Sauls just ruled against Big Al and Company!

As to whether the Dems showed that the election results would "in reasonable probabliity" have changed: NO

As to whether the Plaintif could cherry pick specific Counties for a recount: NO. The entire State would have to be recounted.

Dade County:
Cannot include a partial recount in the Certification.
The canvassing Board "did not abuse it's discretion" in aborting the count.

Palm Beach County:
The canvassing Board "did not abuse it's discretion" in the manner it conducted the count.

Nassau County:
The canvassing Board "did not abuse it's discretion" in the manner it conducted the count.

Even Galloping Gretta stated, "Boy, this was a slam dunk. The Gore team didn't win one thing that it had asked for"! Spin your way out of that, Big Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Al Gore just lost his FOURTH Presidential election in one month! Two chances of the FLSC hearing this on Appeal: Little and None. Seminole County, here we come. Keep pushin', Al. America's watching.
"If the Democrats wanted Al Gore to be President so bad, they should have voted for impeachment. "

Don't know how to attribute this to but it is good
algore is about to be relegated to that political backwater known well to DAN QUAYLE. Perhaps they should team up and run for .... "something", "someday".
And as for a gore appeal, FLSC was just slapped by SCOTUS, they may not even hear the case. And it's for SURE that SCOTUS won't touch it either at this point.

Buh bye algore. Time to climb on that big jet to China with yer treasonous mentor slick willy. Better do it SOON, before you end up in prison.



Take the hint, Al. Pick up your marbles, shut the "F" up, and go find some real, honest work -

May have to open a bottle of the good stuff tonight!

WooooooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooooooo! M2
Now it's clear...he's trying to steal the election

The bastard is trying to steal the election. The lowlife, underhanded sonofabitch, anti American tacktics he's using is incredible. Trying to cast out military ballots, having the gall to ask for a recount of only the biggest democratic counties, encouraging 4700 absentee ballots be de-certified and his disregard for the health of our democracy because of all this speeks to a man who deserves to be chastised to the highest degree and then run out town on a rail. And that's putting it nicely.

It ain't over yet because that black, femeale judge will do anything to invalidate those 4700 republican absentee ballots. Why do I say that? Because I think she's a democrat!
WOOHOOO, this ongoing crap by Gore is simply making our win so much sweeter. He seems to be LOSING about once a week. Is he going for a record as the biggest loser of any election?

But then there is this:

"As the state's chief legal officer, I feel a duty to warn that if the final certified
total for balloting in the state of Florida includes figures generated from
this two-tier system of differing behavior by official canvassing boards, the
state will incur a legal jeopardy under both the United States and state
constitutions. This legal jeopardy could potentially lead Florida to having
all of its votes, in effect, disqualified, and this state being barred from the
Electoral College's selection of a president. "

Reading Judge Sauls ruling I saw this.

Is this Al Whore's plan: to throw so much dust in the air that the Florida votes are thrown out?
He would then win with the remaining States.
It gladdens my heart to hear this news. I must admit to suspecting this outcome from Sauls based on only one thing I heard him say. He was talking about something (I think it was a date or a case number) and he described the number with the following words "ought-eight". Kind of like ought-six. Maybe it's a stretch but what the hell. When I heard him say it, it gave me hope towards a positive outcome.
Good news my friends. But let's keep the calls, e-mails, letters flowing. :)

Schmit, great point, but I fear that if we had ousted Bubba, Algore would have faired better in the election.

Onecoyote, I heard that too. Probably a stretch, but it did give me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Onecoyote, you called?????

Yes, the Phat-Lady is singing but is Al listening? I think not. He's got his drag-queen headed with more agents to Fla. to investigate those poor disenfranchised black voters Jessie found. I'm pleased with today but make no mistake, Al doesn't know how to do anything so this is it for him. He also has no concious so he will do ANYTHING to win. Keep your powder dry! Kimberman, I'll bet "cartman" is cool, too bad it didn't turn out. Try again!!!
Schmit, I am with SubMOA on this one. You are correct, had Gore been given the opportunity to be President for the last couple of years, he would have won the election hands down. Thankfully Clinton was impeached, but not removed from office.
I wonder...

... how this would have been different if all those "newly-enlisted citizens" hadn't been pushed through the naturalization process these past two/three years.

[Hi, Rich]
Out of Friends & Out of Money

Democrats and big money will now make AGore a non-person. He is dead (6th Sense), but doesn't know it.

The Florida Supremes are on probation and they know it. They won't screw with the law this time.
it ain't over 'til Dubya has the keys to the White House and even then it will not end. The dems must discredit Bush. Look for any underhanded maneuver to be pulled; anything to keep the dems close to power. Sure Gore has an ego problem, sure Clinton is lurking in the shadows. But the reality of the situation is this whole ugly situation is derived from the need of the dems to keep close to the lever of powers. The Senate is split (a least until Thurmond dies) and Chaney will case all tie breakers. The is the first time in a long, long time the democrats have had NO power base in DC.

This a battle that is being fought at the state level with the federales taking a back seat. There is one person who has not appeared in the discussion. Janet Reno has the voting rights act at her fingertips and she has kept quite. Look for that card to be played if Gore continues to lose at the state level. All Ms. Reno has to do is find some agreaved minorities to complain and presto chango you have a full blown federal case.