Kel-Tec P-32 vs. Tomcat?

I LOVE my P32. Currently waiting to get it back from having the carry clip attached. The clip is a great option for me as I usually only carry the P32 when in shorts, sweats or other mode of dress that does not allow a better choice of primary weapon. As far as comfort shooting and recoil, those aren't concerns with this gun as it is not for recreational shooting. My Bro-in-law and father do not like it. ("too small, long trigger, etc.") Let's be honest. The only reason I will be relying on this weapon is if I am for whatever reason, without a suitable primary defense gun. A .32 is 'OK' (read: better than nothing) but not what I depend on in usual circumstance. If I do find myself in such a situation, I have been very happy with reliability and accuracy and it carries like no other.
Why did you have to send it anywhere to have the carry clip attached? You just start the pin out, then follow it with the carry clip fastener, it couldn't be easier to install it yourself!
Original pin came out easy enough. The new pin went partway in and that was it. Under all kinds of pressure, light tapping and not-so-light tapping. I took it back to point of purchase because i didn't want to hit it any harder. They tried this and that and couldn't get it through either. (all this time wouldn't go through OR come out!) They sent it back to KT. Have the pros do it no charge can't be bad. Didn't realize how often I carried it 'til I was without it. Really is a gun you can take anywhere, anytime.
Bought my P32 last summer. Got it to the range and after 2 magazine where fired, the gun started to jam. It also refused to return to battery after the jam was cleared. A phone call to the factory put me in touch with one of ther Tech people. He stated that a run of of slides had been produced without the proper "harding" and caused the slide and breach to peen.
They authorized return. While there I opted for the hard chrome slide $20 option. Gun was back in my hands about 10 days later. Didn't have to pay shipping. This pistol is now 200 percent reliable. It shoots everything I feed it. Its so light that i forget that it's on me. I've retired my beloved seecamp 32 to my gun safe since it feels like a boat anchor in my pocketcompared to the P32. By the way this gun really has a mild kick.
Tips from a satisfied P32 owner

Get the hard chrome and send the whole gun. I live in California and I bought mine, special order, through my local dealer. Paid a little more than some of you probably did, maybe 10 or 15 percent above rockbottom internet special prices. He sent it to Kel-tec for me during the waiting period. Didn't charge me. I never even knew it was gone, and they obviously tested the entire gun after the chroming, because mine works like a charm.

I also got my local dealer to install the belt clip I ordered. He didn't charge me for that either.

Use a light hand, but do the fluff and buff. I used 600 grit followed by 1500 grit paper. The action smooths up significantly once the friction is reduced between the moving parts. Reliability is increased, and the reluctance of the slide to move fully forward when manually chambering a round is no more.

Although mine is black, I'm thinking that if it was blue or red or some other "non-lethal" color, no one would know what I had clipped inside my belt even if they saw the top of it.

The P32 isn't perfect but it has some remarkable attributes, including accuracy. It also weighs about 6 ounces unloaded. It's a nasty little surprise you can always have ready if you need it. It's worth the small effort required to ensure its reliability. Also, it's not a target pistol and not designed to be comfortable to fire many times. The grip is sharp so you can grab it securely when you need it and make it go bang.

Still, it's not for everybody and reasonable people may still disagree on the best .32. Just don't dismiss it out of hand after a bad experience.

Regards to all.