Justified shooting in GA?

anyone that believes the rider 'rammed' the auto isn't very intelligent, this very likely could not happen without the bike going down.
sounds like a couple of lying spoiled self-centered bimbos got someone killed and their dad in big trouble - and if the reports of 'other shootings' turns out to be factual he likely will face a long prison term.
anyone that believes the rider 'rammed' the auto isn't very intelligent, this very likely could not happen without the bike going down.
sounds like a couple of lying spoiled self-centered bimbos got someone killed and their dad in big trouble - and if the reports of 'other shootings' turns out to be factual he likely will face a long prison term.
I see additional charges, featuring the two daughters. Aggrevated assault, and whatever they call the crime of falsifying information to someone who then acts on that information. The forensic people are attempting to see if the two girls rammed the bike, as suspected, and it can be proven.

And, yes, the "father" was correctly charged based on the facts as we know them so far. Premeditated murder I'd say.
5 years on a bike

I've been riding for only 5 years on Harley's. After two accidents where I got tapped by a car I doubt a new rider was going to ram a car and not go down. Like most instances with parents and their kids the kids are never wrong. Even when its on video.

A sad event with one dead and another probably going to spent the rest of his life in jail not to mention the pending lawsuits that might takes everything dad had and award it to the family of the victim.
I do know that it is near Impossible to RAM a moving car on my motorcycle and continue to keep following them. But if any one says this can be done I'd love to have a lesson, please provide video.
anyone that believes the rider 'rammed' the auto isn't very intelligent, this very likely could not happen without the bike going down.
First, my bona fides: 65,000 motorcyle miles, including two cross-USA trips and one training day at the Keith Code Superbike School during the mid-1980s.

Second, it depends on what you mean by "ram." If you mean smacking the front or rear of the bike into another vehicle, that action would likely be very bad for the biker because the front or rear wheel would contact the vehicle. For that reason, I think "ram" is being misused. Instead, it was probably some sort of side contact.

I once had a car drift into my lane and smack me. Due to the gyroscopic action of the bike's two wheels, I was not knocked down. Actually, I was shoved about 6 inches to the side, and my footpegs scraped the paint on the car's side.

I very seriously doubt the biker "rammed" the girls' car. More likely, they cut into his lane because they weren't paying attention (like what happened to me), thought they had damaged "Daddy's car," and claimed the biker had rammed them so Daddy would get angry with the biker, not them. The biker probably got P-O'd and followed them to give them a piece of his mind. When he saw Daddy outside with the gun, the biker probably figured he'd best leave, and then Daddy shot him in the back.

The above would be my hypothesis until I learned more facts.
Like I said;
"Kicks the side of the car then follows them home". I hate it when reporters and others use inflamatory terms. I stated I didn't think the Biker RAMed the car I stated I assumed the biker kicked the car. My intention was to disprove the ability to RAM a car and stay up right, while including the possibility of side contact like you've reported.

But the reporter writing this story used the term Ram, notice later in the story the reporter used stated "Made another Pass". This is also a weighted phrase, "Made another Pass" makes it sound lke the biker was on a straifing run. A better term would have been "passed by again"

Now I give Bonus points for anyone who would care to point out to me that I called the Girls "Britney and Paris" Also a use of inflamatory retoric. :o

But I'm a self-confessed Hypocrite and I'm allowed to do these things. :p
I've been riding for 42 years, owned 20 or so bikes and am still very actively involved in the sport ... I've had a number of instances where I've been cut off, had my lane filled or otherwise been agravated by cages ... however, the reason I've never had an accident in all that time is that I realize a car is a hell of a lot bigger than my bike ... I take a breath, let the adrenaline subside and go on about my business ... as for Daddy and his .40, I see him spending the rest of his life behind bars ... NO justification for the shooting, if the facts are as posted ...
Taking down the license plate and calling the police might have been the right call if any.

However , that would have probably accomplished nothing (Unless they booked him for harassment or stalking ? I don't know)

More than likely that would have resulted in provoking the jerk into some form of retaliation like slashing some tires.

