Keyes for president??

Dennis my friend and sparring partner, thank you for your laudatory comments concerning our tag team tactics, having a wife registered in one state and you in another does have limited advantages, especially when you are like minded. I rescued my wife from a Staunchly Democratic family, I was the Lone conservative and would have hours of headbanging conversation trying to drag them into the light, but no they LOVE the darkness! She is squarely in the conservative corner now, much to the chagrin of my fater in law (LOL) I have brought another over from the darkside, My Brother in law, and now there are three! Again thanks for the kudos, glad you noticed.
When I said get in and fight the good fight I meant it, and I'll be happy to be the first in and the last out if need be, after all can't lead from the rear right? I will give you this assurance, I will Vote for Keyes in the Primary, If he gets the go ahead he gets my vote in November, If not I will go with the Candidate that closest reflects my political stand. If it is evident that Keyes hasn't a chance then I vote for the Republican and continue to shoot the wolf closest to the sled ( A Euphemism) As much as you hate it, I will not hand victory to the Democrats by being devisive when the result will be the instantaneous loss of my rights. As we experienced with Mr. Perot and Company. Perot had momentum and may have even pulled it off if he hadn't lost it at the last minute. Keyes could have that kind of momentum, he is dynamic enough, he is assertive enough, and if you/we could devise a plan of attack the could start a Perot like following, one that would get the fat, lazy and lethargic among us off of their respective duffs long enough to be heard in unity, one voice that was 80 million strong, loud enough that the Democrats would realize they woke a sleeping giant and cause them to cower in a corner.
In the mean time I hope that my vote in the primary sends GW a loud message, 2 in fact, One that Keyes Pro Gun Stance has the support of the heretofore Silent majority, and if wishes to garner any of that support he had better tighten up his stance on the Pro-gun Issue and Stick with it. number two, Keyes carries with him a lot of votes, votes GW needs, So offer him the second spot on the ticket.
The Libertarian plug was a gimme, your pass the shiner bock it's your turn..LOL

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
The ANTI-HCI Site!
Dennis, Ditto. Were right back to the frog boiling. A dem may be better than a republikan, cause their abruptly implemented laws might wake up this sorry country. Then again we've had slick and no one has awakend. KJM I thinks you might be right about the former bush doing more damgage than slick with his import ban.

EL JEFE yes "if they yank the rug then do what?" Well if they continue to do nothing they deserve the fate that awaits. Maybe we can forget they were our countrymen.

I tell ye true, Liberty dis the best of all things;
Never live beneath the noose of a Servile Halter.
W Wallace 1300.
Dr. Keyes would be wasted as a President. To put a man of his talents and beliefs to best use there is only one place for him. The United States Supreme Court.

Think about it. As President he could only serve for eight years, as a Justice he serves for as long as he chooses to or God allows. Imagine a strict contructionist likes Keyes on the bench sitting next to Clarence Thomas. Think we might see a drop in litiginous terrorism? You betcha. I would love to see the good Dr. as a Justice many times more than I would like to see him as a President.
I like this last idea! How about Keyes as Attorney General until such time as a SCJ retires and he can be nominated? He could get some clean up started on unconstitutional activities in Justice Dept TLA's before moving to the SC.
I've heard before the argument that electing a Democrat and allowing him to implement his totalitarian gun confiscation schemes will arouse the masses. But, after working the gun shows for a pro-gun candidate in the last three elections, I've learned that far too many gun owners are unwilling to get involved politically to protect their rights, even by doing something as simple as voting. They'll just give up their guns and take up archery. Ambassador Keyes is the most articulate, passionate and
truly conservative candidate in the pack and, if he were to be nominated, he would certainly have my vote. But I don't think the media (the true political powerbrokers) would ever allow him to be nominated. I've watched
every debate and haven't heard George W say any more about gun control than we should enforce the laws we have (which is why Clinton just appropriated $280 million to enforce existing laws, thus defusing to some degree that argument). Bush did sign the CCW law in Texas, something no anti would ever do. If Bush is the nominee, we will find out quickly in debates with Gore just how pro-2nd he is. Should he start chiming in with gun control proposals, he should then be inundated with letters from gun owners warning him that taking such positions means risking the election. If that doesn't work, then I'll hock my house to buy all the primers, powder and bullets that I can afford.


