My 84XXX had a pretty severe jamming problem with FMJ and more-so with hollowpoints. It wouldn't extract the fired case (between 2-4 per mag), and therefore the next round to chamber would ram into the old case causing a nice little malfunction. Got rid of it last week for a Glock 27. Best move I've made in a long while... counted myself lucky when I got a $110.00 trade-in value.
FWIW: it was an easily concealable firearm. It was very light, held 10+1 rounds, and the trigger wasn't too bad either. It ALWAYS went bang when I pulled the trigger (for the first shot). But, I'll avoid them next time around. I just don't want a gun that was designed to be "fluffed-&-buffed." Shoulda been done at the factory from the get-go if you ask me.
I put 135 rounds through the Glock yesterday (100 PMC and one box of Federal HS 165's and a 1/2 box of Corbon 150's)... Totally reliable.
I hope this helps.