A lose situation just about any way you choose.

Best option would have been to let the guy go away and hopefully cool off. IMO.
HItting a car with a bike? Not something I ever tried in my more than two decades of two wheeling. Sounds fishy that there.

Based strictly on the information in the OP have to say not justified. The Biker could have just been trying to get a good address and plate number to swear out a warrant against the girls with the four wheeled bludgeon that kills more people every year than guns do.
I live in Athens, GA, and I'm an avid motorcyclist, and a concealed weapon license holder. (not sure if I'm proud of that last one, since I don't believe I should have to have a license... but I digress).

Anyway, I have been cutoff, run into the grass / dirt, had a car just stop in the middle of the road as the moron backed out of her driveway... skidded all teh way up to her passenger door and gave her a rather unwelcomed gesture. So I feel the dude's pain and annoyance when "cagers" do stupid things with their weapons... aka cars. However, following those 2 home wasn't too bright... especially since they were women. Pulling up next to them at a stop light and having a little chat may have been a better idea... but he wasn't going to change much, if anything.

All this is to say, I agree with the above. It was not self defense if the guy is riding away on his motorcycle. How is your person threatened by someone driving away from you on their bike? That would be a hard case to prove in court.
"Gear, who added that she "gunned" her car onto Elder Street, and Mough cut through a yard at the intersection and rammed the driver's side of her car, the affidavit says."?

That's a complete fabrication.

The little girlies are digging themselves deeper and deeper. And their father committed murder through and through. It would have been one thing if the biker drove up onto their yard and was trying to run them or the father down, but shot in the BACK? on the public street?! Nope, throw the book at the father, and make sure something happens to the girls whose stupidity, arrogance, and lies led to a mans death.

My biker experince, been riding for 17 years, though on the road only for 8 (im 24). I have to deal with all sorts of jerks on the road, but i usually find it the case that some idiot in their car wants to run down a biker (It's happened to me once). Hence why i keep bits of porcelain in the left pocket. Spark plug insulators work great. I personally wouldn't try to follow someone home because it's a waste of my time and energy. And i would have followed a lot of people home for idiotic driving.
Notice on the affadavit the rider was riding a 250 Ninja?

So they're saying he went left accross traffic. ran over a curb(? are there curbs there? ) across a yard, (grass? Gravel? the pictures all look grassy) back acrross another lane to ram the side of thier car. Ran ahead of them then appeared behind them again.

I didnt' know Freddy Kreuger Rode.
Sounds like a couple of fine young women...flipping off a dude. Not very smart either.

By the way, good shoot/bad shoot threads are kind of ridiculous unless you have first hand knowledge of the actual incident. They turn into a bunch of speculation flying back and forth.

Just MHO.
Well all we CAN do is speculate, under the assumption that the facts presented are reasonably accurate. That or keep quiet.
Interesting that the lawyer who claims Gear might have a legitimate self-defense claim is a lawyer who lost a similar claim in court before.

The more I read, the more I believe Gear committed murder, not self-defense.

From 16-3-21(a):
A person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes that such threat or force is necessary to defend himself or herself or a third person against such other´s imminent use of unlawful force; however, except as provided in Code Section 16-3-23, a person is justified in using force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony. (emphasis added)

From 16-3-21(b):
A person is not justified in using force under the circumstances specified in subsection (a) of this Code section if he:
(1) Initially provokes the use of force against himself with the intent to use such force as an excuse to inflict bodily harm upon the assailant; ...​
Based on the posted articles, I don't see any evidence the threat to Gear or his daughters was imminent, nor do I see any evidence that Mough was committing a forcible felony. I do see evidence that the girls may have provoked Mough, plus Gear could have easily called 9-1-1 before the girls got home.
This is a map that was created on google maps based on the girls testimony.


The map was created by a member of the motorcycle posting board that Brian was a member of. He was one of their new members, a self discribed anime and computer geek.

This was his intro post

There is a lot of good info on this case on this site, including from a person who says he is the County Sheriff. Im not sure if h posting is such a good idea.