I thought I'd remembered reading posts of yours where you cited some passages from the Federalist Papers and other writings of the framers which supported [how most on this forum interpret the 2A].
Nope, I doubt I've ever cited the Federalist Papers. At least not knowingly, I may have quoted something else that was quoting the Federalist Papers, I suppose.
As for the position I maintain:
The Founding Fathers never fully disbanded the Army. Many of the Framers became our initial Statesmen and comprised much of the first few US Congressional sessions. They still never fully disbanded the Army. They did pass a peacetime army plan. I don't believe they ever expected to have NO army what-so-ever. I believe they wanted to keep the Army small- to act as caretakers and guards over the various forts, and arsenals- and a delaying force (Especially on the Frontiers) until the militia could be raised and combined with that Army.
zukiphile raises much the same point about the 2 year limit as I would have. Though I would extend it one more level. It also provides a time limit on those appropriations, should the citizenry not approve and decide to vote out those who passed the appropriations.