JFPO Alert--NRA is the Flat Earth Society


New member
Just received an alert from JFPO regarding comments by Chuck Schumer, famous Second Amendment scholar. Read and Enjoy!!
Note the date on his comments. Nothing changes with age.

ALERT: Lest We Forget

A power-hungry government hate-monger shows contempt for the
Bill of Rights and the U.S. Marine Corps:

April 5, 1995

Statement of Rep. Charles B. Schumer
Ranking Member, House Subcommittee on Crime

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Today's hearing on the Second Amendment comes the day after
the National Rifle Association conference on the same topic.

Is that a coincidence?

I think not.

In fact, at least one of the professors we will hear from today
was billed as a "discussion leader" at that NRA conference.

Is that another coincidence?

Of course not.

Newt Gingrich and the Republican leadership are working hand
in hand with the NRA and the gun lobby to use this committee
to stage yet another pep rally for guns and gun nuts.

But the intellectual content of this hearing is so far off the
edge that we ought to declare this an official meeting of the
flat earth society.

Because the pro-gun arguments we will hear today are as flaky
as the arguments of the tiny few who still insist that the
earth is flat.

Like flat earth fanatics, Second Amendment fanatics just
don't get it.

Facts are facts. The earth is not flat.

And Constitutional law is Constitutional law.

The Second Amendment is not absolute.

It does not guarantee the mythical individual right to bear
arms we will hear argued for today.

The gun lobby and its friends in Congress can line up
professors of history and law from here to NRA headquarters
and back.

They can all swear what they think the Second Amendment means,
and how many angels can dance on a pinhead.

But the settled law is flatly against them. The courts have
uniformly, consistently, and unanimously ruled against them.
There is no room to argue with the leading Supreme Court
cases -- United States v. Miller (1939), United States v.
Cruikshank (1876), and Pressler v. Illinois (1886) -- and
tens of lower federal court and state court cases following
their precedent.

You don't have to take my word for it.

I'd like to take a moment here, Mr. Chairman, to play very
brief excerpt from a television interview of a distinguished
American on this subject.

[Excerpt played from video]

For anyone who may not have known, that was former Chief
Justice Warren Burger, not exactly a raving liberal and not
a gun banner. In case you could not understand the audio
part of this video, the Chief Justice said that the NRA and
its leaders "have trained themselves and their people to
lie ... and I can't use any word less than 'lie.'"

That's not me. That's a distinguished American jurist calling
these argument lies. He has also said:

"There is no Constitutional question here. The NRA has
convinced a lot of people that the right to bear arms is an
absolute right. It is not, any more than the right to have
an automobile is an absolute right."

So there it is. If anyone tried to sell the baloney we'll
hear today, they would be arrested for consumer fraud.

The NRA's Second Amendment is an empty cereal box in the
market place of ideas.

I note also, Mr. Chairman, that the fans of an absolute
reading of the Second Amendment do not extend the same
absolute reading to the other parts of the Bill of Rights.
They are among the first to carve the edges off the right
to free speech guaranteed in the First Amendment, to shave
the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable
search and seizure, or to restrict the Sixth Amendment's
guarantees of due process.

For the NRA Flat Earth Society, the Constitution consists
of the Second Amendment and the Second Amendment only.

Now, one might say, so what? The NRA and its friends in
academia and the Congress are entitled to their opinions,
aren't they? What harm can come from peddling these phony

The answer is that plenty of harm comes from it.

The first -- and most serious -- harm is the poisoning of
our political dialogue.

The NRA and its friends -- some of whom serve in this body --
have planted a poisonous weed of political paranoia in the
minds of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

This barrage of cynical, fund-raising NRA propaganda about
the Second Amendment has convinced many people that there is
a vast plot to seize their guns and "take away their rights."

The sickening fruit of this poisonous lie are obvious in our

Right wing hate groups are arming themselves to answer a
purely imaginary plot with real gun violence.

And every day, members of this body receive in the mail the
most vicious, hate-filled mail imaginable, inspired by this
biggest of NRA lies.

This is dangerous sickness.

I charge the NRA and others who encourage this rasping
political hatred to take heed.

You are sowing seeds that will bear the bitterest of fruit.

The second harm is that decent Americans are bamboozled into
opposing even modest laws designed to keep guns away from
violent criminals, children, and the mentally dangerous.

They are stampeded even into opposing simple gun safety laws
that would protect gun owners from the kind of accidents that
every year cost the lives and limbs of hunters and recreational

Just one look at what the American people do for recreation
makes this point clear.

According to a Roper poll published last week in the New York
Times, 40 percent of Americans relax by driving for pleasure.
Another 26 percent go fishing.

Only 8 percent go hunting. And only 8 percent engage in target

What's wrong with this picture?

Well, the 40 percent who drive put up gladly with a little
inconvenience in exchange for our common safety. Their cars
are titled and registered. They get driver's licenses.

And the 26 percent who fish endure the minor inconvenience of
getting fishing licenses.

But the NRA and the gun lobby go nuts when society seeks to
impose even the slightest inconvenience by way of licensing
or registration on the minority who own and use guns.

This is madness.

A tiny minority of people fascinated with guns -- and something
they call the "gun ethic" -- is bullying a much bigger majority
on vital issues of health and safety.

Mr. Chairman, I'll listen to the flat earth arguments we'll
hear today with as much interest as I can. But I say to the
NRA and those who push the gun lobby's absolute view of the
Second Amendment:

Get over it. The earth is not flat.

And the Second Amendment is not absolute.

You are wrong.
Gotta ask...

Just how does the registering and licensing of automobiles "protect" Joe Citizen?

