As a matter of fact I don't believe that. In order to call it a "slant" you first have to decide where "center" is. The average American is liberal. You and I may not like that fact but it's the truth. And I can't speak to what irritates the liberals, but I'll tell you what irritates me: FOX News lies. And they definitely show more bias than the others.
Submitted as *proof* of the bias, here's the study:
Look at the last panel. Pay particular attention to where the media outlets fall in comparison to the average voter, average Dem, and average Republican. See? That's proof.
Which I'm still waiting for supporting the notion that there's a conspiracy to intentionally slant the media. Of course, you can't so no real sense in waiting.
What really bugs me is people who go on and on about how their viewpoint is being supressed by some 'evil conspiracy' so they don't have to look at the fact that they're in the minority.
As a matter of fact I don't believe that. In order to call it a "slant" you first have to decide where "center" is. The average American is liberal. You and I may not like that fact but it's the truth. And I can't speak to what irritates the liberals, but I'll tell you what irritates me: FOX News lies. And they definitely show more bias than the others.
Submitted as *proof* of the bias, here's the study:
Look at the last panel. Pay particular attention to where the media outlets fall in comparison to the average voter, average Dem, and average Republican. See? That's proof.
Which I'm still waiting for supporting the notion that there's a conspiracy to intentionally slant the media. Of course, you can't so no real sense in waiting.
What really bugs me is people who go on and on about how their viewpoint is being supressed by some 'evil conspiracy' so they don't have to look at the fact that they're in the minority.