Jury Duty questionaire

and truth is relative... just like the speed of light.


Sorry, the speed of light is not relative.

670,616,629.2 miles per hour
983,571,056 feet per second
186,282.397 miles per second

That is in a vacuum. If you were on the front of a train moving at the speed of light and shined a light ahead the speed of that light would be, the speed of light.
After 25 years practice in law I must say I do not agree with some of the negative views made about jurors.

Jurors tend to be honest, industrious pillars of the community, who have a cynical view toward political correctness, whereas the legal justice system is very heavily politically influenced.

I have had matters where a political decision has been made to prosecute a person who has sought to defend themselves and the jury dealt with it appropriately with an acquittal.

If the decision from the bench was as politically influenced as the decision to prosecute these clients would now be without their liberty.
Lawyer Daggit

In my serving on juries I have seen only one where the jury did not carefully and honestly go over the facts and take everything into account. In that one case it was a woman being tried for speeding and she and her lawyer made such an attempt to be a pillar of society that the ladies of the jury (only one male on the jury) basically said we will show her who is high society. :p In another case we were discussing a case of speeding where the defendant had done a very good job of presenting his own case. After a while someone asked "Did he ever say he was not speeding"? He had not. He presented all the things that the LEO could have done wrong but never denied he was speeding. :eek:

You comments about PC and the legal system are right on. The system goes so overboard to CYA that they forget about the rights of others. I have never understood what anyone in my family having take a psychology course has to do with me being a good juror. Or since I am of mixed race what my having ever dated someone of mixed race has to do with anything. From what I have seen both questions are asked regularly.