Justice Dept. Investigates Arizona Sheriff

If Joe keeps getting re-elected he must be doing something right!I do not think living in a tent city is such a big deal.I had to live in tent citys all the time in the Army,and as far as the pink underwear go maybe that will deter people from going to jail there plus its funny!As far as chain gangs go since when did a little hard work hurt anybody!Illegal immigration has been turned into a non issue and it should not have!
How come he keeps getting elected ? Let me count the ways . The others mentioned (Kennedy , Barney Frank , Kerry etc.) are part of a gimme gubmint . Their job is to take from some and give to others . Sheriff Joe on the other hand has a definite purpose . Keep the county safe and keep prisoners until the courts have determined an outcome . One of the complaints is the segregating of illegals from the other prisoners . This is wrong ? NO . They were not being kept for violent crimes as many of the others were . It actually protects them . Same logic prevails when locking up a 12 year old . Does he go into jail population ? You know he doesn't .
Just look at the logic of the politicians that disagree with him . The illegals don't vote BUT their friends do and even they seem to be voting for Sheriff Joe . As for picking on reporters . Their job is to be disruptive . They take the shield of the First Ammendment and turn it into a sword of yellow journalism . They don't go out on a limb with facts but can just "ask questions" which have zero repurcussions . Imagine that any time someone does not agree with me on a forum I start with "Do you disagree with me because you are gay or do you really have a point?" I have implied something with no basis in fact but have still impugned this persons character in public . Joe has a job to do and he uses the best intel he can get . Just think for a moment who is committing the overwhelming number of crimes . Would it be a blonde guy named Svenson or ?????? Who is sneaking into this country ILLEGALLY ? Who is smuggling drugs ??? Look at the numbers . Now if he violated peoples rights with the same reckless abandon as say The IRS what would you say ?
I give him my full support. Enforce the immigration laws as you should. They aren't citizens, they do not have American citizen rights.
He's not perfect by a long shot, but at least he deals with illegal aliens which is more than lots of law enforcement agencies do (and in some areas that's because the politicians in control specifically don't want to deal with the issue).