Keyes wins debate poll again

Piggy "...but as long as soccer mom types of women are determining the outcome of elections, real men like Keyes will not be elected. He's just not as cute, handsome or gentle as some of the other candidates. As we know, this is what the soccer mom crowd tends to base their voting on--how "nice" a candidate seems on TV."

Boy, can I relate!

During the first election with Clinton, I read up on all the issues, especially NAFTA.
I was dead set against it. Discussed the issues to a fair-thee-well with anyone who would participate. Read a lot, watched a lot, etc etc.

After the election, one lady said she voted for Clinton anyway. I did not think she was a stupid woman (good programmer) and asked her, through gritted teeth, "In the name of God, WHY?". She said, "Oh, he's SUCH a handsome man!".

All I could think of was that I busted my fanny to learn the issues, and it was all for naught, cancelled out by someone whose perception was nothing more than "good looks".

Yeah, I know everyone has the right to vote,
I just wish this type would stay at home.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I agree with p220fortyfive. As much as we can admire and respect Keyes position, it has been proven time and time again that voting outside the traditional Republican and Democratic candidates is simply a vote for the Democrat.
What a sad day it is that people living in this day and age have forgotten what the vote is all about. I'm pretty backwards, but I still believe you vote for the best man for the job, if there is a best man. In the absence of a best man, you then vote against the worst man. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the republicans have everybody blackmailed by saying " we're gonna screw you, but not as hard as the Democrats, so you better vote for me or the Democrats will win". To tell you the truth, I would rather see Al Gore win, than GW. Al Gore will meet with dismal failure as Prez, and then the Republicans after their stinging defeat in 2000, might wake up, and run a candidate like Alan Keyes and put some stroke into it. If Al Gore decides to have firearm confiscation, then I am certainly prepared to meet my maker, and I will make peace with my decision. Death isn't as frightening as living as a slave. As for now, I will not vote for the lesser of 2 evils when a clearly better candidate is available. I will vote for Keyes in the primary, and if he loses- Harry Browne!!!
kjm has nailed it.

One can vote one's conscience in the primary. I don't know who I will vote for in the general. I'm voting for Keyes in the primary....and I hope it isn't a gimme for Bush. Let's hope his minions are intelligent and see that they have to work for the job. Don't forget, the primaries tell the winner who he/she has to work for to get the votes for the general election. A lot of you want a wash...a wash leads to arrogance and status quo. They MUST earn my vote. Candidates are like dogs, if they have it too easy without restrictions, they do anything they want....there go your socks,shoes,furniture and chickens down the toilet.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Gore or Bush, they'll both keep the BATF, and all the rest of the unconstitutional agencies, and they'll both sign any gun control legislation that lands on their desk, so it matters little to me whether one statist or the other is elected. We all know who the only truly pro-gun Republican candidate is; let's not pretend that a little gun control is somehow better than a lot. Take a look at the frog boiling recipe again.

As long as we keep being "pragmatic" and voting for "viable" candidates we will continue to lose our rights and freedoms, just as sure as god made politicians crooked. After the BATF has melted your family try consoling yourself with the fact that you helped to elect the man that kept them in business.

"Every decent man must be ashamed of his government." H.L. Mencken
Oh Oh here we go again, I must say though that Dennis has shown amazing restraint through this whole thread. You want a eyebrow raising discussion, wait for Dennis to see those unelectable comments, I used the word "Viable candidate" and did I have to listen to that word repeated time and again. I Love a spirited debate, but I believe Dennis lives for it...What do you say Eh dennis??

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
If you only vote for those whom you "think" can win, then that is all there will be to vote for. The fact that you don't think someone is able to win, makes them unable. It is self-fullfilling prophecy. At some point you are going to be forced to vote for someone you actually want, because you won't have any other choice, but sadly, it will be too late, because you spent too many votes on who you thought could win instead of who should win. You are your own worst enemy.

Naw. I don't like debates. They're not a "viable" investment of our time. :D :D
(The DEVIL made me do it!!!!)

One thing I dislike more than debates, is to see us cutting our own throats by over-intellectualizing a subject to a perverted conclusion.

Do you want gun control? Both the Democrats and Republicans advocate gun control. They do it clearly, repeatedly, and honestly.

