JOHN McCAIN on gun control


New member
However it seems likely that with the next school shooting, rampage, or other criminal activity, like vultures circling the corpses on the playground, opportunist legislators will be trotting out anti-gun measures to pass into law during the hysteria. (The lengths congressmen will go to in order to stretch the truth in such circumstances is quite often nothing short of amazing. For example following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in which the criminals were armed with knives and box cutting tools, Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman, and Charles Schumer trotted out an old anti-gun bill that would regulate gun shows — claiming the terrorist attacks mandated such an action, even though guns weren’t even involved in the hijacker and, indeed, might have been prevented had the captain, crew, or other passengers been armed.[3])

[3] Susan Page, "McCain: Terrorists bypass laws by using gun shows," USA Today, November 27, 2001
In view of the fact...

Senator Clinton or Senator Obama will be the Democrat nominee, so what?

Second Amendment issues are my highest priority for voting for a candidate, presidential or otherwise. However, this time around it seems that Senator McCain is almost as bad as the Democrats. So, what to do?

Senator McCain supported 'controlling gun shows' in 2001. Okay, that's ill considered, futile and harmful to gun owners in general. (It is also seven years dated, by the way.)

Senators Obama and Clinton - either one - wish to prohibit citizens from owning firearms they - the Democrat candidates - don't approve. Senator Obama has publicly announced he will work to outlaw concealed carry throughout the nation. Senator Clinton has championed every gun control bill ever considered.

So, while the Democrat nominees are hideously anti-rights, Senator McCain is in the 'tepid' zone on the issue. On the gun rights issue, Senator McCain gets my vote. (Barely.)
Archie, While I will not be supporting Obama due to various reasons including gun control stance, could you supply something to back up your statement(link, etc) that he has publicly announced he will fight to outlaw concealed carry laws? I had not heard that before.
I and many gun owners have no problem with a background check being required at a FTF gunshow sale. I know that will put most here into a tizzy but that is the truth of the matter. What is more the majority of America really has no problem with a backgrounds check for FTF gunshow sales, most are shocked one isn't needed already.

If backing a background check for FTF gunshow sales is McCain's biggest antis 2A "fault" then I am pretty pleased with him.

Now on matters of campaign finance reform, illegal immigration and continuing to throw American blood and money into Iraq I have problems with him.

I still will take him over Hilbama and unlike with a Rudy nomination I will not vote third party.
From McCain's website:

John McCain believes that the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is a fundamental, individual Constitutional right that we have a sacred duty to protect. We have a responsibility to ensure that criminals who violate the law are prosecuted to the fullest, rather than restricting the rights of law abiding citizens. Gun control is a proven failure in fighting crime. Law abiding citizens should not be asked to give up their rights because of criminals - criminals who ignore gun control laws anyway.
Gun Manufacturer Liability

John McCain opposes backdoor attempts to restrict Second Amendment rights by holding gun manufacturers liable for crimes committed by third parties using a firearm, and has voted to protect gun manufacturers from such inappropriate liability aimed at bankrupting the entire gun industry.

"Neither justice nor domestic peace are served by holding the innocent responsible for the acts of the criminal."

-Senator John McCain

Assault Weapons

John McCain opposes restrictions on so-called "assault rifles" and voted consistently against such bans. Most recently he opposed an amendment to extend a ban on 19 specific firearms, and others with similar characteristics.

Importation of High Capacity Magazines

John McCain opposes bans on the importation of certain types of ammunition magazines and has voted against such limitations.

Gun Locks

John McCain believes that every firearms owner has a responsibility to learn how to safely use and store the firearm they have chosen, whether for target shooting, hunting, or personal protection. He has supported legislation requiring gun manufacturers to include gun safety devices such as trigger locks in product packaging.

Banning Ammunition

John McCain believes that banning ammunition is just another way to undermine Second Amendment rights. He voted against an amendment that would have banned many of the most commonly used hunting cartridges on the spurious grounds that they were "armor-piercing."

DC Personal Protection

As part of John McCain's defense of Second Amendment rights, he cosponsored legislation to lift a ban on the law abiding citizens of the District of Columbia from exercising their Constitutional right to bear arms.

Criminal Background Checks

John McCain supports instant criminal background checks to help prohibit criminals from buying firearms and has voted to ensure they are conducted thoroughly, efficiently, and without infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens.

Background Checks at Gun Shows

At a time when some were trying to shut down gun shows in the name of fighting crime, John McCain tried to preserve gun shows by standardizing sales procedures. Federal law requires licensed firearm sellers at gun shows to do an instant criminal background check on purchasers while private firearm sellers at gun shows do not have to conduct such a check. John McCain introduced legislation that would require an instant criminal background check for all sales at gun shows and believes that such checks must be conducted quickly to ensure that unnecessary delays do not effectively block transactions.

The Firearm Purchase Waiting Period

John McCain has opposed "waiting periods" for law abiding citizen's purchase of firearms.

The confiscation of firearms after an emergency

John McCain opposes the confiscation of firearms from private citizens, particularly during times of crisis or emergency. He voted in favor of an amendment sponsored by Senator David Vitter prohibiting such confiscation.

Stiffer Penalties for Criminals who use a Firearm in the Commission of a Crime

John McCain believes in strict, mandatory penalties for criminals who use a firearm in the commission of a crime or illegally possess a firearm. Enforcing the current laws on the books is the best way to deter crime.
Regulating gun show sales would be a futile attempt at gun control as only 2% of firearms sold at guns shows are ever used in a crime. While I agree with "common sense" gun control like background checks I fear giving in too much; as we all know anti-gun proponents try to take all they can. Give them an inch, they take a mile.
And of that 2 percent, how many involved sales of private property between private citizens without the prior permission of the FBI and state police? I'd venture a wild guess at somewhere around "nugatory."
The choice is to vote for a candidate who is opposed to private sales at gun shows, but pretty much supports the 2A otherwise...


A candidate that supports a ban on almost all private firearms ownership...

What are you guys thinking?
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Unregisterred said:

The choice is to vote for a candidate who is opposed to private sales at gun shows, but pretty much supports the 2A otherwise...


A candidate that supports almost all private firearms ownership...

What are you guys thinking?

Please enlighten me as to the other candidate who supports almost all private firearms ownership. I don't see that from the other two front runners.
Please enlighten me as to the other candidate who supports almost all private firearms ownership. I don't see that from the other two front runners.


I left out a very important word: "ban"... I will edit my previous mistake...
No problem! For a second I thought we had another Obamist infiltrating the site like the one a week ago. He tried to convince us we should all make friends with Obama and support him so he listens to us later... :barf:
What is more the majority of America really has no problem with a backgrounds check for FTF gunshow sales, most are shocked one isn't needed already.

Most are shocked because they assume that the current level of safety/civility with firearms comes from some kind of governmental regulation not from decent folks acting like...well, decent folks.

As for the majority of America being fine with anything, that's an "if your friends jump off a bridge do you do it too?" kind of argument.
Right or wrong that is what the majority tends to believe. They in turn decide the elections.

One can be right and still loose. I tend to disagree with many on the actual issue but when discussing any legislative issue we must consider the large uninformed and sound bite driven segment of society that drives most elections.

As far as simply saying they are wrong that is a bad move. I disagree on background check free FTF sales at gun shows and I am pretty darn educated on the matter. It is possible for people to disagree without one side being a moron. Simply saying to someone "you're wrong" is the best way to make them entrench their position.
He tried to convince us we should all make friends with Obama and support him so he listens to us later
Wait a minute! Didn't someone here very recently use this same logic as a reason to support McCain?