Keltec P15

Bill DeShivs

New member
Keltec discontinued the old P11, and has replaced it with the P15.
New gun is striker fired, holds 12 in "compact" mode, 15 with larger mag. Weighs about the same as the old P11.
The gun has a grip safety, rather than the ever-popular trigger dingus.
Tritium/fiber optic sights.

They really hopped on the aggressive texture train.

I happen to prefer smooth sides so the gun doesn't grind into my side. I've never had a hard time holding onto a pistol.

Kel Tec should make about 10 pistols a year and we'll never see one for sale in the wild.
I'm not a fan of grip safeties, but looking at this I won't immediately say no. For $250 it would be worth trying, but I doubt we'll ever see them selling that low due to typical Kel Tec low production.

Does make me wonder what the future is for the PF9.
Keltec actually makes pretty good guns, and I say this with 50+ years of experience working on guns.

Their production is pretty high, too. It's just demand far outstrips production capacity. This is a good thing-you want to sell everything you make, not make more than you can sell.

I didn't know this would be a Keltec bashing post.

I simply saw a new gun and thought some might like to know of it. Steve obviously didn't want to, did he? And he has lots of evidence to back him up....
Hey Bill, this is a forum for posting opinions about guns. If you just want the facts go read a review from a website. I own Kel Tec products and have shot many more. Some of their stuff works some of it is garbage. That's what you get for trying something new and I'm glad they aren't afraid to try.
Yes but does it still take the old s&w magazines? JK It looks so cool. Perfect for the target market that they sell to. Good gun.
My experience with Keltec has been great. Although I don't shoot them often, my two P32s have been flawless. I can't say the same for the last 4 out of 5 new pistols I have purchased in the past few months (all of those being from major manufacturers). Had I not just picked up a Ruger LCP Max and Smith CSX, I would likely be very interested in this new P15.
Yeah, I don't get the hate for the Kel Tecs, two I have are fine and they both cost about $400 new. All those who swore it off because they bought a PF9 within the first year it came out and had issues... it's like, that seems to be the deal with all new handguns these days.

I will not rush out to buy one this year, but excluding the P50, Kel Tec hasn't released a new centerfire pistol since the PF9. Kel Tec has learned much since then...
As Armoredman wrote, that IS one ugly-looking pistol. That said, any new pistol that doesn't have that trigger dingus is worth a look, in my opinion.
You know what Louis Sullivan said . . . . "Form follows function"

i have no dog in this fight . . . but I also know that there re guns that look good bu aren't reliable . . . .

Will be interesting to hear from somebody who actually gets one to hear what they think of it after they have put actual rounds through it.
I have had 2 kel-tek pistols, and shot one other. Of those 3, 2 were incredibly unreliable. I will most likely never buy a kel-tek ever again.
I have had 2 kel-tek pistols, and shot one other. Of those 3, 2 were incredibly unreliable. I will most likely never buy a kel-tek ever again.

Kel Tec fans thank you. They have, for years, sold everything they make keeping almost no inventory. They have a great warranty department as well.
And that PF9 is still my favorite concealment weapon for all day every day carry.

My NiB slide PF9 is my most carried pistol as well. I have a few Kahrs, but carry the PF9 a lot more. When I am working security I carry the CZP07 or for funerals or weddings, the 3" 1911, but the PF9 is at least 300 days a year.
To be fair, my PF-9 couldn't hit crap on it's best day.

That said, that thing doesn't look particularly small? or is it just how disproportional the slide looks to the grip area?