stevelyn said:
Bolton is the only ambassador we've had that wasn't willing to sign away our rights and sovereignty to the UN.
What the Democrats did to John Bolton will stick in my craw for a long time... I will not forget that the cowardly democrats denied Ambassor Bolton a full vote and forced him to resign... It is a loss for our nation I will blame democrats for and hold them responsible.
John Bolton's record is impressive and stellar: (Yale University: B.A., 1970/Yale Law School: J.D.), Department of State: Nominated as U.S. Representative to the United Nations (2005); Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs (2001-current); Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs (1989-1993), Department of Justice: Assistant Attorney General (1985-1989), U.S. Agency for International Development: Assistant Administrator for Program and Policy Coordination (1982-1983); General Counsel (1981-1982). Federalist Society: longtime activist, Republican National Committee: Former Executive Director, Committee on Resolutions.
Why did democrats torpedo Bolton? Three reasons: (1) Their partisan hatred of Bush, (2) Bolton's committment to reform U.N. waste and abuse, and (3) Bolton's outright support for Israel.
Leading the charge against Bolton was cowardly Dem Joe Biden, who boasted,
"Bolton's Nomination Is "Going Nowhere"... I hope he chokes on his own vomit of inaction... he gains no respect from any American.
A sad day for American diplomacy is when a dedicated American is denied advancement to serve this nation. That is exactly what happened to John Bolton.