Grendel never made the P-11. George Kelgren designed 'em and makes 'em in Cocoa Bch. Fl. Kel-Tec P-11: THE best, smallest, most reliable, lightest (21 oz. w/ 10 + 1), full capacity 9mm out there. Customer service second to NONE. A 1 hr. fluff & buff, Houge Handall Jr., pencil eraser trigger stop and you're in there. Absolute reliability so long as you don't shoot limp wristed. That is the biggest problem people have with Kel-Tec's. They don't understand Kel-Tec's slide weight/frame weight/mass ratio. IMPERATIVE to hold Kel-Tec's with a very firm grip. The long stroke 8.5 trigger isn't very hard to master. Actually made me a better shooter w/ other handguns like my Ruger KP97dc.