Justified Shooting?

I firmly believe in letting the punishment fit the crime. If someone is stealing my car, the punishment should not be a death sentence. If I or my family is in the car and the bg threatens to harm us in any way then it is. The shooter in this story was not justified.
Bad Shoot! Under AZ law he should not have shot. I don't know how things are in Phoenix, but in Tucson, we have a very anti-gun county attorney, and I guarantee you, she will make your life a living hell if tou shoot anyone under any circumstance. Her predecessor was just as bad. He railroaded my neighbor for stpping a crime in progress while armed.(Is there any other way) He then gave the perps immunity to testify against him. Justice is blind. His life is ruined. And he did not even fire a shot.
I agree with what you said about Nevada, but only to a point. Reno and Vegas aren't the most pro gun areas in the state. I lived in northern NV for 10 years. I carried concealed with o permit, and the cops knew it. They did not care. This was 20 years ago. I don't know how they'd feel about it now.
Paul B.
Under the laws of most states-bad shoot. I, personally, would probably position myself where the thief would be forced to drive through me to escape :) And it would not be a handgun if I was at home-it would be a H&K 91. In my area, a felon's family is NOT going to sue you unless they have the money to pay the lawyer his fees up front. The lawyer knows he is going to lose so he is not going to take the case for a case that the DA declines to prosecute.

I know several people who have killed in self defense in this area (eastern, central Georgia) Only one was prosecuted (the man attacking him was unarmed) for murder. Found not guilty. Civil suit found against him for wrongful death. He filed bankruptcy and they got absolutely nothing. I know of no one successfully sued for wrongful death where the DA refused to prosecute criminal charges in this area.

Personally, I believe that criminals committing violent crimes as well as burglary and theft should do so with the knowledge that it is lawful for an uninvolved witness to shoot them dead from ambush. Two goals are involved here: 1)Decreasing the supply of criminals, and 2) increasing the guts it takes to commit these crimes.

Check out http://augustachronicle.com/stories/070799/met_066-6273.000.shtml

for an inarguably good shoot.

Here are the links for the editorial about the shooting as well as a letter to the editor- http://www.augustachronicle.com/ns-search/stories/070899/opi_089-5855.shtml?NS-search-set=/3785d/aaaa1490785dfa6&NS-doc-offset=0&


[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited July 09, 1999).]
It depends on whether the use of deadly force in defense of property is legal in Arizona.

If the shoot was here in Texas, I'd say he'd have a good chance to get off...unless the BG jumping the fence was hit as he probably didn't have any of the armed citizen's property on him.

Running from the scene looks very bad as flight usually equals guilt in the eyes of the law. Not a good move on his part. If he goes to trial he'd better call Ayoob.

Had an experience once where the news said hail was headed toward my apartment complex. As I'd just bought a new car, I rushed downstairs to move my car. I pulled out of my uncovered parking space into one of the numerous vacant covered parking spots. Now one normally pays $20 per month extra to park under one of these, but I figured it would be ok for 30 minutes until the hail passed.

Well, the hail missed me, but I heard the car alarm go off...once...one whoop and silence as the system reset. I disregarded it as the rain and thunder had been setting it off for "one whoop" repeatedly. Then I listened more closely...no rain...no thunder...about thirty second later another whoop and silence.

Figuring the Benelli Super 90 would scare the neighbors to much if it was a false alarm, I grabbed my custom three inch S&W M-657 .41 Magnum and Surefire 12Z tactical light (the 500 lumen monster), I burst down the stairs to see what was up. As I neared the corner of the building past which my car was parked, I heard scuffling and the alarm went off again. Assuming a Harries position and staying close to the wall, I "sliced the pie" at the corner and flooded the car with the 12Z. Just as I did, I saw a blur of long hair, heard a feminine gasp, clicking of heels, and the slamming of a door in my building. Looking at the car, I saw a note placed under my windshield wiper which was rather messed up.

Sticking the 657 in my waistband I went over and read the note. It was a threat to have me towed if I parked there again. She had set the alarm off trying to put it under the windshield. Looking up at the apartment building I could see one of the blinds was cracked as though someone was looking out. I waved to the crack and it abruptly disappeared. The windshield wiper proved not to be damaged, just crooked.

Noting which car she was probably driving I made a point of paying silent attention to her whenever she and I saw each other. She never made eye contact with me after that.

Dumb twit! Set a guy's car alarm off THREE TIMES in Texas and don't even think about him coming down to check it out.

- Anthony
Anthony---not trying to be too much of a hard on but was her car getting damaged in the hail storm because the spot she pays for was occupied by your car? Not to mention that had she called the cops you might have been guilty of brandishing a deadly weapon? kinda iffy... You were irked at her for messing with your ride but weren't you tresspassing?

What if it had been your space and you drove home as it started to hail and you found another car parked thier. How would you react if you were forced to park your new car in an unprotected parking space...

BTW--no follow up on this shooting yet.

[This message has been edited by HarryB (edited July 10, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by HarryB (edited July 10, 1999).]
In the eyes of the law, absolutely not justified, if accurate and no additional facts were present.

In my eyes, they had it coming.