Kerry Questioned About His 'Chinese Assault Rifle'

I know capital punishment isn't a deterrent; but the rate of recidivism is very favorable.

I honestly don't know where I got this. The above is how I remember it originally.

For years I investigated child sex crimes and, somewhere in the many squad room bull sessions, or in discussions in the courthouse lobby, or in conferences with the prosecutor over plea bargains, the phrase above came out. It might have come from my partner, from me, or from someone else.

Yeah, it's a good point. It deserves to be made more often.
Actually, I do belive that a properly carried out death penalty IS a powerful deterrent, but some will argue it.

The recidivism thing is NOT arguable.

I've convinced mushy liberals on the subject of the death penalty by pointing that out.

The hard corp libs are beyond reason, of course.