Kahr P9: Are they holding up?


Just bought a Kahr P9 and will send it back to the factory for a fix as the slide locks back with rounds left in the magazine. I did a search and read about problems with the slide release and spring. My question is that after the factory does their fix are they reliable? How many rounds have folks shot through their P9s without a malfuntion? The gun has a great trigger and is light and accurate but reliability is important to me. Please don't tell me to get a glock. I know glocks are great but they are a bit heavy and boxy for me.
I have fired about 300-400 rounds through mine. No failures. Although some have clearly had problems, many folk have found them to be reliable.
I have an E9. Same as K9 but cheaper finish. Shot about 1000 rounds through it and used it in IDPA. Only problem was with some cheap reloads I bought.

Otherwise no problem, eats everything, works fine.
I guess luck of the draw.
I traded a Colt Combat Target at a gunshow for a Glock G19 9mm with nightsights and 2mags one a high cap. I got some cash too. Now the Glock is my CCW. I may sell the Kahr when it comes back whenever that is... I couldn't let myself sell it when I knew it was not working or it would have gone at the show too. Kahr has still not replied to my e-mail from 6 days ago asking them to repay me for shipping my pistol back for warrenty repair. I bought it new too.

Kahr doesn't get chance 2 here.

I suggest you call the Kahr tech. desk direct at 508-795-3919. They are very helpful and friendly. They can help you diagnose and solve problems over the phone if feasible.

They are really flying high and I think that some of their response problems are due to the popularity of their products which has overwhelmed even them! Don't email them as it will be re-routed by their NY sales force (I.E., lost).
A very nice woman from Kahr called me early this morning. She indicated that they would send me a new slide release lever and that if this didn't work I could send the gun in for repairs. I will give it a try. Kahr has answered my E-mails promptly and has called me. I can't compain about their customer service.
A few months ago, I decided I had to have a Kahr P-9 or K-9. So I went to a range to try them both out. Both malfunctioned right off the bat, and I wasn't even able to get a half-dozen rounds through either. Also, I thought the K-9 was way too heavy for a compact 9 mm with a 7-round magazine capacity.

I later discovered the Kel-Tec P11, which I now own. After trying the Kahr and owning the Kel-Tec, I can't see why anyone who wants a compact 9 mm would buy the Kahr over the Kel-Tec. The Kel-Tec trigger pull is a lot heavier than the Kahr but, frankly, that turned me off to the Kahr. If a pistol has no safety, like the Kahr, I want the trigger pull to be long and heavy like a revolver.

The Kel-Tec holds 10 + 1 rounds, weighs a lot less, and has been completely reliable. And here's the clincher: It cost less than half as much as the Kahr. :)
POJ's IMHO. I bought a brand new K9 after they had been out for a while and it had to be sent back for multiple infractions after 250 rounds. At the price Kahr's go for, this is unacceptable.

I had the same experience with Sig. I refuse to own any Brand where I am forced to send the weapon back before less than one thousand rounds have been fired.

My Maks have worked out of the box and they cost $175.00. The joke is now on Mr. Moon in this household.

I really like Glocks, Rugers and Berettas, they work. They all have their draw-backs but they work. I am sorry to rave and I hope that all of who have had great luck with Kahr's continue to do so. It just irks me when I see that good people continue to get the shaft by Kahr and the gun rags continue to suck up.
Oh Boy! Some interesting comments on this topic! I have a Sig 232 in 380, and like it for its lightness and small size. The kahr P9 seems to be about the same size and weight, but you get the more poweful 9mm.

All my SIGS are untra-reliable, but would like to get more firepower. I guess I should wait to see were Kahr takes this, or maybe SIG will make a small 9mm!
i do not blame you guys. get rid of those hunks of Moonie junk. e-mail me and i will give you the shipping adress to send them to. oh yeah!! i guess i would at least pay the shipping. Kahr ownership is just more strain than some folks can bear.
I've had my P9 for a couple weeks now and have put almost 200 rounds through it. Very accurate and comfortable to shoot. Good trigger pull and easy recoil. Easy to carry. I like it.

One failure to lock. Sent a message to a Kahr forum (egroup.com/community/kahr). Was advised that if doesn't happen again it was probably just a "hiccup" (my term) from a new gun.

Was also advised to check what type of slide lock I had. If the pin swivels from the handle (?) of the slide lick when it's pulled out of the gun, it's a good one and it shouldn't have the FTL problem. That's what I have and I haven't had anymore FTL's.

Emailed Kahr at the same time. They said they would send me a replacement slide lock if I wanted. Or I could send the gun back to them.

I love the KT P11 but after 6 months I still couldn't shoot it well. Too bad.

I used to have a P11. Empties hitting me in the face and excessively heavy trigger made me get rid of it.

I now have a P9 and a G26.

P9 had slide lock lever replaced, no malfunctions after that in about 500 rounds. Accurate, always one hole at 21ft. Great ergonomics.

G26 is much harder to shoot accurately, less ergonomic, doesn't point as well. Slide reliease slightly more streamlined than on the P9.

One area in which Kahr needs improvement (and can't as the steep feeding angle is part of the design) is the magazines. The mags can dump the to pround if handled roughly.

Glock OTOH doesn't point as well and the grip is less comfortable. Both are very nice compared to P11. I prefer the P9 by far.

An illustrated conmarison/review of G26/P9 is coming very soon, all the photos are ready.
I have researched what I need in a semi-auto. The P-9 seemed to be perfect.However I constantly came across this slide lock problem in my inquires.
I called Khar yesterday and actually got to talk with one of the main engineers. He stated that yes there was a prior problem with the slidelock and spring on some earlier production. Now he says that is all cleared up and they have had no problems since.
As a note I asked about the P-40. He ststed that it was harder to produce a durable gun since the 40 cal recoil is tough on such a light gun. They are still woking on it.
Oh well gotta go.
Mine works fine- 1100 rds later.

I'm very happy with mine. I think I had one malfuntion in the first mag full I shot, & none thereafter. I may start using it for IDPA. I have 100% confidence in it for CCW. I took a dremmel to the slide stop to take it down a bit and remove the sharp edges- handles better for me now. Anybody wana buy a G29?
What I am I missing here? It's normal to perform post-factory modifications on a $600.00 weapon? Maybye my standards are too high. Strange how some makes get bashed no matter what (ie: Glocks) yet they work out of the box and others skate by even though there is a definite history of poor workmanship. I guess we owe this to the Gun Rags.