Just curious.....

LCP front pocket in DeSantis Superfly....Always! Even if KAHR CM9 or SA XD40 Subcompact is on my side in Theis hybrid IWB.
Only exceptions, when the Kahr, or an LCR takes Elsie's place in roomier pockets.
I had a guy threaten me awhile back, and I have had a gun within reach ever since. I took the threat seriously, as the guy was a one percent'er. It is a little inconvenient at times, but I was a cop for 20 years, and it was more like getting back into a groove. Yes, there is a gun nearby.
And here I was thinking a 1%er meant a billionaire who had a private army.
OH, pretty much the same thing, isn't it.
Yup, one at arm's length as I recline on the couch writing this.
When I am out of the house 99% of the time I have a pistol on me unless I am prohibited from carrying, ie. schools, court's, or any federal buildings. Even when I am going to those places where I cannot carry it is usually locked under my seat unless I am parked in a school zone. When I am in my house I almost always have a pistol within arms reach.
Yep, got a S&W Model 13 3" .357 Mag on my hip right now. I carry at home, out and about, basically whenever I can legally do so.
Sitting here with my XDm 45 3.8 at appendix position in MIC holster. Normally I take it out and set it on the computer desk, but I just forgot about it this time. It's pretty much at arm's reach all day. Except when I leave my property. I don't have CC permit yet.
Onward noted
Studies have claimed that about 1% of the general population are psychopaths.

g.willikers agreed
And here I was thinking a 1%er meant a billionaire who had a private army.
OH, pretty much the same thing, isn't it.

And it's amazing who many think make up the 1% is... (more interesting is who the 1% thinks is the 1%).

But to the OP question. Some of the time where the threat is likely higher.
As a self-employed IT professional who works from home and lives in a rural area, I don't have much need to carry around the house. I do, however, have my carry piece in the drawer in front of me and an AR standing up in the corner of my office.

And it's amazing who many think make up the 1% is... (more interesting is who the 1% thinks is the 1%).
Yep! ;)

When I hear 1%er, I think of "real" outlaw biker gangs.
Generally I don't carry around the house but there is one nearby where I can put my hands on it if I need it. I have recently found myself a lot more lackadaisical about carrying in general which is probably due more to the weight & size of my carry guns than anything else. I'm currently considering a Ruger LCP so I can stay armed at all times.

As a side note when I read the 1%er comment I immediately thought outlaw motorcycle gang member, I had never heard the sociopath quote before.

I always carry two: one IWB and one in pocket. At home or out and about, doesn't matter. Although I do switch around just to keep all my guns from getting lonely, as I write this I have my Ruger SR1911 IWB and my Colt 1911 New Agent in my pocket (cargo shorts).

For those who feel they don't need it on their person once they get home, I used to feel that way, but not any more. We have had two attempted home invasions in the last couple of years, in an upper-middle-class suburban neighborhood where it should be easy to think a person is "safe". One event was while I was home alone, and the other was when my son and daughter were home alone. The events were about a year apart.

There are numerous home invasions every year in this "nice" part of town.
My NAA Pug, loaded with 45gr Hornady Critical Defense rounds, is ALWAYS in my pocket when I'm home, with a 7-shot .357mag Taurus 617 two steps away from the living room couch and a Springer 1911 in my nightstand, maybe 20 steps farther away.

I draw the line at shower carry, but there is a handgun in the cabinet above the toilet just a few steps away.

The second best thing to have, after a gun on your person, is a noisy dog. Sometimes Shiner's yowling gets on my nerves, but I know I'd be hearing his beagle bugling if someone was trying to break in. When it comes to home defense, dogs truly are man's best friend.
There's a .44 special revolver on the end table within reach (where I put it after I took it out of its holster last).

I'm older and slower than I used to be, but my carry habits haven't changed significantly since I was about 14. I have carried a firearm whenever I was able (some places are, lately, off-limits) and 1.) have never had to use one in self defense and, 2.) have never had reason to regret carrying one.


Have my Ruger LCP in my front pocket as I type.

I'm a revolver guy for the most part, but my little LCP gets a lot of carry time. At home, I usually carry it around, too. Just too easy not to do so, and I'm committed to carrying.

Night stand weapon is a Ruger GP100 3".
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