Keltec P11 is junk says Gun Tests Magazine?

Now you're asking

to be irritated.

Sorry, I couldn't resist. [duck!]

Sounds like for the cheap price on these guns, you just take a chance that you're won't be the lemon and that it likes your favorite ammo. Not too impressive. Would like to know percentages of "problem" guns...
I want...

Everyone to get a trigger shoe installed before they shoot their new p11. Its like a sig trigger, i really.

its pretty darn close. I know i love mine.

P.S. Screw magazine reports. They dont do anything we cant at our local range. Except make money off doing what we love to do anyway.

Everyone to get a trigger shoe installed before they shoot their new p11.
I had one, and it fell off after several mags worth of shooting. I tossed it. I can see why GT said they Kel-Tecs are no good as relability is spotty. If you get one that has no problems, hang on to it.
I have had several KelTecs, and still own 2 of the P32s.
All of my guns have needed trips to the factory (2 - 3 weeks! not days).
They have one of the best warranties in the business, and some of the best customer service, but the quality control on new guns is pretty lame.
I will keep my 32s, ( both have had extensive work by me, and one has had two trips to the factory).
There is no other 32 or 9 that is as small and light.
Once you get all of the kinks worked out, they are decent guns, but I would never recommend one to a newcomer.
Lost your shoe?

"I had one, and it fell off after several mags worth of shooting." -- EricM

You just didn't install it correctly. ;)

Here's how to do it:

1. Put the shoe on and tighten the tiny little screws just enough to make marks on the trigger;

2. Remove the shoe and use a tiny little drill to countersink two holes where you made the marks;

3. Use a little Loctite Blue on the tiny little screws and install the trigger.

I have over 2,000 rounds through a P-11 and the shoe is as tight as the day I installed it.


Have you tried the do-it-yourself White trigger stop?
Makes a P-11 or P-40 much easier to shoot well.
On one level, Gun Test is quite right to go thumbs up or thumbs down on what comes rat out of the box, because that's what happens to real buyers.

But by the same rigid standard, I'd have to tell other shooters that all Marlins, Rugers, Colts , and Sigs are pieces of clinton, because I have had models from each fail right out of box.

There are some basic realties of the gun business. With the exception of certain "lexus" models, there is fierce price competition, meaning that some final testing/evaluation gets cut short.

This means that some pieces come out needing some extra work. That's reality. The good news it that most problems can be easily fixed.
I'd like to add that the P-11 & P-32 are highly specialized CCW pieces. I appreciate them for their limited application. But they are a very bad introduction to the shooting game for any beginner.
I will say this about Gun Tests--I cancelled the subscription about 8 months into it. In my opinion it was so full of inaccuracies it was not even funny. Now this was back in 96, so it might have gotten better. I have read (here and other places) that they recommended the CorBon 115gr 9mm for bear! Perhaps Winnie the Pooh, perhaps one of the Care Bears.

As for Kel Tec P11. I have had one for about 3 years and I have had no problems to speak about. As for the trigger, sure it is heavy, but is no worse then any revolver's DA pull.


Exactly what kind of drill do you use? I'd like to do that to my P-11 but don't want to buy anything just to drill 2 little holes.
This may sound a little crazy but I was thinking that I could heat up the end of a large pin a make some holes that way.
I have some Loctite but have never used it before. Do I take the screw all the way out and put it on it? or put a drop down the hole?

Thanks in advance.
That`s one way to do it and I understand it works well. Another is to put a good dab of black silicone behind the shoe (not enough to ooze out of course) then install the set screws using locktite (dab it on the threads) and make them VERY tight. I used this method and mine`s still rock solid after well over 4000rds. Marcus
The trigger shoe WILL fall off if you simply tighten it down and leave it at that. Most certainly it needs to be secured with loctite and even better if the steps above are taken. I love my P11. As do many others. Sure some have had their problems. But I have to say honestly that most of the problems have been worked out, as Kel-Tec is one of the newer gun makers.

I always remember, that even though gun magazines may be interesting and fun to read, there is a good chance they are biased in some way. Thats why I choose to ask the owners and trying something on for size before I go running to the store to buy one. In the case of the P-11, was a great source in my decision making. As was shooting, asking other owners at ranges. When it comes to satisfaction my P-11 has been more than acceptable. It has exceeded my expectations of a $230 gun. It has become my all time carry, favorite shooting pistol ever. I cant say that for many others. Sure its not as accurate as my sigs, but for what it was built for, its perfect.

I wouldnt go to the car dealership and buy a new Hundai just because "car and driver" say its the best car ever. And I surely aint gonna do it with something I protect my life with.

Tim :)
Well I love mine..I have put several various types of ammo through it and have yet to have a failure of any kind after countless rounds. I also have to close friend who also own the P-11 both have no problems with reliability although one says he doesnt like the way the grips feel.
One thing to remember is that the slide rails and hammer interface should be slightly greased.
I like its simple opersation and easy of field stripping as well :)
Maybe Kel-Tec has got enough feedback to do a bit of redesign.

A) If everybody needs the trigger shoe, just redesign the trigger.

B) I think that the P-11 should have the same trigger mechanism as the P-32. Not only is the P-11 mechanism long and hard,but I tend to short stroke the return.

C) They might enlarge the trigger guard for us guys with bear paw hands.

But, AS IS is doing fine!
Well, no...

"A) If everybody needs the trigger shoe, just redesign the trigger." -- RazorsEdge

The shoe has to be removable because that's how you disassemble the pistol for detail stripping. :)

Some have Dremel'd the opening on the grip so that the trigger/shoe combo will slip through, but I didn't like the idea of that large a hole to collect gunk in the trigger pivot area.

"I have some Loctite but have never used it before. Do I take the screw all the way out and put it on it? or put a drop down the hole?" -- alamo

IMNSHO, you should use a drill instead of a heated pin. What you want to do is form a sort of seat for the tapered screw heads. Put a small amount of Loc-Tite on the threads and don't torque the screws too much with that teeny little Allen wrench...lots of folks strip threads by overdoing it.

The black silicone is a good idea, too...use just enough to help hold it on and it will be easy to remove if necessary.
I had a P11 and it was an OK gun. I had to send it back after the first 35 rounds because the trigger failed to return after a shot. I bought three aftermarket mags for it, two factory 10 rounders and a S&W 15 rounder. All worked flawlessly. I sold the gun after installing a metal guide rod and a sight kit because I just couldnt get the gun to shoot to my point of aim. It shot 6-8 inches low reguardless of sight combinations or ammo choice. This may have been due to operator error I just dont know. The gun didnt jam, was easy to conceal, and just plain worked. I sold it and a Taurus 945 plus $100 for a new Glock 30. Everybody ended up happy. If you can do a fluff and buff according to the instructions at the website and it shoots to your point of aim they really arent bad guns. IMHO for what its worth.