Just what are Sarah Palin's qualification?

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When I refer to experience I am talking about wisdom. Some people learn faster than other. Some people make the same mistakes over and over. Her decisions that I am aware of indicate a level of wisdom, and thus experience, that is beyond the norm.
Simply, she seems like a wise person.

Obama seems like one of two things to me. He is either a man of weak moral fiber or he lacks the wisdom to properly apply his morality, resulting in poor decision making practices. I prefer to believe the latter but I am not, and cannot be, certain of which is the truth.

I have no such questions about McCain and, thus far, Palin. I do not agree with McCain on a fair number of issues but it is probably 10 to 1 against the nearest democrat rival (Obama or any of the also rans)
Forwardassist, PBP is looking for positives, not negatives. Think on that before you post again to this thread.

Dipper, your post borders upon a personal attack. Just so you know.

Dave and I have shut down many threads over the last few days. The rancor that some (from every side) have displayed is appalling.

Think twice about what and how you post, then post once.
by sacking an incompetent/resistant appointee.

And the appointee in question said that he was not pressured over this, and his firing was not connected to it. The charges were concocted by the guy she beat in the governor's race. The contact with the state police over her BIL was before she was governor.

As for qualifications, she has more executive experience than Obama (ANY experience is more than Obama). She has a normal middle-class life and is real. She didn't have a com-syp "let's hate America" nutjob mother. She didn't spend part of her life in the America-hating crapholes of the world. As far as we know, she doesn't have polygamous relatives scattered around the world. Her father wasn't a bigamist. She doesn't have a lobbyist son that worked for the country's biggest credit-card issuer while his father was overseeing a banking committee working on the bankruptcy bill (no abuse of power there *wink* *wink* *nod* *nod*). She didn't claim to author the AWB. In short, she's not Obama or Biden.
On paper, Palin was the mayor of a small town (Wasilla pop. 6000), she was an Alaska state senator, and finally the very new governor of the state.

If you say anything else you're being mean to her.
Obama was an Illinois state senator and a US Senator for, what 9 months?, before running for President. If you say anything else about him your being racist.

She is smart, pretty and freindly. She is the Govener of Alaska. Her political ideology is libertarian and conservative. She is pro gun rights.


She likes hunting, fishing, firearms and the great outdoors.

I like her better that McCain and way, way, way better than BHO and Blowhard Biden.

Thats qualifications enough for me.
She is smart, pretty and freindly.

Dude, she is NOT pretty.

She is Gods gift to her lousy, rotten, no-good 2nd luckiest man on the planet husband!:D Man, what a women. I'm moving to Alaska as soon as I can figure out how to stay here at the same time and live two lives.

I do not see in that article where is shows any legitimate charges against the trooper.

Here's one:

The family had alleged the threat in 2005, before Palin became governor. They said Wooten had told Palin's sister he would shoot their father if he got the sister a lawyer.

Wooten denied saying anything like that. But a trooper investigation concluded he did, although it wasn't a crime because he didn't threaten the father directly. Wooten's actions did violate trooper policy, the investigator found.

But really, isn't the main "stink" that she sacked the Public Safety Commissioner? His insubordination by seeking additional funding from the legislature is certainly one reason too.
I reckon she is about as qualified as the VP candidate on the Dem side....oh, wait a sec, I meant the PRESIDENTIAL candidate on the Dem side... :rolleyes:

"Heartbeat away", mein arsch...:barf:
But really, isn't the main "stink" that she sacked the Public Safety Commissioner? His insubordination by seeking additional funding from the legislature is certainly one reason too.
I think it would be hard to prove that she fired one person because he failed to fire another. I would be more concerned with her denial that she even tried to get the trooper fired then her admitting that her aids did indeed try to get the trooper fired after she was caught and not being straightforward about it from the beginning.

Where is the basis for the claims he threatened the entire family, drove while drunk, tasered his son, etc? Although this should really be a separate thread.
The best things I can say about Palin are that she's PRO-gun, pro-gov't accountability, I agree with her wholeheartedly on social issues and she adds enough firepower to McCain's ticket to sink Obama/Biden-two of the most anti-gun putzes to ever come down the pike.
I would be more concerned with her denial that she even tried to get the trooper fired then her admitting that her aids did indeed try to get the trooper fired after she was caught and not being straightforward about it from the beginning.

Well, I agree, it's certainly arguable that she muffed the punt from a PR perspective. I am more concerned about whether or not she truly did abuse her office, and personally I don't think she did even though it might superficially appear so. Despite having a personal connection to the issue, I really don't think it is abuse of power to demand an explanation as to why that trooper hadn't been disciplined. Is it much different than if some no-name citizen kept bombarding the governor's office with letters wanting to know why nothing had been done about a state trooper who threatened their family, and in fact the troopers' own investigation had confirmed the allegation? If the governor is aware of negligence within their administration, they are obliged to deal with it.
Dipper: GREAT MOVIE BTW. Im assuming nobody caught that his little snippet was from one of the greatest movies of all time: A Few Good Men. Im sure he was joking though, and it wasn't a personal attack on PBP.
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