Just because guns...what ya got? (what ya want?)


New member
#1 valid reason to buy a gun for me - is - just because.

Even though I have some reason - such as a PPK is a "Bond gun", or a .36 Navy is what Hickock carried or even, an over-under 2 shot derringer is something I wanted since I saw them on the TV show, Yancy Derringer.

I can't wait for this lockdown stuff to be over & for things to go back to where we can get around and go places we did before...

One thing I really want - just because - is a Hi Point in .45 acp or 9mm.

Those are like an Arby's (processed) beef sandwich or a Burger King Whopper to me. I know deep down they offer nothing I don't already have covered by something far better - but - I want one - - just because.. :D

So - bring it on..
I would say my "just because" gun is my K&M .308 bullpup. Most compact .308 ever made -where every component is over-engineered for durability and longevity. No plastic, and easily packs in a gym-bag sized bag or case. Easy to mount optics, change out grips, even gas adjustable. Free-float barrel and accepts common magazines. Many parts are commonly available for it.

It is definitely my "just because" gun. Just because antis would hate it.
Every gun I've ever chosen for myself in my whole life has been a "just because" I WANTED it. I wanted to check out, for myself, what it would do, and not do. How it feels, balances, carries, recoils, etc.

Some have been disappointments, some have exceeded my expectations.

Reading various reviews and write ups, (or even watching video) tells you something about the gun/cartridge, but it tells you nothing about what it is going to be in your hands.

For me, finding out what the gun and I can do together is all the justification needed.
Reading various reviews and write ups, (or even watching video) tells you something about the gun/cartridge, but it tells you nothing about what it is going to be in your hands.
Absolutly so. Had I listened to and believe it to be universal, I would have never spent my money on the "hammer bite" prone Browning Hi-Power.
As it turned out, I am happily immune to the hammer bite of a Hi-Power that plagues others.

Thankfully - when I picked up my Silver Chrome Hi Power, just because it was so pretty - It never bit me - so I'm a happy owner of a couple of them.
Just about all the guns I have purchased are "just because" guns. One I have managed to resist is the Mossberg Shockwave. I like the image I see in my head of riding a motorcycle, hair flapping in the breeze, and with the Shockwave in a scabbard strapped to my back.

In reality, I don't have a motorcycle, hardly enough hair to brush, and no convenient access to a range where I can fire at tin cans from the hip. But, that image just keeps popping up in my head. :)
Had a lotta just because guns, and now I want . . .

I've had a lot of just because guns over the years. Something looked fun to shoot and I could afford it so . . . In fact my gun auction strategy has been to show up late in the day, and bid on fun stuff until I got one, then I was done for the day.

So my current just because gun is a Bond Arms Rowdy in 45colt/410. No practical reason to have one. Not a hunting gun. I already have much better PD and HD guns. This is just a fun gun. Haven't bought one yet . . . just because.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Most of the guns I own strike a balance between potential and just because.

I've never been one to choose a firearm based solely on its reputation, nor will I ever be such a person. In fact, just about every firearm I have ever purchased has at least a handful of detractors who insist that each one is worthless, unreliable, ineffective, and my personal favorite; "just a toy".

That being said, my latest acquisition is indeed a 100% "just because" gun. A Smith & Wesson 4006TSW CHP. It's a police trade-in semiautomatic .40cal pistol which was special ordered by the California Highway Patrol. Why do I want it? Because it's one of the last 3rd Gen S&W autos ever made, built like a tank, was a special order carried by the California Highway Patrol for about a decade until they recently transitioned to the M&P40, only about 10,000 of them exist, and they regularly sell for under $400. I just wanted something cool, classic, and special to enjoy at the range.

Besides, nobody needs a better reason than their own desire to obtain it for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The one with the least support other than "just because" is a Swiss Vetterli M1871.
Someday a Martini-Enfield 577/.450 will cross my path to keep it company.
My "short list" -

Left hand bolt action .223 - prefer wood stock and heavy barrel. (I suspect that one will take me a while.)

Also considering -
.32ACP, most likely the Beretta 81BB but would consider others
Moderately priced 20 gauge O/U.
Left hand bolt action .17HMR - probably Savage.
I've had lots of them, either for the "cool" factor, or just oddity of the gun. Lugers, Contenders, old Winchesters, 375 H&H Mauser, Auto-5s. My most unusual ones are my 444 Marlin Mauser 98 and my 1896 Winchester 1885 in 40-70 WCF. But I got a few that are really unusual. I like the odd ones.
Hal asked:

Just because guns...what ya got? (what ya want?)

#1 valid reason to buy a gun for me - is - just because.

Hal, I have never acquired a firearm - just because except for a "free" bubbized Enfield.

I always had a purpose in mind for acquiring this or that firearm.
Now having said that, I am keeping a 458 Win Mag - just because.
I acquired and customized this rifle as a easy carry DG stopper for a trip to Africa.
Well...Life happened and my son and I didn't make that hunting trip.
I invested so much time and planning into this rifle AND with such great results,
I keep it just because!
I inherited it from my dad, but it really wasn't in shootable condition, so I sent it to a Luger specialist for a new barrel, trigger job, refinish, etc.
Handloading .30 Luger is a pain.
But, I love the gun's historical significance, and design elegance, and it's so different from the typical tilting-barrel guns that have dominated for 100 years, that it's just a fun change of pace.
Most all of mine are "just because". Probably my most obvious example is a Freedom Arms .454 revolver I bought 20 some years ago. I don't hunt, shoot silhouettes, need protection from large toothy predators, etc. I'd looked at a FA revolver or two prior, and ordered a FA revolver "just because" they were the finest revolvers I'd ever handled.
Every gun I've bought in the last 20 has been just because.

I think my next just because gun is going to be a Colt Woodsman.....
Yesterday, I got a call from my FFL to pick up my latest "just because" purchase - a Smith & Wesson Model 3913NL.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that it appeared to have had little use. A clean gun with maybe a box or two of ammo run through the pipe before taking up sock drawer protection duties.:D
Nearly always, I purchase firearms for a particular purpose. Once in a blue moon, I do it "just because" of this:
Every gun I've ever chosen for myself in my whole life has been a "just because" I WANTED it. I wanted to check out, for myself, what it would do, and not do. How it feels, balances, carries, recoils, etc.

Some have been disappointments, some have exceeded my expectations.

Reading various reviews and write ups, (or even watching video) tells you something about the gun/cartridge, but it tells you nothing about what it is going to be in your hands.

For me, finding out what the gun and I can do together is all the justification needed.

Mine bites:
Absolutly so. Had I listened to and believe it to be universal, I would have never spent my money on the "hammer bite" prone Browning Hi-Power.
As it turned out, I am happily immune to the hammer bite of a Hi-Power that plagues others.

Thankfully - when I picked up my Silver Chrome Hi Power, just because it was so pretty - It never bit me - so I'm a happy owner of a couple of them.