
I have been hunting whitetail deer for several years now and pride myself on processing them myself and making sure nothing goes to waste. I have heard from a couple people that the kidneys can be eaten, and was wondering if anyone has tried them and if they are any good to eat?
You can !!

Actually, you can eat most of the internal organs. Early settlers and Native Americans, or real Americans, did just that and even more. ..... :eek:

I have eaten beef kidneys and they were good, but never from a deer. I've eaten deer liver and still prefer calve's liver. Keep in mind that the Donner party would have eaten the back end of skunk if they could have. ..... ;)

Try it and;
Be Safe !!!
I found a couple sites with information on them. They say to peel them first but other then the thick membrane on them they taste alot like heart apparently. The biggest reason alot of people don't eat them is because of the texture I guess. I'll take a plate of heart over a plate of tenderloins any day. Looks like the coyotes are going to have a little less meat this winter.
Slice them, soak them overnight in just enough water to cover with a tsp of salt, boil them, rinse, pat dry, saute them in butter with onions and enjoy as an ingredient in something else or by themselves.
Just tell yourself that it is all Protein !!!

Every culture has it's share of recipes involving non-traditional "cuts" as we say. My stepfather was German and he introduced me to blood sausage and kidney stew. Sure do miss those sharing days. .... :)

YumYum and;
Be Safe !!!
I'm probably considered a redneck. I eat a lot of stuff other people sniff at. Kidneys are really good either fried or in a stew. Personally, I soak all my meat in reconstituted sweet condensed milk for 1 to 3 days before cooking it.

Of course, I also eat deer liver, squirrel and rabbit liver. And beaver, raccoon, wild pig, ground hogs, etc. Most people can't tell what kind of meat was in a stew as long as you don't tell them. ;)
I've eaten beef kidneys made by my mother-in law. And I was surprised how good they really were served in some sort of tomato sauce. (A old Croatian recipe.) If I knew her recipe. Which I don't?_ I wouldn't be surprise someone couldn't do the same with a Deer. Being they too are vegetation only eaters. As far as deer liver? Stronger tasting than beef liver and having a high possibility of cutting flukes out. I don't bother with saving it unless someone else has a wanting taste for it. Heart on the other hand goes home with me. Hard to beat breaded heart and home fry's for a supper. (no doubt about that gents)_;)

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I have the following, "4 Rules for Eating Animal Parts":

1)The part must be a muscle.

2)The part must not be visible from the outside under any normal circumstance.

3)The part must not produce any excretion/substance that is visible from the outside under any normal circumstance.

4)The part must not be necessary for survival.

Kidneys fail rules 1 and 4, and technically 3.
I always used them out of squirrel and rabbit. Once you get older the Doc tells you don't eat the organs because of the chloresterol and other stuff they filter and trap. Not unusual to see fresh hog kidneys in the market meat section around here.
never had a deer kidney, my mom used to cook beef kidneys, she always said that you have to boil the devil out of them. i don't remember ever trying one.
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It's still protein !!

she always said that you have to boil the devil out of them.
Oh yes, and if you have ever been in the kitchen when they are boiling, you will understand. ..... ;)

For all you "Yuckers", do you eat hotdogs or bologna ??

Enjoy and;
Be Safe !!!
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strange enough i absolutely hate any type of liver EXCEPT deer and elk. heart is ok if prepared correctly. fried liver onions mushrooms and green bell peppers MMMMMM MMMMMMMM!!!!! kidneys i have never tried so i cant comment. but ill try anything once. braunschweiger is freaking AMAZING! one of my favorite sandwiches (i think thats pork liver)
Bloom ate some sheep kidney for breakfast in Ulysses, so...
Apparently, it's an idea whose time, came, went and may be coming again...?