Just got a new one


New member
I just got my new mold from Tom and Accurate molds and it is nice. I got a 460 405B for my 45-70. It is a 3 cavity brass mold. It not only looks nice but it makes some nice bullets.:D
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Blah blah blah blah.....I see a bunch of words, BUT I DON'T SEE ANY PICTURES!!!!!! LOL! just kiddin'

Show me some bullets! :D
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New mould ???

Without pics it did`nt happen numbskull


Almost forgot ,here`s my nused Lyman Mag20


It`s sittin on go for when that 245498 mould lands !!!

Have`nt spilt blood this season YET !!!
So here is a pick. I also have a question for you all. If you look you can see where there is some lead on the face of the mold. What am I doing that couses this and how do I get rid of it?


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Do you ladle cast ?????

Looks as if your getting some splash droplets on the mould face somehow ???

Would`nt understand how though as the only time you`d have it that close would be to pour & it would surely be closed tite:confused:

Maybe on the next session evaluate your hand movements closely .

I just purchased a 245489 that has the same dot looking lead on it ????

I`m gonna take a razor blade & under 5x magnification pick it off & clean the vent lines .;)
Great looking mold... I love brass molds. I only have one, so far, for my Whelen, but good grief, they are pretty... and cast good bullets.

I've had that happen to my molds, also. I don't have a clue where it comes from, because, as mentioned the only time you could get splatters on it was when it was open.

I use either a dental pick or the tip of a scalpel/exacto blade, and HIGH magnification to gently pick spots off the face, and chase the vent lines if needed. If you leave the spatters there, it will only get worse (somehow :confused:)
Another source suggested using a bullet as an eraser and trying to take it off so I will be trying that and I will report back
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Brass and aluminum are MUCH easier to machine that steel. They are also much lighter than steel and heat up much faster. I have cast with all 3 and prefer the brass and aluminum because they are lighter. Steel 4 cav molds are HEAVY!

But, between aluminum and brass I can't really tell a difference. Maybe the brass retains heat a bit better than the aluminums...?????

Steel molds stay hot better/longer than both brass and aluminum.
...and brass is prettier. :D

Brass just "seems" to be machineable to a smoother finish... It might not be, in fact, but it just looks better. High quality aluminum molds look good, too, but brass is, well... prettier.

plus, it looks like aluminum sheds heat about twice as fast as brass.
Aluminum is used in heat sinks due to its ability to absorb and dissipate heat quickly.

Brass heats up quicker that steel, but not quite as quick as aluminum. It retains heat better than aluminum, but not as well as steel. It is heavier than aluminum, but lighter than steel.

Steel is heavy, heats up slow, but retains it the longest. It will also have the longest life if maintained properly
I have gotten those little lead droplets inside my molds in the past. The reason, while heating up the mold casting the first few bullets and not finding them to my liking I would just tap them out of the mold back into the pot . Splash! A few very small spots of lead inside my mold halves.

Sometimes things that happen are so obvious that it takes a bit to figure them out. So it was with me. I don’t do that any more. I used a razor blade to remove them.
You guys sure have some pretty moulds. I've only got Lee moulds and they're, of course, made from aluminum. Didn't know anyone made a brass mould. Where does one obtain a brass mould and are they more expensive that Lee moulds? Any info would be helpful, since I'm new to casting. GP100man you must be a former Marine. Why else would someone put a pic of Gunny Ermy on a post. I'm a former Marine Sgt. and a Vietnam vet.
WRusty... Thanks for your service. Same goes to all vets... especially all you Viet Nam vets. That's the war I just barely missed out on. Abolished the draft about the time I turned 18, thank God.
I thank God for all you guys, too.