Just how stupid is NATO?

Futo Inu

New member
OK, let me get this straight: Now NATO has pledged/agreed to DISARM the KLA at virtually all costs - and they have essentially admitted they will engage in combat if necessary to disarm them, killing KLA and probably NATO/US troops as well, to HELP Serbia disarm the KLA - that way, in 3 months when Milosivec decides to do it all over again (Saddam Hussein proved that exhaustive persistence works against the US), he can re-ethnic-cleanse with no resistance. A few weeks ago, we were talking about how to ARM the KLA. Gee, NATO, that's a reeeeeeeally good plan.

We have no business in disarming freedom-fighters anywhere for any reason. If freedom-fighters exist, they exist for a reason. NATO needs to butt out of the KLAs business once it has completed its mission of returning the refugees. What transpires after that between the KLA and Serbia is a bona fide civil war in which we have no business - there's no war crimes involved in what the KLA is doing. There's no ethnic cleansing. It's just a pure civil power struggle, to be left alone. If I were the KLA, I'd be digging some big holes in the ground about now (what weapons?). Hasn't Stars Wars taught us anything?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited June 10, 1999).]

I made exactly the same point several months ago.. Think back to the original peace deal.. the "whatever accords" .. one of the key things that the UN was pushing for was the disarming of the KLA.. Remember the pictures on CNN of the gun turn-ins and burnings in Albania.. same group at the UN, the CDP, was behind that.

We should have just armed them in the first place..

I know people who are in Albania instructing the KLA.. now US citizens are going to end up fighting these trained, equipped and motivated troops... un-freakin-believable.


Same thing with the refugees...
Give them all some AK-47s and tell them to go take there homes BACK!

When I saw the thread title, I flashed back to my formative years and recalled an episode of the Three Stooges.

Moe asked Curly, "How stupid can you get?"
Curly replied, "How stupid do you want me to be?"

So, Futo, the answer to your question is...

"How stupid do you want NATO to be?"
First we're the KLA's air force, bombing Serbia into submission, now we're Serbia's army, bludgeoning the KLA into submission.

Is this like: 1-1=0 or -1+1=0 bringing us all back to square one (sans large amounts of arms and cash of course).

It's more like 2+2=5. It's always been 5.

(please tell me I'm not the only one who gets this reference...)
Hello everybody:

I read this thread regarding the KLA, and I have the impression that all of you are pro-KLA. I have a totally different point of view pertaining to this matter, and I will explain why.

In the begining of the conflict, the KLA was labeled as a terrorist organization by US and NATO countries, because not only they receive fundings from dope (heroin) dealers, but also from Islamic fundamentalist groups. Some of you said that KLA do not commit atrocities. I beg to strongly disagree. The KLA did committed unwarranted murders against the Serbs population in Kosovo. It is a recorded fact that attrocities were commited by both sides. Things didn't get really nasty, however, when the KLA started to shoot at Serbian police. That's when the Serbs went in to a village to look for the KLA, and they massacred 49 people, and that's what started the NATO's threats and eventually, bombing.

I can guarantee you that if the KLA had arties and tanks, they would have massacred every Serbian civilians in Kosovo. Then what would have happenned? Would NATO bombed the KLA, then? Or should they just let it slide, because after all, it was only the Serbs who got slaughtered. Remember that 100,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed by the Croats from their homeland in Krajina, but it seems that no one noticed. WHY?

How can anybody blame the Serbs for trying to preserve their territory? It is entirely possible that 75 years from now, the minorities would outnumber the Whites in a few US states, such as CA and WA. The way that racial and ethnic identity comes first before one single national identity (i.e., I am a Chinese, Mexican, Vietnamese,... whatever first instead of I am an American first), it should not be surprising to anyone that the minorities (who have become the majority) at these states may want to break away. If that happened, don't we all agree that the Feds would send in tanks and planes and arties to suppress the rebellion? You really think that there would not be innocent non-whites slaughtered in large numbers by angry whites? I think we are being totally hypocritical in this matter.

Some of you say that we are intervening on behalf of the Serbs to disarm the KLA, but the reallity is, we already intervened on behalf of the KLA by bombing the Serbs.

How can you call the KLA freedom fighters when they try to take away somebody else's homeland and taking money from dope dealers and Muslim fundamentalists who wants to kill everybody that is not Muslims? Do you really want Islamic countries such as Albania to become larger and stronger in Europe? Do you realize that most of the dopes entered Europe via Albania? Remember that it is the Muslims who want to kill all of us Infidels, not the Serbs.

How can you compare the Serbs to the Nazis? How can you have forgotten so soon that it was the Serbian partizans who gallantly fought and defeated the goose stepping fascists consisted of the Germans, Croats, and even the Muslims from Bosnia. Let's not forget that millions of Serbs died in the Nazi concentration camps ran by the Croats and German fascists.


[This message has been edited by Johan762 (edited June 10, 1999).]
I am not PRO ANYONE over there.