There are exceptions in both parties - the aforementioned Dr. Keyes being an outstanding example of clear thought and expression, and statesmanship. Dr. Keyes advocates personal responsibility, individual rights and nearly everything else I hold dear. But his party, the Republicans, want, advocate, implement, and plan more gun control.

Do you want to fight gun control? Don't vote for candidates who promise you gun control.

What's to question? :confused:

But we drag it out....

The Democrats want MORE gun control right now than the Republicans do so if we vote for Democrats everything both major parties want would be done quicker and I can't stand that and I want to push it off on our kids rather than take a stand so I will hold my nose and vote the the candidate who will give my kids gun control rather than me and I will insult anyone and everyone who has the common sense to vote against what I say I'm against but refuse to support because I am afraid that the other guy might hurt me instead of my kids so I will vote for the gun control guy who will do it to me slowly (and kiss me while he does it) rather than the wham, bam, thank you ma'am Democrat.

Thrrrrp! The fight's on!

A vote is a vote for someone - not a vote against someone else!

A vote for Gore is a vote for Gore. A vote for anyone else is NOT a vote for Gore.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote for quick and severe gun control.

A vote for Bush is a vote for continuing slow and steady gun control.

Good Lord, guys! What IS so difficult about this?

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't!

Stick it to 'em. RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited January 11, 2000).]
In watching Hannity and Colmes tonight I saw some "Republican strategist" give her opinion of the latest debate, and she said that Keyes had "nutty" ideas, which the conservative host did not dispute. This is the second time I've seen a Republican party spokesman say roughly the same thing about Keyes concerning his platform. The man says he wants to return the government to constitutionally-permitted levels and he's called "nutty" by the "conservative" party.

Somehow I doubt if the GOP will nominate a "nut" for VP. My money's on a Bush/Dole ticket.

"Every decent man must be ashamed of his government." H.L. Mencken
My opinion: Alan Keyes being a libertarian (lower case l),and is offering you a choice. It's a clear choice and a true difference from the other stiff candidates the republican party is offering over the past decade. A vote for Keyes in the primary does not hurt G.W. in the general election. It only strengthens his position for a possible role as Vice President. I'm not kidding myself, he's a longshot for either position, but he is the only candidate besides Harry Browne that seems to understand the meaning and purpose behind the American Revolution. Why are so many people afraid to be free? Why do so many fear liberty? Are we that afraid of ourselves that we feel we need the Government to tell us what kind of guns to have, how hot the hot water heater can be, how much the toilet can flush, who we can marry, what kind of car to drive, when and how we can pray, and what we can do on our own property? Say it aint so Plucky! Please tell me that you aren't grateful to the government for taking half you're life (taxes on earnings), and using half your life to stiffle the other half. Are we that afraid of ourselves?
I think I agree with most here. It would take a minor miracle for someone other than GW Bush to receive the Republican nomination. However, I will still vote for Keyes for a number of reasons.

One, it will strengthen his position for a possible VP nomination. Which, in turn, would strengthen his position for a future presidential run.

Two, we just might get that miracle.

Three, if Keyes gets a great many votes, it will show whomever that receives the Rebublican nomination that we value logic and liberty.

Vote for Keyes in the primary. It's a vote for something, not against.
Destructo, I agree with you on all five points. ;)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Dennis and Destructo6,

What can I add to what you already said? Amen!

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
There are just too many gutless sheep in this country for an idealist like Keyes to get elected President. He may be an exciting speaker, but there is no way in hell that the fat soccer (sucker) moms, and their emasculated husbands are going to risk losing their false sense of security and vote for Keyes.

Bush is doing what every candidate who wants to get elected does, weasel around the issues and try to stay in the middle. And though it may be hard to swallow Bush's tripe, it is more paletable than Gore's.
a strong showing for Dr.Keyes in the primary might help shape strategy within the party, even if he does not get the party nomination.
I intend to vote for him in the primary, and make the best of whatever emerges for the general election.
to those of you advocating voting for Gore with the idea you are setting him up for failure and a rebound,
This bunch has shown an amazing ability to control vast portions of the gubmint and has had almost 8 years to build this foundation.