JFK jr Missing

Hey at least they are not pushing gun control for a few days! Now a...how many Kennedys are there left...do any of them fly...?
Ankeny your first statement is exactly as I feel.
Jr was the only Kennedy I could tolerate and he did have very good taste in woman ( unlike the Turd hearse in the white house) Additionally, I won't want anything to happen to him and his wife (Hubba-Hubba)eventhough I know they are now crab bait. BUT the one thing that has REALLY ticked me off is the way the news media keeps calling the Kenndy's America's royalty. This has me so PISXXD off I've been in bed all day with a migraine. Royalty what a joke Joe sr was a GD crook, womanizer, power freak and lobodnamized his own offspring. I wonder how many lives this A-hole ruined or out and out terminated. Then there are his offspring. JFK left the Cuba patriots holding their dork's,Marilyn Monroe etc. Bobbi(see JFK) Teddy pleaseeeee. Then some of their offspring dope heads, sex perverts. I could go on and on. They ain't my royalty. The only thing I'd use a Kennedy for is to wipe my butt. Ah I feel better now headache is rescinding. "I've decided to live outside the law---it's better defined"

"Solidarity is the Key"
I saw on TV this morning that teddy was in charge of the search operation, just like he was for Mary Jo. No expense spared and all resources utilized...9 hours later. Once again the common people are overlooked. Who pays for this operation-when the fool flies with no flight plan and at night in a haze when he is not qualified or experienced.
TFL should help Teddy find his nephew.

So, let's use our FOUP dough by chartering Teddy in a similar aircraft which will fly along the route of JFK Jr. Time, weather conditions and pilot skill must be approximately the same along with distraction factor.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Will the naacp, kennedys, aclu and other elite sue the small aircraft industry like the do with tobacco, guns, and hot coffee? Once again it is the product's fault, not the incompetent user. NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY NEEDED! Like trigger locks and waiting periods for guns, will there be waiting periods for take-offs and cockpit locks for idiots? Will sarah brady and her drooling husband want to ban saturday night special airplanes? Will chucky schumer ban the importation of high capacity cessnas? Will boxer ban small private aircraft because they serve no legitmate purpose? Will feinstein cry "It is for the children!!!"
Let us not forget those nasty Piper Cubs and their military features like wings and landing gear. Hey how about those utterly dangerous ultralites and hang gliders. Real bad stuff! They have no sporting purpose.We will all be safer and secure and raise our self esteem.These planes could fall out of the sky and injure, maim or even kill. Where is Green Peace? There is debris and fuel leaking as we speak!!! Quick! There is some life form's habitat being destroyed with all the search planes and boats spewing deadly ozone depleting exhaust.

[This message has been edited by ursus (edited July 18, 1999).]
Al Gore announced that it was not the plane's fault as he invented small fixed wing aircraft and it is perfectly safe.
My prediction:
Jr. illegally flew the VOR Approach, thinking he could punch thru the haze. Got disoriented and augered in.

This is supported by the reported conditions and the fact that his plane was last seen on radar(?) about 8 miles out. My approach plates are about 2,200 miles way, but there's lots of pilots here, evidently. Could someone check if Gay Head (Oy!) Airport has a VOR approach that starts from the S/SE; also let me know if it's tower controlled. If the answers are "Yes" and "No", I'll take odds on my scenario.

Clearly, tighter controls are in order...after all, "If we could save just one...."...vomit, retch, gag...I can't finish the statement. My head hurts.
No offense to the Kennedy family (not like the guy had a choice to be born into that circus) but the thing that bothers me is if it was MY hsuband and maybe me... would they still be looking? Would somebody give the OK to spend all y'alls tax dollars on a poor unknown soldier and his no-profile family?

In any other circumstances a few hours of searching before calling it quits and wiping their hands would be all a common citizen would get. I don't know what upsets me more... what they are doing for him, or what they wouldn't do for us. And... why should the public foot the bill for folks who have so much to flaunt? Just MHO.