I seriously think we should leave them the heck alone.

Well said Johannes. The KLA according to the best information from a wide variety of sources (including the law enforcement agencies of governments now supporting the group) is a drug dealing, marxist, terrorist army.

Despite all the comparisons by the Western media of Yug. to the NAZIs, Yug. fought the NAZIs with great tenacity (much like they fought the Turks during previous times) during WWII while Americas present allies on the ground in that area were all active supporters of the NAZIs during that same time period.

Sen. Inhofe (sp?) stated in an interview that in a recent visit to that area he was told by refugees that the real problems didn't start for them until AFTER the American bombing had begun. He also stated that intelligence officials had warned from the beggining that bombing would only worsen the situation for those inside Kosovo and that the administration had known of this and went along with the attacks anyway.

But what is really scary here is how American public opinion can be molded by the media to such an alarming degree with total indifference to the facts of any given matter. Yug. preserving its terretorial integrity is an act of genocidal aggresion while American bombing of women and children and civilian infrastructure is a humanitarian act.
My personal take on this whole situation is that we have no right to disarm anyone unless that person has been arrested and found guilty in a court of law. We are all believers in the right of the people to be armed therefore how can we ever take sides on disarming citizens unless they are convicted felons? If any of us were in the same situation would we be willing to hand over our guns to anyone? I fear that this will end up costing American lives.

John - NRA - Lifer
The only reason Clinton started bombing the Serbs is because he's trying to establish a good laegacy for himself. His legacy thus far is only of commiting perjury, bombing an aspirin factory, and raping a woman.

If he really cares about humanitarian mission, why didn't we intervened in Rwanda and Sierra Leon where hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered?

Yes, I am feeling very bitter right now! The world is being turned upside down by people like Commrade Klinton.

Our intervention insofar as ALL of Yugoslavia (not just Kosovo) is concerned should have been zero, but since we aided our wonderful pal Milosevic in disarming the Kosovars some years back, I could understand our dropping them a couple pallets of M-16s and ammo, maybe a few antitank rocket launchers, and then going home.

The idea of our fighting a war over civil disturbances in somebody else's country is so frightening to me I can't even believe it, and I have fought in two wars before.

Larry P.

When the Mexican Army demanded the surrender of a cannon by the people of San Jacinto, the answer they got was "Come and take it!" Thus began the first battle of Texas' war of independence.
A coworker told me what NATO stood for: North American Terrorist Organization. Now I understand why we're there. I knew it had to be more than the children.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Was NATO's thumb up its collective rear end when Russia went into the Serbian province of Kosovo or what?

KLA, terrorist or freedom fighter? I'll choose terrorist. So it does make NATO the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization in my opinion.

The victors will write the history, heaven knows when victory will be had by either side. Hasn't been one for the US since WWII, and it didn't wasn't in 1945 either (occupations).

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited June 13, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited June 13, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited June 13, 1999).]
From:ivan8883 6-13-99 841PM EDT Nato is a one world Fascist organization with a Army now entitled to attack anyone at any time at anywhere in the world including here in the US sometime in the future. Just look at the leaders of this big goon squad; Klinton, Blair ,Schroder, Albrecht(father was a Czech Stalinist ) Our military,and it upsets me to say it, has comitted acts of aggression against the Serbian people that amount to war crimes. I know that they are only following ordersand as a former GI you do what you are told,but at least in Vietnam we had a pretense of a reason for being there and we started off with good aims. But this is pure aggression,no doubt in my mind. Nato,the military tool of the European and Us Banksters,is being used to destroy a independent nation and seize her wealth of gold(Kosovo has a huge gold mining industryworked by the Greeks and Serbs(Not for much longer). It makes me sick to know my country is supporting a drug trafficking outfit (KLA is known by Europeans and officials in America as leading supplerof drugs iinto Europe. God Bless Russia for at least trying to come in and save Serbs from extermination.She has a foot hold at airport but tonight I heard Hungary and Romania wont let her transports fly over their territory with reinforcements for Prestina airport. If Brits or other Nato puppet troops fire on Russian soldiers, Russia could decide to retaliate with her powerful sub or land based missile systems.What a mess caused by Klinton and the One world Crowd. And we in America could pay the biggest price! Ivan
What worries me is that we have pushed the russians away, along with the chinese and they might cooperate a wee bit more, plus now we have another place to send troops for generation or two....fubsy.
I see by the news that Serbs in Kosovo are fleeing from it. Is this ethnic cleansing? Should we now bomb Kosovo?

I highly recommend stratfor.com for info on Kosovo and many other issues. For those who read "Texas Monthly", check out p. 21 of the June, '99 issue with its article on Stratfor.
I can't believe we let the Russians beat us to Pristina. Strangely reminesent of the end of WW2. although I doubt we will be splitting up the city into regions this time, they controll the airport right now and won't let the british into the airport. Can we just nuke the russians and get rid of them? they're starting to bug me again