Joe Biden - that would be a blessing

Joe Biden's early description of O'Bamma contained the phrase "he's clean."

He has a way with words. I'd love to see him as the VP candidate.

Mike D.
Mike D99 posted:
Joe Biden's early description of O'Bamma contained the phrase "he's clean."

I think Biden also said he likes Obama because he's "articulate".
That started a little dust up with the likes of Rev. Al (Sharpie) Sharpton. Biden also plaguerized some speech or something a number of years back.

Mike D99, are you hoping Biden is the pick because you think he's a good man or was there sarcasm in your post? I was thinking the latter, but not sure. Biden could be a blessing for McCain, as now you have another nor'easter liberal from the democratic side. We all know how well that's worked out in the past.

Michael Dukakis, Geraldine Ferraro, and John Kerry all failed to motivate enough voters to vote their ticket in. Ferraro was a VP pick under Walter Mondale and they got the snot beat out of them by Reagan in his second election. They only won Mondale's home state, Minnesota. :( That's a permanent stain on our state (land of 10,000 lakes and liberals).
Biden is far too much of an inside of the beltway type for my taste.
The trouble is that he can say things that are very on point and attractive to liberals. But then he goes back into the center right nonsense that makes the pundits happy.
His vote for the use of force in Iraq was a CYA vote not a vote of principle. What hope do democrats have running a man that might decide to toss democratic ideals under the bus in order to keep his bookings on the Sunday talk shows.

I wish Obama would pick an honest to god liberal in the Paul Wellstone mold. But it looks like Barack is more concerned with being "Mr. Gets along with republicans." That's just such a loser play.
"Mike D99, are you hoping Biden is the pick because you think he's a good man or was there sarcasm in your post?"

I would like to see the Dems pick him because he would be easy to make fun of and discredit. He "shoots from the hip" and gets himself in trouble with his mouth.

Mike D.
I predict the Congressman from Texas gets the nod from Harry Obama. I think he'll get the nod because few even know anything about him.
I seriously doubt Obama will chose Biden.

First, he comes off as a pretty nasty guy, which isn't the kind of personality that has attracted voters to Obama. Second, he's run for the Dem presidential nomination twice (1987 and 2008), and his campaign fairly quickly crashed and burned. Since he hasn't managed to generate a lot of enthusiasm from his own party, he's unlikely to do so now. Third, in 2004, he recommended to Kerry that Kerry should pick McCain as his running mate. That endorsement from Biden is not a positive factor for either Obama or Biden.

I, too, am guessing the "Congressman from Texas" will get the nod.
Bayh seems like his best choice, especially given that Bayh was supposedly Hillary's choice. Bringing on Bayh might help him with disgruntled Hillary supporters.
I'd go with the latter, rantingredneck. Those bumper stickers don't look remotely official...the font is wrong, the whole thing just doesn't look like the Obama campaign's style.

If you had told me a month ago that it would be Biden, I'd probably have laughed at you. Seems like it's getting more and more likely, despite ol' Joe's insistence to the contrary. I guess we'll see...tomorrow, maybe?
I'd go with the latter, rantingredneck. Those bumper stickers don't look remotely official...the font is wrong, the whole thing just doesn't look like the Obama campaign's style.

Yeah, but the company who supposedly is printing them is reported to be listed in FEC documents as a contractor for the Obama campaign.

This was also reported on the local CBS affiliate this evening with the reporter actually waving one of the stickers around, not just an internet image.

That being said, the 2nd linked article says the campaign went as far as having several sets of bumper stickers printed with top tier VP candidates. I'd bet the Bayh sticker is real. I'd also bet it probably means next to nothing.
Cannot think of a more dedicated anti-gunner than Biden. The choice of Biden will just about seal the fate of Obama.
Senator Byrd would have been a better choice.:D

What a choice Rush will have a field day with this one, this election just gets
more fun each day.
Interesting choice. At the Saddleback forum, Obama was asked:

“What's the most significant -- let me ask it this way: what's the most gut-wrenching decision you've ever had to make and how did you process that, come to that decision?”

Obama's answer was his opposition to the Iraq War. Now he has brought Biden onboard, who has said that Obama’s most significant decision in his life was a mistake, and thus logically his decision-making process was greatly flawed. That is an interesting position for your ticket-mate to hold. It's also a position completely contrary to Obama's most-dedicated supporters.