[This message has been edited by Monkeyleg (edited January 26, 2000).]
I do not believe I've ever seen a candidate with such clear, concise, convicted responses to virtually EVERY
question posed. I would vote for Keyes in a NY minute, IF I truly belived he had a shot. We must face up to the fact that the Rep. primary is a TWO candidate race, John-or George JR. So far, I perceive GWB as being the lesser of the two evils.
If I vote Keyes, this is a vote taken AWAY from GWB.
As to the actual Presidential election, who do you believe will garner the most electoral votes: JM or GWB? That, after all, will determine our next leader. NOT you or me.
I don't agree that the primaries are a two person race. The November elections "may" be a two person race, but in the primaries I think that you should choose the candidate that you feel is the best person for the job. It doesn't matter whether they have a chance or not, because the Republicans are going to have a candidate on the ballot in November. Your vote for the best man now may well determine the presidential running mate in November.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
BluesMan: Your'e right, I was referring to the actual primary, not the caucus' BTW, GWB said that he'll pick a running mate that "likes (him)". I don't believe AK falls into that camp, but I do wish it were so.
Actually, Vic, I think that in a recent debate, after GWB made the "VP who likes me" statement, that AK later said "I like you George."
I watched Keyes today beautifully handle
Chris Matthews on Hardball on the RKBA.

Matthews was trying to hang the conspiracy,
black heliocopter, UN loonie label on the RKBA and Keyes wiped him out.

I still think that Bush is the best pratical choice but if you don't vote for him, vote for Keyes as he says the right things on the RKBA and maybe we can shut down that venomous mutant Steve Forbes (sorry if you like him).
Glenn, are you turning libertarian on us? You better watch out hanging around this crowd; we're a bad influence on you appearently!
As for a 2 man race, things aren't looking all that clear anymore. I know the media wanted it to be a 2 man race, but appearantly they forgot to tell Keyes and Forbes. I don't personally agree with Forbes, but Keyes really pulled a slick one. He didn't spend millions of dollars in Iowa, yet he came in 3rd. New Hamshire may have a suprise for us too. Keyes is pretty strong there too. If he can do well enough to come in 3rd or even 2nd in NH, then he may be allowed into more debates. If he is allowed to speak, then a lot of people could be educated in the ways of our legacy of liberty. If his candidacy only serves to wake up a few million more people then he is a success. If he gets to be GW's Vice Pres. then he will be a failure, as Vice presidents become obscured in the dustbin of also rans. I like the idea of a Keyes nomination to the Supreme Court, but I like even better the idea that a man of his caliber being able to appoint 3 more justices of his caliber to the bench. Not to mention all of those lesser federal judges he would appoint. His legacy to us would last far beyond our lives, and maybe beyond our kid's lives.
I have seen Keyes go from small spots to larger interviews in the past week or so. This man is awe-inspiring! I have NEVER seen a candidate so clearly, concisely, and honestly address all of the issues. This man has more intestinal fortitude than all the other dial-a-delegates combined.

He gets my vote, even if I have to scribble it on the ballot. I especially loved his appearance on "Hardball" last night where he schtupped that media, elitist pig over RKBA. It made that last sip of Johnny Walker go down a might smoother.
On MSNBC late last night I watched as Keyes 'defended' his position on the Second Amendment. Wow!

Efforts to badger, berate, and an attempt to belittle him failed miserably. This man is INTELLIGENT and PATRIOTIC. Not just "politically smart" (which, to his credit, is his weak suit).

I would think our nation would be better served with a McCain/Keyes or Keyes/McCain ticket.

I am not supportive of Bush. I fear (as others have posted herein) that he is among that faction of the republican party that is slowly allowing our constitutional rights to be eroded into oblivion. Watching him talk, he stutters, corrects himself continously in midstream, and simply does not come straight out on any issue, with a clear statement of his convictions. In other words, he is the republicans "clinton" in that he (Bush) is the consumate politcian...capable of speaking words and saying nothing.

Keys, on the other hand (as with McCain) is straight forward; you know precisely what he believes in and, from that, 'how' he would deal with issues like gun control, abortion, and the like. His biggest drawback? He is black. And that, in and of itself, is a very sad indictment yet of our nation. I doubt this country 'feels' itself ready for a black president. And that is terrible because Keyes' the man.