Kel-tec, no longer a joke....

I have a P11 with over 5000 rounds through it.
No Keltec has a plastic slide, and they all have metal frames.
Perhaps if you actually tried one, you would understand why they could be someone's favorite gun.
I recently bought one of their new .22 mag carbines. I have taken it to the range only once so far and it didn't screw up until the second shot. I found if you didn't try to load the mags to full capacity, you were more likely to get it to work reliably. The mags are a bugger to load and that seems to be their biggest problem. I got a mag loader and it helps, but still not an easy thing to get done. When all is said and done, it actually shot pretty good. I was ringing steel rapid fire at 100 yds. with no problem. Neat little carbine and I'd really like it if they would come up with some better design of mag.
I waited 5 years for the PMR30 as I always wanted a semi auto 22 mag without having to pay for the price of a High Standard. Glad I waited the worked out the kinks it had when it first came out, now I wish I had not bought it as I'm spending a ton of money shooting it. It is so much fun I find myself giggling like a little girl and its a laser and reliable as heck.
The only Kel-Tec I've ever really had any significant interest in is sadly long out of production. The P40. Yes, I know that it kicked hard, (it's an ultra-light .40) and I know that the gun had to be held with a death grip in order for it to function reliably, but I would still buy one if they remained in production.
Scorch wrote:
Plastic guns with plastic slides and plastic triggers that won't last 100 rounds

Plastic slides? Is there a pistol made anywhere in the world that has a plastic slide?
No Keltec has a plastic slide, and they all have metal frames.
Perhaps if you actually tried one, you would understand why they could be someone's favorite gun.
Bill, I work as a gunsmith, have for many years, and I see and work on many, many kinds of guns. The new PMR30 has a PLASTIC slide with a steel insert. It also has a PLASTIC frame. Call it polymer if you want, but it's plastic. Perhaps if you actually handled one, you would see that I don't say things that are not true. And I understand perfectly well how they could be somebody's favorite gun because I have seen people go totally stupid over cheap guns before.
Kel-tec has been an innovator, they've been copied a lot for good reason. That's a fact.

The problem was, they'd come out with a new design/idea, release a batch of "beta" guns then it takes years for the supply chain to fill. Meanwhile, the friendly gun reviewers write rave reviews about these unobtanium guns and demand builds and for a while, there was a premium price on these budget guns (at least in my area). It seems they're doing a much better job of producing in quantity now as I'm seeing them in stock now. Before, you had to buy based on gun reviews and order and hope. Given the high demand, their QA has had a hard time keeping up too. That's where the "joke" reputation has come from. Also, for the PMR/CMR 30, 22 mag rimfire is tough to do, how many other companies even try?