K31 disappointment

That's what I keep telling my left-handed brother in law, Doc. :D
Believe it or not, Doc, Op-Rod failure, albeit not too often is a fact, and the sole reason is the lug breaking, and the root cause of that is long-term unnecessary abuse of that bolt handle.

Swiss armourers are seldom ever wrong about their own k31 design. Take it for what its worth, and slam away! :D
(BTW..... Op-Rods are something that can be purchased, but those too are from the 30's through the 50's)

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I do notice a definite difference in the smoothness of cycling the bolt loaded and unloaded. Smooth as butter when loaded. Feels sticky when not actually cycling rounds.
akadave said:
I do notice a definite difference in the smoothness of cycling the bolt loaded and unloaded. Smooth as butter when loaded. Feels sticky when not actually cycling rounds.

I'm glad someone else noticed that. Smoother when loaded and even smoother after a little heat from a half dozen rounds. It feels like a Swiss watch at operating temps.
I know one thing. My rifle was nice and greased up when I got it and it cycled really smooth. I clened the rifle and didn't have any grease so I oiled the bolt just untill the grease I ordered arrives. Now it cycles somewhat clunky. I'm not shooting it like this, hopefully my grease should be here today
Ended up trading the K31 off to a guy who wanted to add another to his collection of them, and I got a decent Mauser out of it. I already like it far more.
Thats too bad you didnt get along with the K31 Raftman. In my experience they are far more accurate than any C&R Mauser model I have ever shot, and better built. They are heavy but only because they are over-built but they are amazing at the range. I have never seen a commercial bolt action that is as consistently accurate as any of the 4 K31's I have. I have several K98's, a couple with "new" barrels, M1 Garands setup for CMP matches, a mint Persian Mauser (have had several), and have had a bunch of the Czek Mausers which were unissued for the most part. None of them could touch the K31 with GP-11 even with commercial and handloaded ammo.
Don't get me wrong, it is/was clearly that it's a fine rifle... but it's like they say, there's no accounting for taste. I don't shoot competitively, I just like old military rifles and think it's fun to shoot them. For my purposes a Mauser is accurate enough and just fits me better.
Mauser k98

I have 4 k98's one is a gi bring back which i have NEVER shot and will keep it that way. I've not had any issues with them and I use one of them for hunting because the waffenamps and symbols have been peened out and scrubbed off so its basically just a good shooting/hunting rifle. I am very curious to get a k31 but they just look so freakin odd! Going off of what you all have been saying as far as the accuracy goes I might give them a shot.