my personal choice of course and it might be because I work in health care and see how these organs go bad in humans and its never pretty.
I agree with the Peetzakilla,,, anything that smells/tastes like urine, i'm not interested, but by all means you folks enjoy!;)
Would if I had too, but I don't. So, I won't. Mother made me when I was kid. Didn't impress me (knew what I was eating). Forgot what they tasted like. Not about to jog my memory.
my mom used to cook beef kidneys once in awhile when i was a kid. i don't ever remember eating any. i would throw them in an old pot and cook the **** outa them on the grill for the dog. i wouldn't cook em in the house or use my justin wilson cook pot tho. i feel if the british eat them then they are good enuff for my dog.
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