Justified shooting in GA?


New member
Two sisters ages 17 and 19 were leaving target in Athens GA monday afternoon when they were cut off by a motorcyclist. After the sisters gave him a couple obscene hand gestures, the young man didn't take it so well and begins to follow them as they make their way home and at one point hits their car with his bike. The girls call their father who is at home and tells him the situation and he waits at the end of the driveway with his 40 cal. The girls pull in to the driveway and the motorcyclist passes their house. As he turns his bike around and makes another pass, the father shoots him in the back killing him. He claims self defense. He was arrested for murder. The news report I read does not say if there were any words exchanged between the men prior to the shooting. Justified??
absolutely not if

the shooting went down as you described. Shooting a guy in the back who dad assumed was the BG is going to be a real test of defining self defence.
absolutely not if ... the shooting went down as you described.

Based on the posted description, the biker was not a threat. Apparently, the biker was not even on the dad's property but out on a public street, leaving (his back to the shooter), and no mention of the biker brandishing a weapon that might be considered a deadly threat. In fact, as described, if the dad was standing outside with his pistol visible in a threatening manner, the dad may have been "brandishing" before he pulled the trigger, given that there was apparently no immediate threat.

Even if the biker had said, "I'll be back with some buddies to kill you and burn down your house," the dad should have called the police instead of pulling the trigger.
Unless there is more to this than posted, this person could be looking at
a long prison sentence, as well as giving the anti gun crowd something more
to use in their arguments.
More details on the backgrounds of both the shooter and the deceased would
help gain a better understanding of the situation.
Unless there is more to this than posted, this person could be looking at
a long prison sentence, as well as giving the anti gun crowd something more
to use in their arguments.
More details on the backgrounds of both the shooter and the deceased would
help gain a better understanding of the situation.
+1 to that too.

As for the shooter, if things went down as described, he deserves a long prison sentence. I'm pro-gun, not pro-idiot.

As for the anti-gun crowd, I couldn't care less what they think. I already know I need to fight their efforts no matter what because there's no way to placate them. They despise even justified self-defense shootings, if for no other reason than it proves them wrong.
If you google "dad shoots in athens" you will find the story.
I agree with you guys, I think the moron gives responsible gun owners not to mention "people" in general a bad name. I understand wanting to protect your daughters but the motorcyclist didn't deserve to die for it.
Dad shoots someone in the back who is riding away from him on a public street, after no threat or threatening conduct from the deceased other than following the girls home after a traffic accident that the girls likely caused:

Gear's daughters told investigators Mough cut them off, they made obscene gestures at him and Mough ran into their car at one point, Sheriff Berry said

Not even slightly credible, what motorcyclist in his right mind is going to deliberately ram or "cut off" a car?

Throw the book at the dad.
As for cutting off a car, there are quite a few motorcyclists not in their right mind. Wonder if he was on a sports bike. I know, I know, my bias is showing. But I have had some negative contact with sports bikers.
Not justified even in Georgia. Bet he will claim he was just trying to shoot the tires off the bike so he could stop him and deliver an old fashioned ass whooping.

How do I state this. We Southerners are famed for our polite manners. Its not that we are just inherently nice but it is a matter of self preservation. Just beneath that calm surface is a quick to anger and easy to offend sense of honor. In your face tit for tat verbal combat lasts about a millisecond because most southerners don't consider words means of self defense. An insult is an insult and some guys just don't have the means to gauge an appropriate response. The guy on the bike was way out of line being a jerk and obviously messed with the wrong folks.

Not saying what happened was right at all just saying I am not totally surprised. The guy on the bike was taunting like a cat that knows just how long the chain is that binds the bulldog. That cat screwed up and severely misjudged what binds that man and his means of reaching him.
Looks like everyone involved made bad decisions, especially the shooter. Since the biker isn't around, we'll never know what really started it, seems likely there's more to it than getting flipped off because he cut the girls off. But it was dumb to follow them and dumber to shoot him. It was a case of dumb meets dumber and then meets dumbest.
More of the story on foxnews said that the girls also cut the biker off, and gave him an obsene gesture, which appeared to piss off the biker, and he then followed them.

Point of the thread, is that every shooting is unique, and even if we all agree we still get to have a glimpse into the don't-do-that realm.
More of the story on foxnews said that the girls also cut the biker off, and gave him an obsene gesture, which appeared to piss off the biker, and he then followed them.

Not a "biker" apparently.

He was in his first week of ownership of his first motorcycle according to online reports from the local paper.

Looks like "Dad" is suspected of an earlier shooting incident two years previous where he fired at some kids who ran over his mailbox.
Looks like "Dad" is suspected of an earlier shooting incident two years previous where he fired at some kids who ran over his mailbox.
Dahumn. Sounds like he was just waiting for the slightest excuse.
I've been riding for a short time now (>4000 Miles), but I've had to "Cut Off" Paris and Britney before. Usually when they are merging into my lane without seeing me and I can't evade left or slow down enough to let them infront of me. I've gotten alot better at watching the movement of cars infront of me since then.

I've also had to "Cut Off" cars that were trying to pass me on a single lane off ramp, I've had people look me in the eye as they merge into me.

I do know that it is near Impossible to RAM a moving car on my motorcycle and continue to keep following them. But if any one says this can be done I'd love to have a lesson, please provide video.

Still you don't follow anyone home, You get a license number and call it in. And Local law enforcement needs to start acting on the complaints of Bikers.

My money says that the Girls didn't see him until he "Cut them off" scaring them, then reacted with gesters and aggressive driving. Biker coming off an adenalin surge, seeing the bimbette now flipping him off and what not, Kicks the side of her car then chases them home. Girls call daddy about the bad man on a bike chasing them. Dad come out front, Guy follows girls until they pull into drive way, passes sees dad and rides back to yell at him. Suddenly dad whips out a gun and points it at him, Biker floors it, dad seeing biker accelerate at him figures his life is in danger and opens up, and keeps engaging his target past the point where the biker is a threat, shooting him in tha back

Someone else said it best Dumn, Dumber Dumbest.

Moral of this story? Start SEEING Bikers.
More of the story on foxnews said that the girls also cut the biker off, and gave him an obsene gesture, which appeared to piss off the biker, and he then followed them

So the little girls did lie to Daddy. Imagine that!! :rolleyes: And now, Daddy will be facing a criminal trial for fatally shooting an unarmed person in the back.

I wonder how those two spoiled little girls feel now as their family enters a lifetime of financial hardship.