Keep forgetting to check...

In VA you can carry even if a sign is posted, but if you're asked to leave and you refuse you can be charged with trespassing. And of course govt. buildings and schools are off limits period. But the really odd thing is in clubs and bars you can CC as long as you're not consuming alcohol, but if consuming alcohol you can open carry.

Another question that comes up in Virginia is carrying a gun when you go and vote. If someone has a gun when they go to vote and the polling place is not otherwise restricted (school, govt. bldg., etc) they voter is allowed to vote without being problems. One poll worker (older lady well over 65) said she has her gun with her when she works the polls because she might need to use it. Our polls open before daylight and close after dark but her location has no cell service and the telephone is on the opposite end of the building.
Yes, you need to be aware of gun free zones like U.S. military bases.

In my military experience (9th Inf Regiment, 2nd Inf Division) we were mostly draftees which probably explains why we were allowed to store ammunition in our wall lockers. :):)
Nanney1: What state do you live in? You may not need to bother checking at all. In some states those signs have zero force of law. I've lived and carried in WA and PA, and in both those states businesses can post all the "no guns" signs they want, but you can ignore them. They have no force of law.

Now, if they find out you're carrying they can ask you to leave. At that point if you don't leave you're trespassing. But they could also ask you to leave if they thought your T-shirt was offensive.
Yes, you need to be aware of gun free zones like U.S. military bases.

I frequent Dover AFB picking up freight for UPS. {not a UPS employee} They are very loose with security unfortunely. No metal detector for drivers. They search the truck, but not the driver. There is a sign coming into the inspection area about firearms\weapons.
Great bunch of young folks there. I hope nothing ever happens. I would have expected more after FT. Hood.
I frequent Dover AFB picking up freight for UPS. {not a UPS employee} They are very loose with security unfortunely. No metal detector for drivers. They search the truck, but not the driver. There is a sign coming into the inspection area about firearms\weapons.
Great bunch of young folks there. I hope nothing ever happens. I would have expected more after FT. Hood.
That background check you have to pass before being allowed on base is pretty intense...
usually if you're a civilian allowed on base, you've got a pretty sparkly clean record and
aren't very likely to cause a problem ;)
I'm in Kentucky, those signs don't actually carry the weight of the law in most places. Of course certain buildings are off limits regardless.

Read and understand the laws in your area and you'll be in good shape.
My CC permit should be ready for pickup in the next day or two. In the last week or so, I've made a mental note that when I enter any business or office to check and see if they post if weapons are not allowed.

So far, I've yet to remember once as I walk in to even look. Later on, I'll remember that I forgot to notice. I've just never been in the habit of noticing since I've never carried.

My guess is that I'll become much more aware of such things when I'm actually carrying.
In Florida they're supposed to have a Prominent Sign, if they have one...
chain's like Buffalo Wild Wings noticed they lost half their biz after placing them,
and many took them right back down...managers like profit.
Some have No Weapons Allowed with the "Concealed Permit Holders excepted" signs,
which are similar to Alabama's required posted signs.

And then there's Simply Woods, which has the "Judicious Marksmanship Appreciated" signs :)