Just curious.....


New member
I find that as I get a bit older and slower I carry a gun more often than I used to. In fact, as I type this, my .45colt Blackhawk is sitting crossdraw on my right hip (I'm a leftie). Wondering how many of you folks, as you sit reading this, have your SD (or any gun for that matter) on your person or within reach?
Wondering how many of you folks, as you sit reading this, have your SD (or any gun for that matter) on your person or within reach?

This being Ill-i-noise, and me living in a neighborhood with 2 unsolved murders w/in a half mile of us this summer, no beepin' comment.
Always. Carrying on body at all times is the best way to simultaneously ensure weapon availability and weapon security. My other firearms are locked up.
Only loaded unlock up gun in the house is the one on me from time I get up to the time I go to bed. I think that should I ever need a gun while home it will be needed now not in a few seconds while I get it from the drawer next to me or across the room, and with frequent round of grandkids visiting or being babysat there is nothing for them to find and play with. They must ask to look allowing me to control the situation and get in a little safety training in the process.
It goes on in the morning and at my most recent, late now, job I wore it all day long and it came off when I went to bed. Now I wear it everywhere but the job and yes that means now, with back up mags on me and another two here and there as well as the one AR with a dual nag and backups and two scatterguns.

Be prepared!
Unless the doorbell rings late at night, I never carry in my own house. If my mother in law attacks me, I think I can handle her with my ninja skills. ;)
Always carry with two exceptions: in the shower or in the swimming pool. If I have a house full of company, the gun comes off but have a gun hidden in each room...where noisy people would not even find it.
Certain things are always in my pockets when I leave the house....... Keys, wallet, knife, reading glasses, 2 speed strips of 38 Spl. , and my trusty old Model 60. Never varies.
Now more than ever. I had a quad-bypass a month ago and I would not be able to defend myself even from a big 13 YO kid. One good punch to the chest and I'm either dead or back to the hospital for a long time. So, I added a LaserLyte side-laser to my Kel Tec P-32 that I wear on me 24x7. I also have a full sized 40 within reach on the couch. As an aside, if someone tries to kick my door down while I am at home, I am shooting through it.

On me or arms reach always. Aint going to do you no good locked in the safe up in the bedroom if someone trys kicking in the back door.
Yes, I am carrying at present. It is on me or within easy reach unless I am visiting a post office or courthouse; it is a bit further away when in the shower than at other times.
If I have a house full of company, the gun comes off but have a gun hidden in each room...where noisy people would not even find it.
Why would you ever consider that?
Why disarm yourself because of company in your own home?
Why scatter firearms all over the house?

I remember when I was maybe 11 to 15 years old. There was nothing I couldn't possibly have not found in the house. That's almost exactly what most boys do at that age... get in to everything/anything, constantly.
Now that I have Grand kids all fire arms are locked in the safe except the ones the wife and I carry.And if were not in bed we are armed at all times.
If in the shower its under a towel.I will probably never need it,but if I do the next room will be to far.For me its such a habit that its automatic I dont think about it I just do it.