[sarcasm]And here I thought it was just another "tax and control" measure![/sarcasm]
did anyone else notice that all his comparisons (hunting, fishing, driving, etc.) are not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution? Funny, but how can he claim "driving" is a right, when it isn't? Nowhere does it say "A well regulated Commerce being necessary to the Financial Security of a Free State, the Right of the People to Keep and Operate a Mode of Transportation shall not be infringed."

What an idiot.
More importantly did anyone notice the cases he cited, like "Miller", which most assuredly not only can be argued relative to that semi-psychotic deviant Schumers blathering but actually support the opposite? Miller is an exellent example since the case in truth specifically stated the protection of civilian rights to own military style weapons.

Chucky can kiss my ass.
Also he does not mention that it is not owners of fishing rods, (nor owners of cars not used on the road) who are licenced/registered.

And road registration is to ensure people who use the road have paid a road tax - the cost of owning a gun (really) is zero.

And you don't have the car registration coming from people clamoring about how evil cars are and how they want to confiscate them. . . .

Schumer is a typical, I'd say archetypal, liberal, left wing social engineer whose unwavering support of Wet Willie betrayed his devotion to situational ethics and moral relativism. This historical revisionist likening the NRA to the Flat Earth Society is only matched by the extreme hubris he exudes akin to asserting that he is the center of the universe and the sun revolves around him. This man has never met a gun restriction he didn't gush over (like Feinswine, a career victim disarmament specialist). The gall of the man is palpable and extraordinarily disingenuous. Talk about lying! Goodness! On the one hand he vilifies ALL gun owners as nut cases, and on the other hand says he doesn't want to take away anyone's guns. It is ever amusing to me how left wing urban Democrats like Chuckyboy think they know all about hunting and hunters; certainly enough to arrogate unto themselves the trappings of omniscience in determining how everyone else ought to live. The man is an ass.
"I note also, Mr. Chairman, that the fans of an absolute
reading of the Second Amendment do not extend the same
absolute reading to the other parts of the Bill of Rights.
They are among the first to carve the edges off the right
to free speech guaranteed in the First Amendment, to shave
the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable
search and seizure, or to restrict the Sixth Amendment's
guarantees of due process."

This further illustrates the problem with today's political party choices. The Democrats might be slightly less in favor of measures to restrict certain kinds of speech that some might find offensive, and they might be slightly less willing to tolerate the abuses against the Fourth amendment that have occurred during the War on Drugs, but the Republicans are slightly less willing to take away our Second amendment guarantees.

What is one to do if they demand that all their rights under the Bill of Rights be recognized? Advocate Libertarianism. The two party system forces one to compromise certain liberties for others. I refuse to concede any of my human rights.
As goes the Second Amendment, so goes the Bill of Rights.

Schmuck Schumer vividly demonstrates the wisdom of that view.
Schumer can rant all he wants, but he and Burger are teh ones who can be proven to be lying. I defy anyone to find any instance where the NRA argued that the RKBA is absolute any more than the right of free speech. I know I never have. It's a straw man and not a very well-constructed one at that.
I defy anyone to find any instance where the NRA argued that the RKBA is absolute any more than the right of free speech. I know I never have. It's a straw man and not a very well-constructed one at that.

GOA has and does. That's why they get my money :).
Sh_thead Schumer and his ilk need a scapegoat in the NRA because they cannot stand up to the citizenry, the hard-working, law-abiding, freedom-living, NORMAL constintuancy who hold the 2nd Amendment (and all founding doctrines) dear.
What was presented in the cited artcle is a classic progaganda tactic. Find a people or group that appears to not have vast popular support and demonize it. Make it the reason for the evils besetting the people. With Stalin and Hitler, it was the Jews, Phol Pot it was the academics, Americans in general for about half of the little tin horn dictators commie and nazi alike around the globe. Here at home, it is the Consitutional Constructionists and Second Amendment supporters. It is obvious that those like Schumer and his followers have already been on their knees to the ideals of social control, socialism and globalism. Who do the free people that believe in the right to keep and bear arms bow to? No man. I for one, live by and would willing die for the Consitution and bend my knee only to God.

Have faith. We are starting to take back our country. We almost lost it to a coup in November. Now that GW is in the White House, we need to keep up the pressure and remind him how he got there. We have a chance, it may be the last one, to take back our country. Vote for only pro-RKBA candidates, write letters, send emails, make phone calls, keep on 'em boys! We are taking it back, it may be one house at a time but we will win with vigilance and action.
I'm just tickled...

...by his confident assertion that us herd members are docilely happy with the state of affairs in the driver's license/auto tag/fishing license arena.

Frankly the whole increasing mess of government paperwork in our lives gives me hives, and anywhere I see another camel sticking its nose in the tent, I give it as hard a boot on the schnozz as possible. ;)
I defy anyone to find any instance where the NRA argued that the RKBA is absolute any more than the right of free speech. I know I never have. It's a straw man and not a very well-constructed one at that.

GOA has and does. That's why they get my money .------------------


yes thats why they get my money also and I return all the NRA's postage paid envalopes without a stamp explaing why
I dont support them anymore.
A wonderful article in guns&ammo once asked if the standing of the second amendement depends on whose in power or
what judges are appointed can it truly be said that its a right?
"They can all swear what they think the Second Amendment means, and how many angels can dance on a pinhead. "

Actually, I'd like to know how many angels can dance on a pinhead, but since Chuckie's going down and not up, we may never know.

I know where i`d like to put that pin head of his :D
Talk about a flat earth his head is so flat it has no room for brains, unless they are leftovers from some road kill.
:barf: :barf: