Just got back from Frontsight


New member
Alright I'm back. I can honestly say (with a total unbiased opinion) that anyone interested in carrying/shooting/training with a weapon, that Frontsight is the real deal. The 4-day defensive hangun was awesome. Beginners can totally morph from a fear of a handgun (if they had any) to a true level of comfort and accuracy with a pistola!

Non-beginners have enough time to pick-up on their techniques to incorporate them to your own.

Despite the fact that I love to shoot, train, learn new tactics, shoot, train, learn new tactics, shoot, train, and learn new tactics......I was mostly impressed with the lectures, most noteably the USE OF DEADLY FORCE lecture...."if it is worth dieing for, then it's worth shooting for"...man, that was a powerful statement/stance.

The only bad thing I can say is that the STRONG sales pitch will probably run many the wrong way. (hey, they gotta keep the place afloat somehow)

NOTE: There was a NG on the last day (with a SIG), but that was totally induced by that paticular student's need-to-create-more-speed in order to hit the spining targets fast enough.
Oh, sorry, I meant ND (Negligent Discharge). He shot himself in the leg (that is why they tell the SIG guys to decock before re-holstering.)

As far as the cost, that can vary a whole bunch. It seemed like everyone was there on some sort of discount membership/certificate. The official cost is $1200, but I am sure some guys on here can get you in for like $200 - $600.
safety reports from Front Sight

I think it's very commendable that they post summaries of these incidents on their web site for the education of the rest of us who conduct training!

I'm sure you had a good time there. I wish I could afford to go out there and take a few classes myself.
I'd like to hear your impressions of what the training staff recommended for defensive carry and why.
Do they just push the 1911's? Do they just recommend the 230 grain .45 ammo? What brand/caliber of gun did you take? Besides the unfortunate ND from the Sig, what other guns were the students using? Did the class change your perception of a carry gun? If so, what will you be carrying from now on?
Sorry for all the questions, but I've been interested in how going through formal firearms training might change people's perception of what a defensive firearm should be.
I attended the FS 4 day defensive handgun course earlier this year.

The training was excellent. I had shot handguns all my life and took a little training but until I attended the training I never knew how unskilled I was. After 4 days I was much, much faster, more accurate, and safer with a handgun. I just shot my first IDPA match a few weeks ago and finished 2nd in my division. Most of the other shooters had much more experience but didn't have the the intensive FS training. I had only shot 2 other matches of any kind 10 years ago and I won't tell you how I did in those :rolleyes:

At the end of 4 days it was amazing to see people attended the course with no previous expereince be able to draw from concealment and engage targets, 2 shots to center mass in 1.5 -2.0 seconds.

They did have optional classroom time discussing defensive shotguns but this was a handgun course so naturally it was mainly about handguns.

When I attended the class I rented a gun from them. (Glock 17 9mm)Their main rental guns were Glocks. In our class I would estimate that 50% were Glocks, 25% 1911 and the remainder a mix of other makes.

They discussed the options in carry weapons, gave the pros and cons of calibers and gave a lot of good recommendations. I came away with several things. Shot placement is paramont. A skilled shooter with a .22 is better than an unskilled shooter with a .44 magnum. The 2nd is carry the biggest caliber you can shoot and handle skillfully ;)

I would highly recommend their classes. I plan to go back and attend several times a year.

I would have never had the confidence to carry before and now carry a subcompact Glock 27. (.40 S&W) and feel very comfortable doing it. In my humble opinion if you carry and your sole training and experience is going to the range once in a while and banging away at a target you are kidding yourself if you think you are skilled to carrry without intensive, formal training whether it's FS or another good school.
Are you guys serious about those discounts? How do we go about getting additional information on a discount?
I could sell you a cert for $100. No bidding, no waiting, through paypal. I could even give you my membership info so you could check up on me.
yes thanks for the info. been meaning to look into these classes for awhile. Ill have to put it farther up on the priority list now:)
With the pending law suit, I would take advantage of the certs. as soon as possible, if I were you guys. The four day HG, SG, and rifle give you a very solid fundamental foundation and for only $100.

I saw a gold cert on E-bay for returning students two day course with bidding starting at $120. These are pretty rare certs.