Keyes wins debate poll again

Keyes is by far the absolute best candidate on the ticket...Too bad so many Americans do not see the true Patriot and morally sound person that he is. He is my Hero also.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.
America just isn't ready for a black president.

The Seattle SharpShooter
If it can't shoot jacketed rat turds powered by mouse farts, I ain't gonna shoot it!
jt, I don' think it has anything to do with a "black" president. It has more to do with his superior intellect, honesty and dedication to the Constitution.

Most folks think he's a weirdo because of the above.

I think he's a hero.

Talk about the Constitution today, and you're viewed as some kind of radical.

Hey, if I look like a duck and talk like a duck...


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
Remember, the left (media) views us as gun toting racist. Most gun owners don't have a problem with this guy. CMOS is right, society views Keyes as some sort of weird uncle tom because of his views of the Constitution. But again, most people think that the Constitution is about majority rule, not individual rights. Think that the bottom line is, the media has a problem with a black President that believes in the Constitution.

Did you ever get the idea that the Keyes is the only candidate that you really agree with?
And he speaks with such passion that you know he is not just doing sound bites.
I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
And to disagree with some, I believe that as a Black man and an intellectual conservative he is essentially unelectable in today's USA.
And that's a pity!

Better days to be,

You may be right Ed. Why do we as a nation love the underdog? In this case it reminds me of a small army on one side of the Delaware. Would any of us have banked on their success? Like Washington and his brave men it will take an act of supreme faith if we are to succeed. Keyes is not Washington and we are not shoeless Patriots. We do however share a common history and potential struggle. Without faith against odds we are lost before the fight.
He could be unelectable and imo he is the best I could vote for......but I wonder if he would hurt a ticket as the vice-president.......just make sure he knows how to spell potatoe...fubsy.
Fubsy, the scary part is he might say "One of 150 species of genus Solanum." I can envision a slack jawed Tim Russert waiting for Bush and McCain to frantically work their electronic dictionarys (not Websters of course).
I hate to say it because of the potential for flames...but as long as soccer mom types of women are determining the outcome of elections, real men like Keyes will not be elected. He's just not as cute, handsome or gentle as some of the other candidates. As we know, this is what the soccer mom crowd tends to base their voting on--how "nice" a candidate seems on TV. No offense to the decent women of principle on this board, you are certainly not included in this rather broad generalization.
Keyes is certainly the best candidate I've seen; next to Harry Browne (Libertarian), that is.

I have to agree with Piggy, though. The American public (The Media) would never elect a real man such as him.
There are supposed to be 60,000,000 gun owners in the USA. Wouldn't it be nice to be UNITED????

Better days to be,

Yes...why can't we 60 million be together?
All you have to do is write in his name !

All this unelectable crap makes me puke, all we have to do is vote and see that every other person votes that way too...get a commitment from your fellow gun owners !
By the way , with the computer system a write in vote on a ballot makes it a paper ballot and can hardly get lost in the computer filtering system....

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
As a potential soccer mom (as I don't know if it will be my boy's interest yet)...

I am voting for Keyes....period. Don't need to say no more, capishe?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited January 09, 2000).]
California still has an open primary, right? So as a Libertarian I will vote for the best candidate and that vote will be for Keyes.

If I may torture the English language (again), you do not have what it *lacks* to be a "soccer mom"!! You could play soccer with every kid in the county and watch every game in S. Cal.

You're an involved parent, no doubt! But, without a lobotomy, you would never become what I picture as a "soccer mom!!

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Lets do it!!!

Lets get behind a write-in KEYES 2000 campaign.
How DO you rouse a sleeping giant?

Better days to be,

Whether you like it or not, a vote for Keyes is a vote for the Tooth Fairy. If you do not want to flush all your gun rights down the toilet, you will not waste your energy and votes on a quixotic candidate. Bush may not be George Washington, but he is not Al Gore or Bill Bradley either.
I'd rather vote for the tooth fairy than for a guy who admits publicly that he's for some more gun control. Call me a radical.

"Every decent man must be ashamed of his government." H.L. Mencken