Just wondering, who is posting on rosie's board from TFL


New member
Who is posting, and what is your handle, just want to know who I am talking to
I'm snoman45 over there...

I went over there right after the whole story broke, a month ago, but I haven't been back in the last two weeks... I am Rob@TFL or TFLRob... or something like that....

Just got reading there today. Gad, what a waste...

This one in particular: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>That is all that is being proposed. But let
me ask you something, are you so egotistical and so one-sided that you
believe your right, the right to bear arms (written by a whole different group
of individuals who did not have the problems that we have been dealing with,
who didn't have other forms of protection, whose rights to bear arms were
mainly put in place to protect themselve,...[/quote]

Lovey, lovey...


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Guys - you will never make any head way over there... it is like like trying to breath in the vacum of deep space.

Please - come back inside before the stupidity gets to you.

I'm lurking/posting over there. My username is ScottW. Snoman I've seen some of your posts. I agree Kodiac that it might be a waste of time, but it is interesting to see how off base some people are.

-- Scott
I've been having a lively time today, I think I've been one of the few Pro Gun people on there for the last few hours.

God, there have been a lot of messages, makes our boards look pitiful.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
Yeah Spark, they do in an hour what BF and TFL do in a week.

But I'll be glad to go over to BF and post
"Getting a new puppy, what should I name it" or "What TV show makes you cry" or "What is you fav ice cream flavor" ;)

Careful what you ask for I'm in an owly enough mood to do it :) :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

Although I'm a founding member of the BladeForums.com Chub Club... :D

Knife Knuts Unite!

Anyhow, nice to see you in there kicking ass, DC! I was wondering if I was going to be the lone voice of reason among the trolls and flamers tonight.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
I am tinkiewinkie over on her forum. I posted a lot when the situation exploded, but have avoided the place until today. Those people are really very happy in their ignorant bliss. Good for them, as long as they leave my rights alone.
I have been posting a note or two every day, using the user name "johnhunter" and the same Signature I use here.

John - NRA - Lifer
Yeah, but its really only for a little fun...its not accomplishing anything. Even those who seem to have their heads on straight can't comprehend why their board has been invaded. And a Rosie board is not the place to discuss politics. If ya can't talk politics with your alleged friends then who can you do it with?

Talk about the bliss of schizophrenia lol

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
They have a terrible time separating the argument from the arguer.

That's a really quirky board. I posted a reply to a thread (one of my better ones, I think) and the thread disappeared and the info slots were screwed up (name was in the date column, etc). There is no logical order to the board at all, but I suppose logic and Rosie shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentance.

You've been the round with Niki_the_brit (GAG), haven't you!

Couldn't help but think, "Who the hell would pick 'tinkiewinkie' as a name?"

LOL! ;) (wich we had more choices of the faces here!)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 23, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 23, 1999).]
I have been posting as RadarMan!
I think it is mostly obvious when you spot a gunner post that is from TFL. I sure hope that none of us are involved in the totally useless and blatant flames though. Really bad form........ It makes me thankful for the rules of TFL and BF, not only the sensable rules but the wise enforcement there of... where is Warner Brothers moderators??
What would happen to a post at TFL that says:
Of course sleeping with an M-1 is the norm isn't it?

For the record, I am 5'10", 145...so I'm definitely not "fat"! ;)

I agree with you. I'd hope we can all comport ourselves there as here. It's a pretty childish Board with lots of people impersonating homo sapiens. Unfortunately, many of the worst offenders are from our side of the philosophical tracks....many others are Rosie-Dupes in NRA clothing.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited May 23, 1999).]