Geri Weaver

BlackHawk Authorized Dealer (BAD) - "Better than catalog" prices & free shipping http://www.geardup.com/gearedup.htm
As a commercial pilot with lots of crop dusting and bush pilot experience I agree with the remarks about inexperienced pilots.
I see it frequently;some guy with money and attitude but no commonsense kills hinmself and passengers.Then it is played up as a tradgedy and the attitudeman is a hero.Money doesen't buy brains.
When I was working for the National Weather Service, before the powers that be eliminated pilot briefing from our workload and gave it to the FAA, many, many times I urged pilots not to go because of bad weather. They went anyway. What did I know.
I was at an uncontrolled airport, 200 obscured and snow. You pilots know what I'm saying. Pilot so drunk he could hardly stand. He wanted to fly from Winnemucca, NV to Reno, NV. Reno had W0X1/8S. For the non pilots, these are conditions bad enough that the birds walk. He went anyway, literally never to be seen again. About 6 years later, a troop of boy scouts came upon the wreck. He not only got as far as Reno, but crashed on Mt Rose, just a few yards from the highway. You have no idea how hard I tried to talk him out of taking off. I guess the only thing he did right was file a flight plan. Then we had "clear and 40". He would not fly at all if there was even one cloud in the sky. I was never afraid to fly with him. He was careful.
Paul B.
Geared Up,
You've been reading my mail. I see the same deep undermining problem. A human life is A HUMAN LIFE. It's pure hipocracy to place a higher value on one HUMAN LIFE than another.
We were ALL made "in the likeness and immage of GOD" We have less than $100 worth of body. What we ALL have of real value is a priceless SOUL. To lose THAT would be something to realy mourn.
I see multi millions of our tax dollars spent in search of $300 worth of crab bait.Yet there are probably hundreds of elderly, forgoten people dieing daily in nursing homes or worse, on the streets and under bridges, that NOBODY EVEN KNOWS ABOUT.
Are we missing something here?
My son is a police officer. He works a dangerous, highly stressful job. Yet I still get upset when I see 400 police cars at a funeral service for a downed officer at my tax expense. So he was a police officer, politition, fireman. Window washers work in just as dangerous and stresful jobs. Does our tax rate go up if HE gets hung by his scafoling???
Guess I'm just fed up with this "big I, little U" mentality.

Ralph in In.
Greybeard and others you must remember the Golden Rule---Those with the gold rule. Remember this the next paycheck you get and look and your CONTRIBUTIONS to the government. "I've decided to live outside the law-- it's better defined"

"Solidarity is the Key"
Yup, it was a Piper Saratoga. Way too much plane for someone with as little experience as JFKjr. Retractable, CS prop, all the instruments you could want. Now, if he had only looked at a couple of them, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Agreed, completely. After 5000 hours of way-small, way-big, and everything in between, night day and all, I say he just got in over his head, lost visual contact with the ground, and didn't know how to handle it.
My hopes and prayers go out to the friends and family of the Kennedy's.

NO ONE should have to go thru what that family has been thru far too many times in recent history.
Compassion is a good thing, but let's get real here...

Pick at random any person in the world and guess what? We've all had immediate and extended family members die during the last 40 years. All wasted life is tragic.

Where does the collective angst for JFK Jr. measure along the scale when MOST of us here have relatives - living or dead - who risked their lives or ARE risking their lives in service of their country?

Where is National the angst for the dead soldier's bodies coming back from Kosovo?
Yea,how could he not tell from the instruments his attitude?? Isnt that in learning to fly 101?? Even I can read cockpit instruments! Even I know ya can't trust what ya feel or sense but ya gotta go by the instruments! And I've never flown once! And if he was'nt rated for instruments,what in hell business was he doing flying at night in bad weather? Did he have a death wish?? That familys cursed and I'm not sure it does'nt have something to do with common sense........lack of........